Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 394 Divine Consciousness

The soul power as majestic as the sea was released from the energy storage room. The moment it poured into the body, Zhang Yun felt that the current energy of the soul was instantly filled to the top.

And soon, with the influx of a large amount of soul power, they began to attack the shackles blocking the way forward.

One wave has not passed, another wave has impacted, still has not passed, another wave has impacted...

Zhang Yun's entire body sometimes expanded and sometimes contracted, as if it might explode with energy at any time.

But he didn't stop.

Instead, it continues to absorb soul power from the energy storage room, and wave after wave continues to impact the shackles blocking the soul.

For other monks, the method of breaking through the soul may allow the realm to be improved first, and then the breakthrough will come naturally.

But for a monk like him whose soul transcends realms, there is only one way to break through the soul, and that is to smash it!

Use soul power far beyond the current realm to break the shackles!

This is also the reason why he needs to store enough soul power. With less soul power, it can't be broken open at all.

The physical body of a normal monk cannot bear this kind of impact. But the good thing about him is that his physical body is an extreme body that can keep up with the soul level!

After half an hour of continuous impact.


There was a clear sound in his soul.

Zhang Yun's expression perked up.

He immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued it, increasing the release of the soul power in the energy storage room.

Under the impact of several more waves of increased soul power.


Soon a crisp sound resounded through the soul, and the shackles that blocked the soul were completely broken open, and large amounts of soul power poured in like a river breaking through a dam.

At this moment, Zhang Yun felt that his whole soul suddenly became enlightened, and a golden light emerged in his soul.

Following this golden light, Zhang Yun's sensation swept away in all directions.

In just an instant, it permeated the entire Castle of Infatuation, and quickly swept outside the radius.

Zhang Yun only felt everything around him, and it came to his mind very clearly.

He could clearly feel the body structure of an ant thousands of meters away from the Castle of Infatuation in his mind at this moment.

Glancing around the inside of the Castle of Infatuation, the monks of the Castle of Infatuation seemed to him like transparent human structures. Even the energy flowing in his body clearly appeared in his perception of Zheng at this moment.

"Is this divine consciousness..."

Feeling all this, Zhang Yun raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

From the refining stage to the integration stage, the biggest change in the soul is the transformation from spiritual consciousness to divine consciousness.

"Qingfeng, come here!"

His spiritual consciousness found a place in the Castle of Infatuation, and as the two castle masters Qing Cang and Qing Shen punished Qing Ying and other ruthless styles, his thoughts moved.

A message was passed on.

Sure enough, the perceptive Qingfeng heard his message and immediately approached the bunker quickly.

He could clearly capture the entire action trajectory at this moment.


Soon I felt the love wind coming to the entrance of the bunker, and a voice came to my ears.


Zhang Yun waved his hand directly, and the waves of sea witchcraft instantly formed a rope, directly pulling Qingfeng in from a distance.

This relaxing process gave Zhang Yun a sense of enjoyment

The transformation of his spiritual consciousness made his perception of everything clearer, and at the same time, it became extremely easy to control the energy in his body. If it originally took ten points of effort to control this sea witch power, now it can be easily mobilized with just a little effort.

Thinking of the pressure he felt when he faced Elder Mo, he finally understood where the pressure came from.

Divine consciousness!

From spiritual consciousness to divine consciousness, this is no longer an existence on the same scale.

Now if he were to face the fusion stage like Elder Mo, he would be sure to fight. Maybe he can't win in a fight, but if he wants to leave, it will be difficult for the other party to stop him.

"Sect Master, you are looking for me..."

At this time Qingfeng was pulled in front of him, hesitating a little.

Zhang Yun said nothing and just looked at him.

Qingfeng's body trembled, and he felt as if his whole body was stripped naked and displayed in front of Zhang Yun's eyes, and everything about him seemed to be seen through.

Although Zhang Yun's eyes before gave him a little of this feeling, it was far from as intuitive and thorough as it was now.

He was terrified.

"Inform the people in the Castle of Infatuation to pack up all your resources and get ready to leave!"

Zhang Yun suddenly spoke at this time.

"Okay...Okay, Sect Leader!"

Qingfeng was startled and nodded subconsciously.

Seeing that Zhang Yun didn't say much more, he turned around and left cautiously.

By the time he walked out of the bunker, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

He looked back at the ground, his eyes full of horror.

The strength of this sect leader is getting more and more terrifying!

Half an hour later.

The two Castle Masters of Love Castle, Qing Feng, Qing Cang and Qing Shen, and nearly two thousand monks of Love Castle all gathered in the open space outside the castle.

Zhang Yun was already sitting on the back of the striped spirit tiger next to him.

"Sect Master, everyone is here!"

Qingfeng spoke.

Zhang Yun nodded, waved his hand, and directly brought more than 2,000 people from the Infatuation Castle into the Xianbao Pavilion.

Three people, Qingfeng, Qingcang and Qingshen, were left behind.

"Come up!"

Zhang Yun said lightly.

Qingfeng immediately jumped up, mainly to the shoulder of the striped spirit tiger.

This is the position where Zhang Yun hangs himself on weekdays, and it is also his exclusive area.

"Ho ho ho!!"

The striped spirit tiger roared when he saw this and pushed his shoulder. Qingfeng almost fell off.

"Don't wait for me to gain strength!"

Qingfeng glared at the striped spirit tiger.

The striped spirit tiger curled his lips with disdain.

I am already at the peak of my divine transformation stage, but you, an explorer, are still lingering in your Nascent Soul stage. What about the fantasy of catching up with Ben Hu?

Seeing its proud face, Qingfeng was furious.

But a little helpless.

He really doesn't understand how this butt tiger can improve so quickly...


Qing Cang and Qing Shen were shocked when they saw him and the striped spirit tiger glaring at each other.

This is the master's spiritual beast, how dare you be so rude!

Zhang Yun laughed and said: "Don't worry, you two, they communicate normally!"


Feelings of love, deep feelings and surprises.

But I felt a lot more at ease.

Being able to quarrel with the sect leader's mount, Ming Qingfeng should be doing well in the first sect of Immortal Dao!

Qingfeng had previously told about the situation of the First Immortal Sect. It was precisely because they knew that Qingfeng had occupied the position of deacon and had some status among them that they gritted their teeth and chose to join.

Now that we see that Qingfeng has a good relationship with the sect leader's mount, it should be beneficial for them to join the First Sect of Immortal Dao in Chuqingbao...

The group of people flew away from the Castle of Infatuation.

Went directly to Fuxian Pavilion.

Although the master of Fuxian Pavilion and part of his power fell, they were not occupied by the demon cultivators of the Southern Feng Demon Sect. As for the reason, naturally Lan'er, who was responsible for controlling Fuxian Pavilion, had turned into a remnant soul and placed it in Xianbao Pavilion for Zhang Yun.

In addition, the news of the death of the master of Fuxian Pavilion has not spread yet, so Fuxian Pavilion still maintains its original status.

But he is already strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Feng Tongyun, who Zhang Yun had previously rescued and controlled, is now one of the strongest people in Fuxian Pavilion.

Because he knew Fuxian Pavilion, he took down all the remaining high-level officials of Fuxian Pavilion without any effort.

After searching the Fuxian Pavilion treasure house and some resources, Zhang Yun left with Feng Tongyun.

Now that the Heart-Suppressing Technique and the Soul-Suppressing Technique have been used, they cannot be wasted. We should just recruit another person at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

After processing, he did not stay in Fuxian Prefecture for long and returned to Nanyun Prefecture at full speed.

In less than three days, Zhang Yun returned to Nanyun Prefecture.

The strength of the striped spirit tiger has now improved, and the efficiency of the journey is much faster than before!

As soon as he returned to Nanyun Prefecture, Zhang Yun went to Lingxian Sect.

The Lingxian Sect was destroyed before, and now only one of the main peaks is still intact. After several months of reconstruction, it has recovered somewhat.




As soon as the striped spirit tiger approached the sky, it immediately aroused the vigilance of many Nascent Soul stage spirit beasts around Lingxian Sect.

The Lingxian Sect disciples in the Sect Master Peak were also alerted.

"Hurry up and set up the formation!!"

Seeing the huge striped spirit tiger with a pair of wings approaching, You Yangqiu, the chief disciple of the sect master, immediately shouted.

The elders of Mingfa, Mingyuan, and Lingxian Sect were preparing for action.


Tao Gulan suddenly spoke up.

"Sixth Elder?"

You Yangqiu and others looked at her in confusion.

"Not an enemy! That's the Ninth Elder!!"

Tao Gulan's pair of bright eyes looked at the striped spirit tiger's back from a distance. The vague figure made her shout immediately.

"Gu Lan, I haven't seen you for a while, your eyesight is getting better and better!"

At this time, a laugh also came from afar.

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone in the Lingxian Sect became excited: "Ninth Elder!!"

Soon the striped spirit tiger approached, and the aura of the spirit tiger king caused all the Nascent Soul stage spirit beasts around to tremble and dare not say a word.

"Linghu, have you become so big?"

Tao Gulan looked surprised when he saw the striped spirit tiger, which had grown more than three times in size and had extra wings.

The striped spirit tiger chuckled, with a hint of pride on his face.

"Stop talking and get to work!"

Zhang Yun kicked it.

The striped spirit tiger deliberately shrugged its shoulders upon hearing this, and the strong force directly caused the Qing Feng above to fly up.

"Depend on!"

Qingfeng cursed loudly.

He saw that the striped spirit tiger had quickly flown away, going to gather the many Yuan Ying stage spirit beasts from the sect.

Qing Feng had no choice but to write it down in her heart.

When his strength improves, if he doesn't beat this asshole, he will be ungrateful!

Zhang Yun ignored the 'play' between one person and one tiger, and flew to the square of the sect's main peak alone. Qing Cang, Qing Shen and others who were around him had been taken into the Xianbao Pavilion by him.

"Ninth Elder, did your trip go well?"

Tao Gulan stepped forward quickly.


Zhang Yun smiled and nodded to her.

"Ninth Elder, where is the sect master?"

You Yangqiu and others from the side also came up to greet them. When they saw him and Fang Qingfeng, they asked suspiciously.


Zhang Yun picked up the Xianbao Pavilion pendant and called inward: "Sect Master, we're here!"

"Take me out!"

Upon hearing the response, Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect suddenly appeared.


You Yangqiu and others came forward.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect waved his hand and looked at the surrounding Lingxian Sect disciples: "Call everyone in the sect, I have something to announce!"

You Yangqiu and others were startled, but they immediately called everyone over.

Seeing everyone in the sect, the leader of the Lingxian Sect took a deep breath and spoke loudly: "I hereby announce something. From now on, our Lingxian Sect will officially join the first sect of the Immortal Dao!"

As soon as these words were spoken, there was a sudden silence in the venue.

"Sect Master, what do you mean by this?"

"The first sect of immortality, what kind of force is this?"

Then a sound of astonishment broke out.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect didn't say anything more and just glanced at Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun nodded and immediately stepped forward: "The first sect of Immortal Dao was founded by me!"

"Created by the Ninth Elder?"

"Ninth Elder, what exactly does this mean?"

Everyone in the Lingxian Sect looked puzzled when they heard this.

"I hope that everyone in the sect can join the first sect of Immortal Dao!"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "It may be a bit abrupt, and it may be difficult for everyone to accept it for a while, but what I can assure you is that everyone who enters the first sect of Immortal Dao will receive far more cultivation resources than you have now. There are some things The words are unclear, so I hope you can follow me to the First Sect of Immortal Dao to have a look!"

As soon as these words came out, the Lingxian Sect

"I have carefully considered joining the Ninth Elder's sect."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said at this time: "You can get a better cultivation environment and more resources there. Along the way, I have seen the abilities of the ninth elder. Not much else, just look at the spirit tiger, everyone You should be able to understand!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Lingxian Sect fell silent.

The size of the striped spirit tiger can already tell a lot of things.

"The sect leader has already done this, why should he hesitate? I'll go!"

"The first sect of Immortal Dao, this name is not simple when you hear it. I will go too!"

"Ninth Elder, take us there!"

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