Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 369 The Beast King’s Blood Pool

However, he was a little unsure about the girl's identity.

I originally suspected that the other party might be the daughter of the Demon Sealing Sect, but after thinking about it carefully, it was unlikely.

After all, if the daughter of the Demon Sealing Sect is the daughter of the Demon Sealing Sect, the other party must have practiced the Demon Sealing Sect’s signature Demon Sealing Holy Technique. The girl's cultivation method is just a demonic energy technique.

It's so shabby, it doesn't look like it comes from a demon cultivator...


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yun shook his head and didn't think much more. Anyway, let's try it later...

He immediately looked through the remaining heaven-level techniques.

This level of technique must be used in every volume.

After reading it once, he had a direction for these exercises in his mind.

After putting away the scroll and leaving the Ten Thousand Realms Kung Fu Pavilion, Zhang Yun came to the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Pond without stopping.

Not to mention, every time he upgraded and entered the buildings in the Immortal Master World, he felt a sense of anticipation.

‘Acquire access to the second-level beast blood pool and open the advanced blood essence pool! ’

As soon as he entered the bamboo forest where the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Pool was located, he smelled a strong scent of blood.

I saw a new pool of beast blood appearing deep in the bamboo forest, not far from the original pool of beast blood——

‘The advanced essence and blood pool, on the left is the soul beast king’s blood pool, which contains ten kinds of essence and blood of the soul beast king above the god transformation stage. On the right is the Beast King's blood pool, which contains thirty kinds of essence and blood of the Beast King who are above the stage of becoming a god. ’

It is also divided into left and right sides.

Seeing the words "Beast King Essence and Blood", Zhang Yun couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The difference between the blood of a beast king and that of ordinary spiritual beasts is quite big.

Zhang Yun did not hesitate and immediately brought all his disciples in.


Wu Xiaopang and the others looked at the blood pool in front of them, then looked at the other pool of blood next to them and were slightly startled.


Wu Haihai ignored the blood pool and rushed towards him.

Zhang Yun caught it with a smile.

However, after Wu Haihai nuzzled into his arms, his little face immediately showed a look of grievance, and his little eyes looked straight at the chests of Yu Shui'er and Yu Wei.

Yu Shui'er's pretty face turned red when she saw this.

Yuwei was startled.

"S...Sister Hug..."

Wu Haihai immediately locked on Yuwei and stretched out his little hand.

Zhang Yun slapped his little head directly and said: "You little pervert, don't just think about letting your senior sisters hug you all day long. I brought you in, not for you to hug me. Go down and absorb it." Lift your soul!"

With that said, he threw Wu Haihai directly into the blood pool of the Soul Beast King on the left.


Wu Haihai fell into the blood pool, and immediately looked like he was drowning in blood, and struggled on the surface of the pool.

The faces of Wu Xiaopang and the four others on the side changed; "Master..."


Zhang Yun waved his hands to them, looked at the struggling Wu Haihai with calm eyes and said: "If you keep pretending to me, don't even think about letting anyone hug you again!"


Upon hearing this, Wu Haihai, who was still struggling, immediately stopped and exposed his little head in the blood pool with a look of grievance on his face.

Wu, Xiaopang and the other four were surprised.

Zhang Yun was not surprised at all.

Is it okay to float on the Wuli Sea for more than half a year? Can I drown in a pool of blood?

【Wu Haihai】

Qualifications: Immortal level, body of wizard and immortal, immortal soul

Status: The soul is restored by 1%. Continuous recovery can improve the strength.

Realm: Small success in the transformation stage

The realm of witchcraft power: the eighth level (the realm of the witch saint)

Types of witchcraft power: Pseudo witchcraft power - formed by practicing the witchcraft technique, with the ability to suppress various energies.

Kung Fu practiced: Wu Shen Jue

Cultivation suggestions: Feed it elixirs that can enhance its soul, and soak it in the blood pool of the Soul Beast King to restore its soul.

Zhang Yun glanced at Wu Haihai's message and said in a soft tone: "Let me absorb it and improve my soul power. If you perform well, I will find some big-breasted beauties to hug you in the future!"

Wu Haihai's little eyes lit up and he immediately glanced at the chests of Yu Shui'er and Yu Wei.

Yu Shui'er's pretty face turned red.

Yuwei also reacted.

Big breasts...

It turns out that Senior Brother Xiaosi is so good at this, no wonder the master calls him Little Pervert!

But looking at Wu Haihai's cute appearance, Yuwei really wanted to hug her. After all, how could such a young Fourth Senior Brother have any bad intentions?

"Xiao Pang, Shui'er, Yuwei, you get out of the pool on the right!"

Zhang Yun said: "This is a new blood pool prepared for the master. It contains various beast king blood essences. It just so happens that your physical strength has not been able to keep up. Try to increase your physical strength here!"

"Beast King Essence and Blood?"

Wu Xiaopang and the other four's eyes lit up, they nodded to him and jumped into the blood pool one after another.

"Xiaokan, wait!"

Zhou Kan also wanted to jump, but Zhang Yun stopped him.

He said directly: "You should also know that your senior brothers and sisters all have a special technique!"

Zhou Kan nodded and pursed his lips.

He had already known this through conversations with Wu Xiaopang and others. Knowing that he was the only one who didn't, he actually felt a little strange.

He was not stupid either. When he heard Zhang Yun mentioned it, his eyes brightened slightly as he realized something: "Master, you want to..."

"Yes, Master Wei has prepared an exclusive technique for you. It didn't exist before, because Master hasn't picked the right one yet, but now he has."

Zhang Yun explained with a smile and said: "Okay, sit down and listen carefully!"

Zhou Kan immediately calmed down and sat down cross-legged.

Zhang Yun immediately recounted the contents of the Medicine God Technique.

After reading it, Zhou Kan seemed to have reached an epiphany and directly entered the state of cultivation.

Zhang Yun has become accustomed to strange things.

Soon, a milky white gas containing rich vitality spread out from the surface of Zhou Kan's body.


Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

This energy is a good thing. It can assist in refining medicine and can also be used for treatment.

As long as the injury is not too serious, and the fatal part is destroyed, the soul is shattered, etc., it can be treated with the help of the alchemy energy blessed by the Medicine God Art.

Although Zhou Kan had been able to summon some alchemy energy before, it was only a small amount. The current Yaoshen Jue is to help him fully transform spiritual energy into alchemy energy.

And the spiritual energy absorbed in the future will also be quickly transformed through the exercises.

Zhou Kan, who has practiced the Medicine God Art to form alchemy energy, will be as good as a medical immortal in the future!


Soon Zhou Kan opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy.

"Go to the blood pool!"

Zhang Yun smiled and patted his shoulder.


Zhou Kan nodded and got down into the blood pool with joy.

Seeing that several of his apprentices were steadily absorbing the energy of the blood pool, Zhang Yun left the beast blood pool.

I came to the Qi Gathering Building and took a look.

There really is no escalation of permissions here.

Finally, there is the mission hall.

The third task requires each of his disciples to improve to a greater level, but Xu Ming has not made a breakthrough since he left, so this task has not been completed yet.

Zhang Yun is not in a hurry. When he returns to the Southern Region this time, it will not be difficult to find Xu Ming and throw a wave of resources at him to break through.

After leaving the Immortal Master World, Zhang Yun came to a room in the Immortal Treasure Pavilion.

Out of courtesy, I knocked on the door first.


A vigilant girl's voice suddenly came from the room.

"it's me!"

Zhang Yun smiled.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Girls are more wary.

Zhang Yun opened the door.

However, as soon as it was opened, a petite figure rushed over.


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