Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 400 Yuwei’s Strength

Zhang Yun laughed and said, "Elder You, just leave the materials to me!"

"Okay, I'll make a list later!"

"no problem!"

Seeing You Xinyuan leaving with You Yangqiu with a smile, Zhang Yun shrugged, knowing that he was going to bleed some.

But I didn’t care.

If you want a formation master like You Xinyuan to take action, you should pay a price. The most important thing is that the first sect of Immortal Dao really needs a sect-protecting formation.

Nowadays, the first island of Immortal Dao is completely unprotected, which would be quite troublesome if a powerful enemy attacks.

Take the previous example of the Lingxian Sect, if it weren’t for the sect leader, You Yangqiu and others who had already laid out a huge formation to protect the sect. At that time, I was afraid that the Lingxian Sect would have been breached before he could even arrive!

The sect-protecting formation cannot block the enemy, but at least it can give the sect a certain buffer time.

Now that Xinxin is far away, Zhang Yun also plans to discuss with them next.

After all, if the powerful enemies of the Demon Sealing Sect really come to the Southern Region, it will take some time for the First Immortal Sect to evacuate into the secret realm of the Sea Witch Immortal Kingdom.

There is also an evacuation passage, which needs to be dealt with quickly.

Zhang Yun touched his chin and already had an idea in his mind.


Take a breath.

Looking towards the beach.

Under the siege of Wu Pang and four others, the Striped Spirit Tiger was a little flustered at first, but after getting serious, he gradually mastered the rhythm.

Wu Pang and Yu Shui'er were defeated immediately due to the gap in their realms.

Zhou Kan couldn't hold on for long either.

But Yuwei broke out!

"Wind King's Will!"

"The power of the Wind King!"

"The incarnation of the Wind King!"

Facing the Striped Spirit Tiger, Yu Wei also demonstrated the power of her Wind King Spiritual Root for the first time.

Her long hair was flying, and a shadow of countless whirlwinds appeared on her body.

As soon as the shadow appeared, there was a layer of depression everywhere.


On the island, many monks above the god transformation stage were alerted.

Even Guo Lin, members of the Eleven Cai Organization, and the Golden Tiger Emperor hidden in the sea outside the island all looked at Yuwei with surprise in their eyes.


Before anyone could think about it, a wave of sea wind roared across the island, blasting the thirty-meter-long body of the striped spirit tiger directly into the sea water, causing a splash of waves.

The whole process was so fast that even the Void Refining Stagers could only catch the flickering afterimage of Yuwei, and then the striped spirit tiger was blown away.

This made all of them look shocked.

Where did this girl who was in the stage of becoming a god come from?

Zhang Yun smiled slightly when he saw this. With his spiritual consciousness, he should be the only one on the island who can capture Qing Yuwei's figure.


Even if he could see Yuwei's movements clearly, he could still feel the speed of his fifth disciple.

Zhang Yun estimated that he might be able to reach Yuwei's explosive speed at full speed and with the blessing of the command brush.

The body of the wind spirit, coupled with the holy wind king spiritual root and the mutated white wind spiritual root, grant white wind speed...

In terms of speed, his fifth disciple is no longer faster than him.

Saintess of Wind, this may be the best description of Yuwei!

"It seems like we need to find some stronger sparring partners for Yuwei..."

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly as he looked at the striped spirit tiger floating on the sea, with stars on its head and fainted.

"Jin Hu, bring Ling Hu back!"

He said it immediately.


As soon as he finished speaking, a figure filled with golden light flew out of the sea and flew back carrying the striped spirit tiger.

Seeing the Golden Tiger Emperor appearing, Wu Pang and others looked surprised, but they quickly reacted and couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun shrugged and looked at Yuwei.

Yuwei had exited the state, her pretty face flushed with excitement, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun, "Master, I want to try this power again!"

"Okay, I'll find you some durable sparring partners!"

Zhang Yun nodded and immediately sent a message to one part of the island.

Soon, a group of people flew over.

It was the body cultivators from the Ding family that he recruited in the land of magic sand.

"I've met the sect leader!"

The Ding family members all saluted.

Zhang Yun looked at the leader of the white-haired, strong physique, who was also the head of the Ding family, "Ding Qing, I have a task for you!"

"Please give me your orders, sect master!"

"Sparing with five apprentices like me. Calculated based on time, the first sparring partner will give you fifty contribution points!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Ding Qing and others responded quickly.

They had all participated in previous meetings and understood the significance of contribution points. Although their Ding family is not large, they want to gain a foothold in the First Immortal Sect, and obtaining a position is undoubtedly the best way.

"come in!"

Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand and took Yu Wei, Ding Qing and his party into the 20th floor of Xianbao Pavilion, which contained a martial arts performance hall.

There are many protective restrictions in this hall, which can block the aftermath of the monks' battle during the Void Refining Stage.

The reason why Ding Qing and others are allowed to practice as a sparring partner is because of the bloody physique possessed by the Ding family. The ability to withstand a beating makes them excellent at sparring work.

"Perhaps we can set up a sparring and martial arts hall within the sect..."

Zhang Yunsheng had an idea.

It is also important for monks to experience some battles while making breakthroughs in cultivation. Just like his disciples, they kept making breakthroughs without having many chances to make a move, and now they were unleashing a wave of attacks.

Thinking of it, he immediately contacted Gu Hongwen and asked him to make arrangements.

"Master, we want to go to Qi Gathering Tower!"

Wu Pang and Yu Shui'er stepped forward at this time.

Seeing the desire in their eyes, Zhang Yun smiled and nodded.

The battle just now obviously made the two of them a little frustrated, because they were the fastest to be defeated. It was just two people who were in the Nascent Soul stage. Due to the gap in their realms, they were sent flying with a casual blow from the Striped Spirit Tiger.

The two of them were immediately sent to the Qi Gathering Tower to open the Thousand Times Spirit Gathering Formation for them.

"Master, I want to make medicine!"

Zhou Kan straightened his messy clothes and walked up.

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Go to the center of the island, there is a medicine refining area specially prepared for you!"

Zhou Kan's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to fly away.

"Wait, don't forget this!"

Zhang Yun threw out two storage rings.

Zhou Kan quickly took it, glanced at the elixirs and medicinal materials inside, and said with joy on his face: "Thank you, master!"

Zhang Yun said: "There is also a list inside. I can refine more of the elixirs on it. The sect needs it!"

"Okay, Master!"

Zhou Kan nodded and immediately ran towards the center of the island.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

His sixth disciple is destined to be happy. Refining medicine is not only a hobby for him, but also a way to improve his strength.

Thinking about Zhang Yun, I felt a little envious.

But thinking about the fifth mission given by the Immortal Master World Mission Hall, he had a headache.

There is still a long way to go before Zhou Kan can refine the holy elixir at his current level. After all, few people in the entire Immortal Continent could refine this level of elixir.

"When Old Man Baihuo comes back, let him have a good discussion with Kan!"

He didn't know much about refining medicine. If he wanted Zhou Kan to improve, he could only find some like-minded people to chat with him.

"Master, I want to find a place to practice my skills!"

Someone on the side spoke slowly.

Zhang Yun nodded and put him and Wu Haihai, who was sleeping in his arms, into the Xianbao Pavilion.

Then he took the striped spirit tiger into the animal breeding yard, glanced at the Golden Tiger Emperor in front of him, and thought for a while: "Golden Tiger, come with me!"

"Okay, sir!"

"Call me Sect Master from now on!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"

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