Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 334 Unexpected

Half an hour later.

Zhang Yun came to the door of the dim room, looked at the empty room, and glanced at the middle-aged man in his hand.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man quickly said: "Escape! They must have known that I was caught and have already escaped!!"

"I know!"

Zhang Yun entered the room and directly brought out Liuzi, who had been left to eat ashes in the Xianbao Pavilion for a long time and whose maintenance time was about to expire, "Sniff, sniff!"

Liuzi nodded and unfolded his natural scent.

Here, other people will be greatly suppressed. On the contrary, the Five Sons and Sixth Sons who were summoned at the beginning are of some use. These two are only members of the Ultimate City who are at the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

Because they belong to the ancient spiritual lineage of Ultimate City, all the ancient spiritual bodies they cultivate are body cultivation.

And these six sons have a talent called spirit sniffing, which can capture various residual breaths and track them through the breath.

"Master, I smell it!"

Within a few seconds, Liuzi spoke.

"Can it be tracked?"


"lead the way!"

Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand.

Liuzi immediately left the room and headed in one direction.

Zhang Yun picked up the middle-aged man and followed him.

The middle-aged man was surprised when he saw this.

He actually has such a skill?

Zhang Yun glanced at the middle-aged man and asked him while following him: "Which force do the two people you mentioned before belong to?"

After catching the middle-aged man and asking him for the location of the person who kidnapped the sect leader, he hurried over without even having time to inquire about other information.


The middle-aged man was a little hesitant, but looking at Zhang Yun's indifferent eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "Light Alliance! They and I are both members of the Light Alliance!!"

"Light Alliance?"

Zhang Yun looked at the middle-aged man in surprise, "Are you from the Alliance of Light?"


The middle-aged man glanced at Zhang Yun with some bitterness and said, "I am a spy who was placed in the Demon Realm Square by the Alliance many years ago to collect information!"

Zhang Yun frowned: "You didn't lie to me?"

The middle-aged man immediately raised a hand: "I can swear an oath, if what I say is false, my future cultivation will never improve!"

Zhang Yun was silent.

He had guessed many possibilities, but he never expected that the one who kidnapped the sect leader would be the Alliance of Light!

The Alliance of Light is responsible for this kidnapping?

Zhang Yun looked at the middle-aged man coldly, "Is your Alliance of Light so bright?"

"This matter is beyond my control. I can only obey the deacon's orders!"

The middle-aged man spoke helplessly.


Zhang Yun was startled, "You said those two people are deacons?"

"Yes! There is one inside who must be a deacon!"

"Where's the name?"

"I don't know this. There are many deacons in the alliance, and they are replaced every once in a while. I only know a small part of the deacons. But those two showed me the deacon tokens."

The middle-aged man said: "The token of our alliance cannot be forged. If the owner of the token dies, the token will be dispersed. They have tokens, and one of them is definitely the deacon of the alliance!"

Zhang Yun thought for a moment, thought of something and asked, "Then what do you want with this evil shadow branch?"

"According to the deacon's intention, he plans to take it back to the headquarters after getting it..."

The middle-aged man replied: "This kind of demon treasure can be studied to deal with the demons, so it must be obtained!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

From this point of view, the Alliance of Light might have known about the problem of the evil shadow branch, so they sent the deacon.

But he still felt a little weird.

If the other party is from the Alliance of Light, why do they know him so well and kidnap the sect leader to force him?

Zhang Yun couldn't figure it out at all.

But he quickly shook his head and looked forward.

After catching these two people, it will become clear!


At this time, there was a soft sound in the ear.

Zhang Yun was startled and opened the sound transmission jade tablet, and Su Die's beautiful face stained with sweat and a little anxious suddenly appeared in front of him: "Zhang Yun, we have arrived at the entrance of the Magic Sand Land, where are you? "


Zhang Yun opened his mouth.

Before he could answer, Su Die saw through the sound transmission jade tablet that there was no magic sand flying in his environment, and frowned: "You are not in the land of magic sand?"

"I've already gone in and out!"

Zhang Yun nodded and briefly explained the previous situation.

After hearing this, Su Die's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief: " killed the people from the Cai organization? And you got the evil shadow branch?"


Zhang Yun nodded and said: "In addition, I have found some clues now and am tracking the person who kidnapped the sect leader!"

Su Die's mouth twitched when she heard this.

She found that she seemed a bit redundant. He just arrived, and Zhang Yun has already almost solved the problem!

Zhang Yun said: "Beauty Su, I owe you a favor this time!"

"I owe you a hammer, I haven't done anything!"

Su Die heard this and hummed: "I'm going back!!"


Zhang Yun quickly said: "Beauty Su, I really need to trouble you with something!"


Su Die was startled.

"It just so happened that you brought people here. Now leave the Demon Realm Square and go to each entrance of the original Demon City's Demon Realm Square. Keep an eye on the Lord of Gumo City, the Deputy Master of the Killing Temple, Kuang Long and others!"

Zhang Yun said: "If you find them entering the Demon Realm Square, send someone in to notify me!"

Su Die was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but soon realized something and stared at Zhang Yun's handsome face in the picture: "Damn it, your face was exposed the whole time!?"

Zhang Yun shrugged: "I want to bring them in and solve it together!"


Seeing his smile, Su Die couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

Why didn't she realize that Zhang Yun was so crazy before?

Still couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Zhang Yun, don't act recklessly, the Lord of Gumo City and the others are not that easy to deal with!"

"Don't worry, beautiful Su!"

Zhang Yun smiled confidently: "I really can't defeat them in the outside world, but when they enter the Demon Realm Square, they will all be trapped here!"

Seeing his appearance, Su Die fell silent for a moment.

"I see!"

After a while, he exhaled and said, "I'll go out and keep an eye on it for you!"

"Thank you!"

Zhang Yun said gratefully and hung up the jade sign.

He raised his head and squinted his eyes outside the Demon Realm Square: "I don't know if you dare to come in!"

Ancient Mo City is not too far away from the original Demon City, so Gu Mo City may not have no spies here. He hadn't worn a mask since he entered the original Demon City, just to attract the Lord of Gu Mo City, Kuang Long and others.

He came up with this idea after hearing about the situation in Demon Realm Square.

The Demon Realm Square may be able to suppress all kinds of energy, but as the power of an immortal, he is sure that it cannot be suppressed here.

The truth was just as he thought.

As long as he has the power of Withered Immortal, he is sure to overthrow all the people in the Void Refining Stage in this place where they are all suppressed at the peak of the Qi Refining Stage.

After entering, his physical strength was not suppressed, which made him more confident.

There is no direct connection between the Demon Realm Square and the outside world. Those inside the Demonic Sand Land are addicted to the Demonic Rain. The strength he showed in it will not be spread outside the Demon Realm Square for a while.

However, the fact that he appeared in the original Demon City and entered the Demon Realm Square would most likely be discovered as long as Gumo City has an informant in the Original Demon City.

Perhaps the Lord of Gumo City and others have arrived at the original Demon City, or even entered the Demon Realm Square.

If possible, he plans to kill the Lord of Gumo City and others here!

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