Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 365 Mutated Spirit Bear King, Energy Storage Room

"The strength is almost doubled..."

Zhang Yun practiced the tiger claws in the air again, and he could estimate the increase in strength the tiger claws had on him.

Although the striped spirit tiger is only in the stage of becoming a god, it is his physical body that changes through sharing, and the strength of the tiger's claws is also linked to his physical body. After transforming into a beast, the natural physical advantages of spiritual beasts over humans gave him an intuitive increase in power.

I continued to try some spiritual changes.

With this talent, as long as he transfers the shared energy to any part, that part can become a spiritual tiger.

Claws, tail, wings...

Seeing Zhang Yun's changes, Wu Xiaopang and Striped Spirit Tiger were stunned.

How did Zhang Yun achieve this transformation?

Especially the striped spirit tiger, Zhang Yun's changed parts look exactly like it.

In addition, it can feel that every time Zhang Yun changes his body, there will be an indescribable strange feeling in his body.

This made him think of the price Zhang Yun said for receiving the blessing before.

I couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

"Don't worry, I just gained the ability to change. I will mobilize your energy when needed!"

Through sharing, Zhang Yun could feel the emotions of the striped spirit tiger and said with relief: "Under normal circumstances, you will not be affected in any way!"

The striped spirit tiger nodded when he heard this.

Although he said that, he knew that he would be unable to do without Zhang Yun in the future.


At this time, the high-pitched cry of a bear cub suddenly came from the side.

I saw that the body of the bear cub, which was originally the size of a palm, began to grow visibly to the naked eye at this moment, and its aura gradually increased.


At the same time, the cry gradually changed from a milky whimper to a roar full of momentum.

Buzz! !

Just after growing up, the bear cub felt a special bloodline aura. Under this aura, its body surface glowed with a layer of luster, and its originally brown fur turned silver, quickly turning into silver and brown.

The body also grew rapidly, until it grew to nearly five meters.


Accompanied by a loud roar, a golden elixir stage aura containing special royal power burst out.

Zhang Yun's Immortal Eye Revealing Technique——

【Mutated Spirit Bear King】

Realm: Golden elixir stage

Status: During the growth process, the blood mutates, the hidden Bear King bloodline is stimulated, and the Bear King bloodline awakens!

Bloodline: The bloodline of the Mutated Bear King, the King of Ten Thousand Bears, the upper limit of the bloodline can reach the integration stage.

Talent: King of Ten Thousand Bears - Contains the blood of the Bear King and has the ability to command all kinds of spirit bears.

"Bloodline of the Bear King?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

When he used the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye to see the bear cub, he didn't see anything about the bear king's bloodline being hidden in it.

Could it be that the level of the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye before was too low and he couldn't see clearly?

Zhang Yun thought.

I almost missed the first bear king!

He exhaled and looked at the Spirit Bear King in front of him and couldn't help but click his tongue.

The potential of this bear cub is much stronger than that of the striped spirit tiger.

This made him think about Xu Ming's side, did he also have such potential?

"Little...little bear?"

Wu Xiaopang was stunned when he saw the Spirit Bear King in front of him, who had silver and brown fur and was several times wider than him.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to imagine that the huge bear king in front of him was actually his little bear!


At this time, a slightly childish boy's voice sounded.

Wu Xiaopang's eyes suddenly widened: "Little Bear, can you speak?"

" seems okay...Master!!"

The Spirit Bear King opened his mouth and said, and came to Wu Xiaopang's side with some excitement, and licked his round face with his big tongue.

"Oh, you drool a lot!"

Fatty Wu was licked with bear saliva and couldn't help but avoid it.


The Spirit Bear King was very happy when he saw this, and chased him and licked him reluctantly.

"Little Bear, shut up!"

"Oh, little bear, you licked all my clothes wet!"

"Little Bear, I'm going to be angry if you keep doing this!"

This made Fatty Wu scream repeatedly.

Seeing one person and one bear looking very happy, Zhang Yun smiled, and suddenly felt a longing gaze next to him.

He glanced at the striped spirit tiger lying on the side like a kitten, wagging its tail and looking fawning.

Rolled his eyes.

"You just received a blessing not long ago, you won't be able to receive another blessing so soon!"

The striped spirit tiger was not disappointed when he heard this. On the contrary, his eyes lit up: "Sir, do you mean that I can still receive blessings in the future?"

"Practice hard and you will have opportunities in the future!"

Zhang Yun spoke.


The striped spirit tiger nodded quickly.

Zhang Yun didn't say much.

He is not sure whether there will be one in the future, but since the striped spirit tiger has become his exclusive spirit beast, if he can still bless it in the future, then he will definitely not be stingy.

"Little Fatty!"

Zhang Yun waved to Wu Xiaopang.


Wu Xiaopang immediately came closer, with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhang Yun took out a Tianxue Talisman: "This Talisman contains an ancient secret method. You can quickly master it by using it. I am here to pass it on to you!"

"Ancient secret method?"

Wu Xiaopang looked shocked and hesitated: "Master, this is too precious. I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Yun threw the talisman on his lapel: "Keep it if I give it to you. Don't worry, your senior brother Xu Ming and junior sister Shui'er will also have it!"

After hearing this, Wu Xiaopang picked up the talisman.

"You and Little Bear can practice in the animal farm. If you need a training partner, just call Little Spirit Tiger!"

Zhang Yundao: "Master, I still have some things to deal with, let's go first!"

"Okay, Master!"

Wu Xiaopang nodded.

Zhang Yun left the animal farm.

Come to the center of the Immortal Master World.


Looking at the many light groups floating in the virtual space, he took a deep breath.

He was worried about escaping earlier, but he hadn't had time to touch the extra two opportunities to grab the light group after upgrading!

"It's you!"

With some expectation, he touched the nearest light group.

‘Acquire energy storage chambers. ’

The light group dispersed and the words of light emerged.


The next second, the ground ahead shook, and a spherical crystal building rose from the ground.

"Energy storage?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows when he saw this and walked over.

This crystal ball-shaped building has no doors, but with a slight touch of the body, the whole person is directly plunged into it.

It was completely empty inside.

At this time, the back of my hand felt warm——

"Acquired first-level access to the energy storage room. The current capacity of the storage room is the total energy of one hundred integration periods. The host can put all the energy obtained by the body, including various special energies, into the energy storage room for storage. It can be retrieved at any time when needed. use!"

"Storage? The total energy of one hundred integration periods? Access it at any time?"

Seeing this information, Zhang Yun's eyes lit up.

What a good thing!

This is equivalent to an energy bank.

Previously, Wu Haihai's return of Wuli almost exploded him, but with this storage room, if he encounters a similar situation, he can directly store Wuli in it.

Most importantly, it's always available.

This means that if he goes through a battle and runs out of energy in his body, he can always use the energy here to replenish it.

The total energy of one hundred integration periods, if the energy is fully stored, is equal to unlimited direct energy.

In this future battle, can’t I use my ultimate move infinitely?

"Your disciple Yu Wei successfully broke through from the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage to the Divine Transformation Stage, and received a thousand-fold return on her cultivation!"

"I took a day off yesterday and was a bit lazy. Now I get up early in the morning to code. There are more chapters later, but the later chapters may not come out until the morning because they won't be reviewed at two in the morning. In addition, I will find a way to update more this month of."

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