Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 367 The Wise Gourd

"I just picked the closest one, now I'll pick the farthest one!"

Zhang Yun thought for a while, fixed his eyes on the farthest light group, and quickly stepped forward.

"Get the Heavenly Absorbing Transformation Gourd!"

The light group dispersed at the first touch, the word "Light" appeared, and a colorful gourd floated out.


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

[Tiansu Transformation Gourd]

Introduction: Can absorb various energy things.

Ability: Designated transformation - various energy things can be sucked into the gourd, and then any energy can be designated for transformation. All energy things in the gourd will be turned into energy and transformed into the corresponding designated energy.

Note: You need to drop blood to designate the host. Once the host is identified, it cannot be changed. The master dies and the gourd is shattered!

"Designated energy conversion?"

Zhang Yun's eyes lit up.

Doesn't this mean that dead immortal power can also be transformed?

Immediately cut his finger and drop a drop of blood on the gourd.


With a burst of light.

"The recognition of the master is completed!"

A piece of information appeared in Zhang Yun's mind, and he could clearly feel a connection with the gourd.

It was as if the gourd had become a part of his body.

"For things that contain energy, spiritual stones should be enough, right?"

Zhang Yun thought for a while and took out one hundred thousand spiritual stones.


Pick up the gourd and aim it at the spirit stone.


An astonishing suction force suddenly poured out from the gourd, and one hundred thousand spiritual stones were sucked into it in an instant.

"Designated, dead immortal power!"

Zhang Yun had a thought in his mind.

"Designation completed! Countdown to this transformation: ten days."

"Ten days?"

Zhang Yun frowned.

"The more energy things you put in at one time, the shorter it takes for this gourd to convert energy, and you can get more designated energy!"

A prompt came from Hulu.

"Oh, you didn't tell me earlier!"

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

"You didn't even ask!"

Another reminder came from the gourd.

Zhang Yun glared: "Are you intelligent?"



Zhang Yun suddenly stared at the gourd with curiosity.

The gourd is motionless!

"Let's communicate if we have wisdom..."

Zhang Yun smiled: "If you don't speak, you will become autistic."

The gourd still didn't respond.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun searched for the trophies he had harvested before, and quickly locked on something, curling his lips: "Forget it, the days are long. There is no good container to take you in, so just use this first!"

He said holding his nose and taking out the thing.

It was a long, wide white and black sock. It should have been a white sock, but it had been dyed black. It was stained with all kinds of oil and dirt, and filled with smells that all kinds of flies loved.

He didn't know who he had killed before, but he found several socks like this in a storage ring.

He immediately picked up the gourd and stuffed it inside.


Seeing that he was about to make contact, the gourd couldn't help it anymore and screamed: "Get this stinky thing away from me immediately, otherwise your energy will not be transformed!!"

"That's right, communicate more!"

Zhang Yun smiled when he saw it, and asked: "What species are you?"

"This gourd is just this gourd, not a species!"

Hulu immediately corrected it.

Zhang Yun asked: "Okay, then besides transforming energy, what else do you do?"

"That's all for now."


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Calabash curled his lips: "As the host of this Calabash, you are too weak now, and you are still unable to activate all the abilities of this Calabash!"

Yes, I was disliked!

Zhang Yun shrugged and asked: "What strength do you need to activate all your abilities?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

Calabash said calmly: "Anyway, when you are strong enough, my abilities will naturally gradually awaken!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

"I'm going to rest and help you transform energy. Go to sleep!"


Zhang Yun wanted to say something else, but Hulu lay down directly.


Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Yun put it away without forcing him to wake him up.

With spiritual wisdom, this gourd is not simple.

Not to mention what other abilities are, just specifying energy conversion, if it can really convert into dead immortal power, then the value of this gourd will be great enough!

Watching the many light groups disappear in the virtual space, Zhang Yun took a deep breath and looked at the various buildings in the big world.

His permissions had been upgraded, but he hadn't had time to check the changes in these buildings.

Immediately enter the talent planting field.

As soon as you enter, you can see an intuitive change. The field that was originally only one acre has expanded three times.

‘Obtained third-level authority for talent planting fields. The planting fields have been expanded; the current planting quantity is linked to the number of host apprentices; existing talents can now be upgraded for planting! ’

Looking at the information brought by the Immortal Master's warrant, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The number that can be planted at the same time has changed from the previous two to six, which is his current number of disciples.

Without hesitation, he directly took out a bunch of resources worth no less than the talents he had given to Wu Haihai before, and planted talents for Yuwei and Zhou Kan respectively.

"The time really depends on how much you put down!"

Looking at the two six-year countdowns, Zhang Yun shook his head slightly.

"Upgrade talent?"

At the same time, he looked at the two vacant planting opportunities, touched his chin, and immediately took out two more resources.

Upgrade and plant the two major talents you have already obtained, Summoning Platform and Exciting War Blood.

He didn't know how this talent would be upgraded through planting, but since the greater the investment in this field, the greater the return, a lot of resources were also put aside.

"The talent summoning platform upgrade planting begins, countdown: 1094 days 23:59:59."

"The exciting war blood upgrade planting begins, countdown: 1094 days 23:59:59."

"Three years?"

Looking at the countdown that appeared, Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

It takes so long to level up, this kind of farming is so slow!

Shaked his head.

Leaving the planting field, we came to the Ten Thousand Realms Kung Fu Pavilion.

‘Acquired fifth-level authority and the right to match exercises for disciples three times. ’

The Immortal Warrant brings information as soon as it enters.


Zhang Yun didn't hesitate and directly matched Zhou Kan's skills.

Of his six disciples, Zhou Kan currently has no exclusive technique.

Match completed!

""Medicine God Technique" - Stepless Kung Fu Technique"

'To practice this method, you need to have an innate elixir spirit body, the aura turns into elixir energy, and the elixir energy is condensed into the main cultivation energy...'

Zhang Yun knew that the familiar stepless technique was suitable for Zhou Kan without even looking at it.

Write it down and put it away.

Zhang Yun immediately looked at the stairs of the Ten Thousand Realms Kung Fu Pavilion.

With level five permission, he has been given the opportunity to climb to the second floor!

Walking up the stairs with a little excitement.

Soon, I saw the door to the second floor and walked in.

There were no rows of cabinets filled with exercises as expected. Instead, there were ten empty crystal tables in a row.

Zhang Yun looked puzzled and walked forward to a crystal platform.

As soon as he got close, a ray of light fell on him.

Zhang Yun only felt several kinds of energy boiling in his body, and the last trace of dead immortal power spread out from his body.


The next second, I saw light blooming in the void on the crystal platform.

A gray-gold scroll emerged.

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