"Two days ago? Strange phenomenon?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun's expression moved, and he immediately looked at the person who spoke and asked: "Are you saying that there were strange phenomena in the vicinity two days ago?"

"Yes, at that time, someone also heard a dragon roar coming out of it..."

The person who spoke nodded, and suddenly realized something and looked at him in confusion.

Many monks from the Chiqing Castle also looked at Zhang Yun with doubts.

Where did this handsome young man come from?

"Dragon roar?"

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to their gazes, and his eyes froze when he heard these two words.

Combined with the time point two days ago...

Xu Ming!

Zhang Yun took a deep breath and was sure in his heart.

"Tell them about the situation!"

Looking up and seeing the doubtful eyes of many monks from the Chiqing Castle, he immediately signaled Qingfeng.


Qingfeng nodded and immediately spoke loudly: "Everyone listen to me..."

Immediately told the story of the Nanfeng Demon Sect planting demon cultivators.

The two masters of the Chiqing Castle also came to their senses after hearing what he said, and also told them about their experiences.

The two were attacked by the third master of Chiqing Castle, Qingying, and then locked up in the bunker, lying to the outside world that they were in seclusion.

At the same time, some Chiqing Castle monks who knew a little about the inside story were also assassinated.

During this period, Qingying, the demon cultivator who was the third master of the castle, completely controlled Chiqing Castle...

"The third master of Qingying turned out to be a demon cultivator!!"

"Asshole, he actually lied to us, the castle master and the second castle master, to be in seclusion!"

"So, the group of fellow disciples who died before were all harmed by these demon cultivators!!"

"And you bastards, you actually served the demon cultivators and harmed your fellow disciples, don't you have a conscience?"


After understanding, looking at the dozens of people wrapped in Wu Lihai's water in the air, a group of Chiqing Castle monks glared at them.

"If you dare to touch us, Lord Qingying and the Demon Sect will not let you go!"

Among the dozens of people wrapped in Wu Lihai's water, the only middle-aged demon cultivator who had achieved a small success in the Nascent Soul stage spoke coldly.

"Qinglian, you bastard, I used to treat you as my senior brother in vain!!"

"Fort Lord, Second Fort Lord, please punish Qinglian!!"

Many Chiqing Fort cultivators were angry when they heard this, and they all spoke to the two masters of Chiqing Fort.

The two masters of Chiqing Fort looked at Zhang Yun beside them, and their expressions were a little complicated.

During the narration just now, Qingfeng had already informed them of the situation through voice transmission.

The leader of the first sect of the immortal way... asked them to join the first sect of the immortal way...the strong men in the spirit transformation stage and the refining stage...

The information shock brought by Qingfeng made the two masters of Chiqing Fort's brains crash a little.

Their apprentice disappeared after the immortal secret realm. What kind of monster force did he join?

If it were any other time, they would definitely find it hard to believe.

But the scene of Zhang Yun just breaking the magic iron chain with his bare hands, and the terrifying giant tiger next to him at this moment, all told them that what Qingfeng said was true.

It's just that they want Chiqing Fort to join the other party's sect...

They are a little hesitant.

"Qingfeng, I'm going to take care of something. Give me an answer when I come back!"

After receiving the news from Xu Ming, Zhang Yun didn't want to wait for them to hesitate, and said to Qingfeng, "Borrow another person first!"

He then grabbed the young man who had just spoken first.

"Fort Lord!"

The young man was immediately panicked.

Qingfeng on the side hurriedly said, "Junior Brother Qingliu, it's okay, I just asked you to lead the way!"

Hearing this, the young man named Qingliu calmed down and asked, "Where... are you going?"

"Take me to the place of vision you just mentioned!"

Zhang Yun spoke.


Qingliu nodded.

Zhang Yun took him up.

Seeing this, all the monks of Chiqing Castle were secretly glad that they didn't speak in a hurry, otherwise...


Just thinking about it, they suddenly saw something, and all the monks of Chiqing Castle stared.

I saw Qingliu thrown on the back of the spotted spirit tiger by Zhang Yun at this moment, and flew directly into the air on the spotted spirit tiger.

"I have imprisoned these people, you can deal with them yourself!"

Zhang Yun threw dozens of people wrapped in Wulihai water in front of Qingfeng and the Lord of Chiqing Castle, and then rode the striped spirit tiger to the distance.

Looking at Qingliu sitting on the tiger's back, all the monks of Chiqing Castle widened their eyes!

They had noticed this spirit tiger a long time ago, and its aura was more terrifying than their Lord.

Qingliu led the way, but he actually sat on such a spirit beast?

Even the Lord of Chiqing Castle and his two brothers swallowed their saliva secretly.

As peak Nascent Soul cultivators, they could feel the pressure brought by the striped spirit tiger.

This is definitely a spirit beast of the God Transformation Stage!

Sitting on the back of such a spirit beast, even if they had only dreamed of it, now a disciple in their castle actually sat on it...

"Feng'er, what is the origin of you, the Sect Master?"

The two couldn't help but look at Qingfeng.

All the monks of Chiqing Castle also looked over.

Seeing this, Qingfeng immediately told the story.


In the sky, on the back of the striped spirit tiger

"Your name is Qing Liu, right?"

"Yes... yes, senior!"

Zhang Yun asked, "Just now you said that you heard a dragon roar in that strange place, and that strange thing was a phantom similar to a golden dragon?"

"Golden dragon?"

Qing Liu shook his head after hearing this: "It wasn't a golden dragon. I remember it was a beam of rosy light that shot up into the sky. When the beam shot into the sky, it seemed to hit something, causing the entire Fuxianzhou to shake at the time, and the movement was very loud!"

"The beam of rosy light shot into the sky?"

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

Possessing a dragon-blood holy body and a mutated red-gold dragon spiritual root, Xu Ming's breakthroughs are often accompanied by dragon roars, and any strange phenomena are usually the shadow of a golden dragon.


Is it a blessing from heaven and earth?

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

"Is that place far?"

"Fortunately, it takes about an hour to fly with a sword, uh..."

Qingliu answered, but felt a little hesitant as she felt the lightning speed of the striped spirit tiger flying at this moment.

Within two minutes, he saw the scene ahead and shouted quickly: "There! Senior, that's where it is!!"

Zhang Yun looked over.

There was a huge wasteland, and in the wasteland there was a pitch-black abyss that seemed to have been split by a giant axe, the bottom of which could not be seen clearly from a distance.

"The Desolate Ax Abyss, that's where the beam of light shot out from below!"

Qingliu spoke.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

As the striped spirit tiger approaches, many monks flying with swords can be seen wandering around the abyss.

He immediately said: "If I find your third castle master, please give me a warning!"

"Okay, senior!"

Qingliu nodded quickly and immediately stared carefully to observe.

Although Zhang Yun's identity is unclear, it is exaggerated to be able to sit on the back of such a spiritual beast. He knew that now was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He must grasp it!

Zhang Yun didn't care about his little thoughts.

Soon the striped spirit tiger approached the top of the abyss.

"Wow, what kind of spiritual beast is this?"

"It's so big! Who is sitting on it?"

"Come down, get out of the way!!"

Many monks flying with swords below noticed the striped spirit tiger, and they were all startled. When they saw the huge spirit tiger flying down, they hurried to both sides to avoid it.

The striped spirit tiger flew directly into the abyss.

As soon as he entered the abyss, Zhang Yun frowned.

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