Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 357 Breakthrough into the God Transformation Stage

Puff puff! !

The three of them vomited blood and flew out. They fell heavily to the ground nearby and were unable to get up for a while.


Gu Tuo ignored them and waved his big hand, piercing the barrier with countless blood-colored energy lines. At this moment, they all shot toward Zhang Yun, who was still sitting cross-legged on the futon.

At this time, a small figure stood in front of Zhang Yun.

It’s Wu Haihai!

"You little bastard's little bastard apprentice, you die too!!"

Gutuo couldn't help but feel angry when he saw him.

Without Zhang Yun as a child apprentice, Zhang Yun should have been dealt with long ago without wasting a drop of his true dragon essence and blood.

Right now, he wants the master and disciple to die together!

Although this child is a bit weird, the killing blow he just blocked was obviously weak. This can be seen from the obviously dim glow of rays of magic around them.

Everyone around was watching closely at this moment.

They were all curious about this child, but the one who was more curious was Zhang Yun.

Five wild dragons, five desert demon queens and ten white beauties...

Being able to summon so many methods of refining the Void Stage, it is impossible not to be tempted.

In addition, Zhang Yun's current cultivation technique that absorbs the spiritual energy from all directions to form a beam and hit the shackle door also makes their hearts move.

He hasn't made a move, he's just waiting.

Wait for Zhang Yun and this child to show off all their methods.

At this moment, they are all looking forward to whether this child can have another outburst. It would be best if he and Gu Tuo fight to the death.

This is their chance!

As for offending Gumo City, they don't care.

Even if Gu Tuo was seriously injured, they wouldn't mind killing him with a last-ditch kill. After all, the Lord of Gumo City must have a lot of good things, and the true dragon essence and blood just now is the best illustration.

They might be hunted down later, but they didn't care.

The worst case scenario is getting the treasure and hiding it.

Eight out of ten people who can come to the Turbulent Realm have offended some powerful forces, and many people even come to the Turbulent Realm just to avoid the pursuit of these powerful forces.

They are desperadoes, and as long as there is a big enough temptation, they are not afraid of offending anyone!


Faced with the impact of countless bloody energy lines, Wu Haihai's face was filled with anger, and his body was filled with a layer of glow.


But before he could release it, a hand suddenly placed on his round little head, and a smile came: "Leave it to my master!"

Everyone present was startled.

He saw an energy that was like substantial sea water sweeping out, directly blocking countless blood-colored energy lines.

Everyone looked up in unison.

I saw a horizontal crack appearing in the portal in the sky at some unknown moment.

The light bathed Zhang Yun who stood up slowly at this moment. The white robe Shengxue looked particularly holy under the light.

Ah Catalpa!

But soon, an untimely sneeze broke this holy temperament.

Zhang Yun touched his nose helplessly, feeling the lingering fragrance of flowers on the tip of his nose, and glanced at the Shackles Gate, where the light in the sky gradually dissipated and disappeared among the clouds...

has a problem!

There is definitely a problem! !

He felt confident.

Every time he breaks open the shackles door and receives the energy brought down, he will always inhale pollen. The most important thing is that the pollen completely penetrated his body's defense and unreasonably stuffed into his nasal cavity.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it’s man-made!

Could it be that there is someone above the shackles door deep in the sky?

Some doubts crossed my mind.

But quickly shook his head.

Whether there is or not, this is not something he has access to right now.

It’s better to solve the problem now and think about it later!


When Wu Haihai saw him getting up, his eyes lit up and he rushed towards him.

Zhang Yun held him in his arms and touched his little head, "Haihai, thanks to you just now, otherwise my teacher might have disappeared!"


Wu Haihai cried out and nuzzled into his arms, but the mediocre touch made him look a little aggrieved immediately after the nuzzling.

At the same time, the eyes rolled and looked straight at Su Die's chest, who was lying on the ground beside him and could not get up.


Zhang Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, patted this unruly little man on the head, and said to Su Die and the others: "Sect Master, Su Damei, Hongda, you guys come in first!"

The three nodded.

Whoosh! !

Zhang Yun was about to take them into the Immortal Treasure Pavilion when a row of energy lines shot out like sharp arrows.

Puff puff! !

But a layer of seawater with witchcraft power surged up, blocking all these energy lines.

Zhang Yun raised his head and glanced at Gu Tuo: "Don't worry, I'll take care of you right away!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and took Su Die and Wu Haihai into the Xianbao Pavilion.

"Little beast, do you really think that you can break through the divine stage and be rampant in front of the old man?"

When Gu Tuo heard this, he shouted angrily, and countless energy lines emerged from all over his body, sweeping towards Zhang Yun crazily.

Zhang Yun waved his hand, and a large amount of magical seawater gathered, forming a huge sea wall in front of him, blocking all these energy lines.

At the same time, spiritual energy lingered in his eyes, and the Immortal Eye Technique was operating——


Realm: Peak of the Void Refining Stage

Field: Antenna field - can integrate countless energy lines into the void within an area, and manipulate the lines to attack and restrain when necessary.

Field flaws: In this field, lines need to be laid out in advance to completely cover an area and show the strongest power. Temporarily released, the resulting lines are difficult to hide.

Physique: Line energy body - the body contains a large amount of tempered linear energy. With just a slight touch, a large amount of linear energy can be released in different ways through spiritual energy.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: True Record of Dark Blood, Line Flow Holy Technique, Hundred Lines Raging Waves...

Weaknesses: Current condition is not good, burning too much blood and essence, unable to maintain all linear energy. The back of the right shoulder is where the cyclone gate of linear energy is located. Attacking it can severely damage it.

"Finally we can see the Void Refining Stage..."

The corners of Zhang Yun's mouth curved slightly.

"Hundred lines of wild waves!"

Seeing that the attack failed, Gu Tuo exploded completely. Countless energy lines shot out from the body of the stooped body and smashed against the sea wall crazily.

"Holy witch power - the sea current whirlpool is destroyed!"

Zhang Yun looked calm and raised his palms. A wave of water spiraled on the sea wall in front of him, forming a huge whirlpool.

These energy lines shot by Gu Tuo all disappeared into the vortex.


As Zhang Yun held his hand, as if he was full, the spiral sea current vortex closed directly, annihilating all the energy lines submerged in it.

"How can it be?"

Gutuo couldn't believe it.

In fact, he was already a little incredible just now.

Zhang Yun's energy lines were completely unsuppressed by the seawater condensed with witchcraft, and even faintly suppressed his energy lines.

This was incredible in his eyes.

After all, he was in the Void Refining Stage, and Zhang Yuncai was just in the God Transformation stage.

In terms of energy level, he should be able to crush the opponent.

how come……

"Nothing is impossible in this world!"

A faint voice suddenly sounded close to his ear, causing Gu Tuo's pupils to shrink suddenly.


I wanted to move, but it was too late.

Zhang Yun's palm pressed on the back of his right shoulder.

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