Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 412: I am the man you are destined not to have!

"Get out of the way!"

Miao Po Po behind sensed something and yelled again.

But it was too late...



Two sharp branches filled with demonic energy pierced through the hearts of the two handsome men.

A two-meter-tall figure in a black robe appeared behind them.


The two handsome men couldn't believe it. Their domains were unfolding. How did this black-robed figure appear behind them without anyone noticing?

"This is in my domain!"

Zhang Yun said lightly.

Outside the domains of the two handsome men, a large area of ​​magical power seawater emerged. The domains of the two handsome men were just a small area in between.

One point that makes the spiritual consciousness domain stronger than the ordinary domain is the area!

A spiritual consciousness domain is at least ten times the area of ​​the ordinary domain!

It's easy to cover a person with the magical power seawater in his domain!

"How is it possible?"

The two handsome men were shocked.

They knew that the spiritual consciousness domain was large. But Zhang Yun's domain power was clearly used to seal off Grandma Miao, so how could it still be unfolded?

The most important thing is that they, even Grandma Miao, did not notice this.

"Do you think I am here to watch the show?"

At this time, You Xinyuan's chuckle came from below.

Grandma Miao and the other two were startled, and suddenly found that a layer of fog emerged between the surrounding Wuli sea water.

"What kind of formation is this?"

Grandma Miao was shocked.

Since she discovered Zhang Yun, her consciousness has been open. But she did not notice the movement of this formation at all.

You Xinyuan smiled faintly.

The biggest feature of the Qimenyun Formation is that it is strange.

Although the consciousness can see through it, when the fog of the formation moves, it is like a natural change. As long as the consciousness is not staring at him, it is difficult to detect.

As early as the first time Grandma Miao and the other two appeared, he communicated with Zhang Yun through voice transmission.

At the moment when Zhang Yun used the domain power to form a water prison to trap Grandma Miao, he also activated the Qimenyun Formation at the same time.

Because the moment Granny Miao was trapped in the water prison, her spiritual sense would be temporarily blocked within the water prison.

When the other party's spiritual sense broke through the water prison and sensed the surroundings again.

The Qimen Cloud Array Art had begun to change naturally.

Granny Miao, whose attention was attracted by Zhang Yun, naturally did not notice this.

"Granny, save us!!"

The two handsome men screamed.


Granny Miao came to her senses and shouted hurriedly.

How could the evil tree man summoned by Zhang Yun care about her?

He directly used the magic energy to wipe out the lives of the two handsome men.

Two wisps of residual souls floated out.

Bang! Bang!

Before they could even make a sound, they were slapped away by Zhang Yun who had walked up.

"Little beast, you are looking for death!!"

Granny Miao's eyes were bloodshot, and she roared that the Yin light in her body was like a prehistoric beast that had awakened, and it burst out wildly at this moment.

The water prison that trapped her instantly cracked with a "click".

"Boy, come down quickly!"

You Xinyuan shouted hurriedly.

Without him saying anything, Zhang Yun had already shot down quickly.

It was still very scary for a fusion-stage master to go crazy, so he had to avoid the sharp edge first!

"Yin Guang Tian Di!"

As soon as Zhang Yun rushed down, the endless Yin Guang domain power broke through the water prison and instantly swept across the entire Lingxian Sect.


But when it was about to sweep down, with You Xinyuan's low shout, a thick fog filled the air and blocked the Yin Guang.

But it was only a moment away.

"Tian Wu - Draw the Land as the Sea's Defense Ocean!"

But in this gap, Zhang Yun had landed and launched the Wu Sea Domain of Divine Consciousness. A large area of ​​Wu Power Sea water surged up like an ocean suspended in the air, temporarily blocking the sky full of Yin Guang.

"Little beast, today I must suck you dry!!"

The angry roar came.

At this moment, Zhang Yun was already inside the Lingxian Sect, lying on the back of the spotted spirit tiger, with his legs crossed and curled his lips, saying: "Old woman, if you have the ability, attack first!"

Boom boom boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, a large piece of dark light fell from the ocean above, but it failed to break through the sea of ​​magic power.

"Old woman, can you do it?"

Zhang Yun curled his lips in disdain.

Above the ocean, Miao Po Po could see Zhang Yun lying leisurely below through her spiritual sense, which made her so angry that her hair was disheveled and she was extremely furious.

But she did not rush down.

Although her spiritual sense could see through the sea of ​​magic power and lock Zhang Yun below, she didn't know why she felt an inexplicable threat.

As a fusion stage existence, she knew that this threat would not come out of thin air.

There must be something hidden in this sea of ​​magic power that her spiritual sense could not perceive!

Especially since she was just deceived by You Xinyuan's formation, she was still frightened at the moment.

Looking at Zhang Yun lying on the tiger's back below with his legs crossed, she was furious.

At the same time, she also felt a little incredible.

I still remember that not long ago in the turbulent world, this handsome young man in front of her was just a lamb to be slaughtered in her hands.

How long has it been?

It has grown to this point!

She also became more determined to kill.

If she couldn't kill Zhang Yun today, it would be difficult to kill him in the future!

"Can you tolerate this?"

Zhang Yun looked at Grandma Miao above, secretly surprised.

He was really thinking about seducing Granny Miao at this moment, because in the realm of his spiritual consciousness Wulihai, the countless lines and Qimen Cloud Formation Techniques arranged by the Nine Gutuos and You Xinyuan had already been activated.

This is not a simple fog, but a killing array.

Qi Men Yun Formation Technique is a formation method, but it is divided into multiple chapters. The Mist Chapter is just one of them.

During the previous collision between Zhang Yun and Granny Miao, You Xinyuan sent a message to him to explain.

Previously, You Xinyuan had already set up a fog formation and a killing formation inside the Lingxian Sect below.

The mist formation exists on the surface and is movable, while the killing formation is hidden inside with the countless lines of the nine Gutuo. Even the divine consciousness cannot observe it until it is activated.

But once activated, it will be noticed.

So at this moment, Zhang Yun immediately released the realm of spiritual consciousness. It seems that the field explosion is to defend Miao Popo, but in fact it is to cover up the killing array arranged by You Xinyuan and the nine Gutuos.

It's hard to say how powerful this killing array is, You Xinyuan.

But for Zhang Yun, as long as this killing formation can bring some trouble to Granny Miao, or temporarily restrain the opponent. He is sure to keep the other party completely!

"Disgusting old woman, don't you want to have sex with me? I'm lying here, so you should come down!"

Zhang Yun looked up at the disheveled Granny Miao above Wulihai and continued to provoke.

Granny Miao's face was ashen.

Next to Zhang Yun, Master and Disciple You Xinyuan, Guo Lin, Golden Tiger Emperor and Striped Spirit Tiger were all breaking out in cold sweat at this moment.

Although they knew there was a trap above, they were facing a powerful man in the integration stage!

If the opponent really charges forward, they have no idea whether they can block it!

“What a disappointment…”

Zhang Yun shook his head and said: "You are not brave enough to pursue me. Disgusting old woman, I am the man you are destined not to have!"

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