Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 402: Building a Space Tunnel (Part 2)

For this reason, if you want non-space energy monks to move quickly in the endless void, you need space tunnels.

What Zhang Yun has to do now is to build a space tunnel connecting the first sect of the Immortal Way and the secret realm of the Sea Witch Immortal Kingdom. In this way, if the sect needs to evacuate in case of crisis, it can be transferred quickly.

After sensing the coordinates of the first island left in Immortal Dao, Zhang Yun immediately began to travel through space.


The whole body suddenly became like a stream of light, passing through the endless black void.


Looking at this scene, the Golden Tiger Emperor swallowed his saliva.

With the contact, he found that Zhang Yun was getting more and more terrifying!

It’s not that the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage can crush the monks of the Void Refining Stage, but the method of summoning the Void Refining Stage, the method of injecting mark control into people’s souls, and now they can actually travel through space...

Who is this leader of the first sect of Immortal Dao?

Could it be that the immortal is reincarnated?

Thinking of this, his body couldn't help but tremble.

Because it seemed to him that it was really possible.

The number one immortal in the world dares to name it with such a name. Only immortals have such courage!

"Maybe this will be my chance!"

The Golden Tiger Emperor looked at the disappearing stream of light, with some light shining in his eyes.

The center of the island of the first sect of Immortality.

Zhang Yun walked out through the opening in the space.

Without hesitation, he immediately brought Guo Lin and all the members of the Eleven Lottery Organization over.

"Everyone go in and get used to it!"

Zhang Yun opened the mouth a few meters wide and then spoke.

Guo Lin and others were confused, but they still followed the instructions and walked into the palace.

"Oh no, it's endless void!"

"Get out quickly!"

As soon as they entered, they wanted to rush out.

Zhang Yun kicked them back. Then he followed into the endless void, looked at the frightened Guo Lin and others, and said calmly: "I just want you to adapt to this place!"

"You...sect leader, what on earth are you trying to do?"

Luo Lian couldn't help but speak.

"I want to build a space tunnel and need your help!"

"Space tunnel?"

Twelve people looked at him in astonishment, as if they were looking at a lunatic.

Zhang Yun said calmly: "I can travel through space!"

A simple sentence made the twelve people's crazy eyes suddenly widen.

Zhang Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly started the space shuttle to go to the Golden Tiger Emperor. Then in a few blinks, he space shuttled back here.

Nothing is more convincing than seeing it with your own eyes!


Seeing his way of shuttle, the twelve people swallowed their saliva.

Zhang Yun said: "Don't be ink-stained, hurry up and get used to it!"

The twelve people reacted and immediately tried to move around.

Compared to the Golden Tiger Emperor, they adapted faster. Of course, it took less than two minutes for the eleven members of the Lottery Organization to move normally.

Zhang Yun is not surprised either.

Luo Lian and other eleven members of the Cai Cai Organization, not to mention others, are all top-notch in the Void Refining Stage in terms of physical strength.

To withstand space fluctuations in the endless void mainly depends on the strength of the physical body.

After waiting for a few more minutes, seeing Guo Lin walking in the endless void like a baby who had just learned to walk, Zhang Yun couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "You are also an elite of the Luanliu clan, you can do it in two minutes. "You haven't learned to walk in ten minutes?"

Luo Lian and the other eleven people all looked at him.

When Guo Lin saw this, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, but he was helpless at the same time.

Although his realm is at the stage of refining the void, his physical strength is only at the stage of becoming a god. His strength lies in the soul level.

"Forget it, forget it, you'd better be a support staff!"

Zhang Yun said: "Let's go out first!"

Twelve Que immediately went out with him.

Returning to the first sect of Immortal Dao, Zhang Yun closed the space mouth.

He took out a batch of materials and looked at the two members of the Cai organization who were wearing gold masks and gray masks.

Seeing this, the two of them understood what he meant and nodded immediately: "It can be built!"

Zhang Yun smiled.

These two people came from the Man Emperor Palace, the top power in the Central Region, and were named Man Wu and Man Hong. And the Man Emperor Palace has a big sign, that is the casting.

Almost all members of the Man Emperor's Palace are weapon casters, and nearly half of the spiritual weapons in the Immortal Continent are made by them.

To build a suitable space tunnel, a caster is definitely indispensable.

It was precisely because of these two people that Zhang Yun had the idea of ​​building a space tunnel. At present, he has measured the coordinate position and distance, and the only difference is the tunnel body.

The two Manwu asked: "What's the total distance?"

"About 1,500 meters..."

Zhang Yun replied.

The distance in the endless void is completely different from the distance in the outside world.

Two places thousands of miles apart, the distance between the two coordinates in the endless void may be only a few meters. Two places that are also tens of meters apart may have coordinates thousands of miles apart in the endless void.

This is also the reason why monks can easily get lost in the endless void!

"This length is not difficult, ten can handle it!"

Manwu spoke.

"Can it be faster?"

Zhang Yun asked.

The two men were silent.

Zhang Yun said directly: "If you complete it within ten days, each of you will receive a reward of 10,000 contribution points. An extra 5,000 points will be added if you finish it within three days!"

Upon hearing this, Manwu and his two men's eyes lit up.

When Yao Hu took them to settle in their accommodation, he also told them the rules.

Serving as an elder for ten years or a deacon for twenty years can help them lift their restrictions. This is what Zhang Yun swore.

Therefore, they suddenly became eager for the position of the first sect of Immortal Dao.

And if they want to get a position, they need to contribute points, as many as possible that can put them in the top few positions.

If they get these 100,000 points now, they will directly become the top two.

If this ranking can be maintained until half a year later, they will also have the opportunity to enter the blessing pagoda to practice.

"Leave it to us!"

The two Manwu spoke.

Zhang Yun smiled.

Guo Lin and others next to him frowned slightly. But it’s helpless, they don’t know how to cast weapons!

Zhang Yun glanced at them and said, "After the construction of the tunnel body is completed, each Void Refining Stage that helped build it will contribute 500 points. Those with high efficiency can get up to 2,000 points!"

Guo Lin and others perked up after hearing this.

"Logistics only has 100 points!"

Zhang Yun glanced at Guo Lin specifically.

Guo Lin's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but say: "Let me enter the endless void and get used to it again!"

"Please help me, the sect leader, and I want one hundred contribution points at a time!"

Zhang Yun smiled.


Guo Lin stared, but still gritted his teeth, "Can I take it on credit first?"


Zhang Yun nodded.

Guo Lin muttered: "Take me in."

Zhang Yun immediately tore open the void and threw Guo Lin into it. Then he looked at the two Manwu people: "The rest is left to you..."

"rest assured!"

Manwu Errutou took the materials and left.

Looking at the remaining Luo Lian and others, Zhang Yun said: "If you want to get contribution points, you can go to the Guidance Hall in the middle circle area of ​​the island. Because you are in the Void Refining Stage, if you give a guidance class there, you can get at least one hundred Points for contribution. If more people participate in the course, there will be additional commissions!”

Upon hearing this, Luo Lian and others' eyes lit up and they went immediately.

Zhang Yun's mouth curved.

If these people can reach the stage of cultivation, their cultivation experience will be real. They held a guidance class, which was of great benefit to many disciples of the First Immortal Sect.


At this moment, Zhang Yun suddenly sensed something and raised his brows.

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