Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 391 The Collapsed Space Tunnel


Feng Tongyun was stunned.

"I'll tell you later, just go in and wait for a while!"

Zhang Yun didn't explain much and directly put it into the Xianbao Pavilion.

Saving the other person does not mean that his compassion is overflowing. Instead, he thought of Fuxian Pavilion. He has not yet searched for the treasure trove of resources of the most powerful force in Fuxian Prefecture.

Since we are in Fuxian Prefecture now, we will go and search for it next.

The purpose of saving Feng Tongyun was purely to find a guide, Qing Huiyun just mentioned it casually.


Qingying next to him couldn't help but sob.

Obviously, if you want to help, why should you be so imprisoned?

Zhang Yun ignored him and threw him into the Xianbao Pavilion.

I didn't kill the other party, just to give Qingfeng face, and prepare to go back to Infatuated Castle to solve the problem on its own.

Immediately let the striped spirit tiger continue to penetrate deeper.

Seeing that he was really going to the deepest point, Qing Liu was a little scared. But he was afraid that speaking out to stop him would offend Zhang Yun, so he huddled on the back of the striped spirit tiger, not daring to make a sound.

While going deep, Zhang Yun also looked around.

The deeper the abyss goes, the narrower the width of the stone walls on both sides becomes.

Soon the huge body of the striped spirit tiger could no longer move forward.

"You guys come in first!"

Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand, took the striped spirit tiger and Qingliu into the Xianbao Pavilion, and moved forward alone.

Not far into the depth, a restriction hidden in the void of the abyss appeared in front. There is nothing there, but as long as you fly over and touch it, it will be triggered immediately.

Relying on the Immortal Master's Eye, Zhang Yun fell to the ground and faced forward along the left wall.

The only condition for this restriction not to be triggered is along the left wall, where there is an invisible opening that can avoid all energy.

It seems that the monks who left the restrictions arranged it in order to facilitate their own in-depth exploration.

Just when I was about to pass against the wall.


His eyes were suddenly attracted to the cracks in the wall, and he saw a lot of fine animal hair sandwiched there.

There are two colors, white and brown.

He recognized that it was the hair of Bai and Xu Ming's bear cub.

"Ming'er has indeed been to Chu!"

Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

Move forward quickly.

The abyss passage that was originally tens of meters wide has turned into a dark path several meters wide as it passed the restriction.

As soon as he walked in, he was attracted by a sunken crack in the wall on the right.

Reaching out and touching it gently, the void between the cracks rippled slightly.

"Space fluctuation!"

Zhang Yun's eyes were confused

After using the gift copy ball to obtain two space gifts from Space Bear, he is now very sensitive to this kind of fluctuation.

"Space tunnel?"

Feeling something following the fluctuations in space, Zhang Yun's expression condensed and he stretched out his hands directly.

Space is torn apart!

The space energy in the body gathered on the ten fingers, directly tearing a large hole in the void in front of him.

Wrap the body with space energy, and the whole person enters its core

With a flash in front of my eyes.

The surrounding has turned into a tunnel filled with space energy.


Zhang Yun said secretly.

If you tear open the void with your bare hands and enter, you will usually enter the endless void filled with turbulent space. But if you tear open the void at some special coordinates and enter, you will end up in a space tunnel.

This is usually done by monks who have opened and built tunnels in the endless void in advance.

Just like the exclusive tunnel in the Space Pavilion.

The place in front of me is obviously one.

But unlike the one in the Space Pavilion, which is large and wide, the one in front of you is very narrow, estimated to be less than five meters wide. As for the length…

Zhang Yun looked into the depths of the tunnel ahead, was extremely vigilant, and moved forward deeper.

He had just moved forward a short distance when a scene in front of him stopped him.

The tunnel ahead is full of cracks, with spatial turbulence flowing through it, and the cracks are gradually opening and expanding.

According to this trend, the entire space tunnel will soon completely collapse. To be precise, it has basically collapsed, leaving only the entrance tunnel where he just entered that has not been spread, but it is only a matter of time.

Looking at the broken tunnel in front of him, Zhang Yun had to go back the way he came.

If you move forward, you may be swept out of the fragmented passage by those spatial turbulences and fall into the endless void.

Although he has the gift of space travel, he has no coordinates.

If you rashly fall into the endless void, you will lose your way in minutes.

To coordinate things, one can only slowly record and collect them, or ask for them from forces like the Space Pavilion that have been in the endless void all year round and already know the coordinates.

But it's obviously unrealistic.

If the Space Pavilion knew that he had copied the Space Bear Fu, a large number of people would probably be sent to kill him in minutes!

Back to the abyss.

Looking at the space fluctuations between the cracks in front of him, Zhang Yun was a little worried.

This kind of spatial fluctuation is obvious, and this entrance has been opened recently. If Xu Ming mistakenly enters it and walks into the endless void along the tunnel, it will be in trouble!

However, no traces were found between the tunnels before.

Generally, monks who do not have space energy will leave some traces when entering the space tunnel. But this space tunnel was already collapsing. He was not sure whether the traces had been washed away by space energy.

Take a breath.

Keep looking deeper!

Thinking about going deeper.

Along the way, we encountered some more restrictions, and we avoided them one by one with the help of Immortal Master Eyes.

What made Zhang Yun relieved was that the remaining hair of Bai Heling Brown Bear was discovered during the process. This showed that Xu Ming and the others did not stray into the space tunnel in front, but entered into the deepest part of the abyss.

But at the same time it’s a little strange.

The restrictions in this process are no joke. If it is triggered at any time, a monk in the Void Refining Stage will be in danger.

How did Xu Ming, Bai and Ling Brown Bear get through all the way?

With doubts, Zhang Yun came all the way to the deepest part of the abyss.

No trace of Xu Ming was found, but at a glance he could see the deepest void and the particularly obvious spatial fluctuations.

Different from the previous fluctuations between the cracks, the spatial fluctuations here are very chaotic.

That trace has obviously been opened more than once in recent days!

Zhang Yun's heart sank slightly, and space energy immediately filled his body, tearing open the void in front of him and rushing in.

As soon as I entered, I felt a tremor in the surrounding area.

Opening his eyes, he was suddenly caught in a space turbulence. Zheng Haozai had filled his body with space energy in advance, so he was not forcibly involved and rushed out of the turbulence.

As soon as I broke out of the turbulent flow, I saw countless fragments floating in the endless empty space around me.

This is obviously left behind by the rupture of the space tunnel.

"It seems that before this place collapsed, it was connected to the tunnel just now..."

Zhang Yun immediately realized it and started searching around.

He quickly discovered something. His body was wrapped in space energy and flew forward for a certain distance, grabbing a fragment of the tunnel.

A white feather is seen clinging to the fragment.

Zhang Yun's heart sank.

Xu Ming, Bai Heling and Ling Brown Bear have been here before!

Looking at the turbulent silver light all around the space and the bottomless and endless void, his mood completely sank to the bottom.

Falling into a place like this...


At this moment, something suddenly caught his eye, and Zhang Yun's expression became condensed.

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