Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 418 Self-destruction in six integration stages

Six Miao Po Pos were seen flying in six directions around them, and their bodies began to expand at the same time.

As they expanded, the whole land became oppressive.


The face of Jinglong's master changed drastically, and he roared and wanted to rush out.

But the six Miao Po Pos had quickly expanded into six human-shaped meat balls, and terrifying energy was seeping out of them.

This frightened the master Jinglong's face pale, and he burst out with all his strength to flip the Miao Po Po in front of him, and fled far away with all his strength.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

But the self-explosion of the remaining five Miao Po Pos had already begun.


Accompanied by a shrill scream that resounded through the ground, the terrifying self-explosion white light that seemed to be able to destroy everything swept across the entire Lingxian Sect and hundreds of miles around.

At this moment, the entire Nanyun Province could see and feel this terrifying white light!

The Purple Star Witch, who had already left the Lingxian Sect for a distance, saw it from afar, her beautiful eyes shrank slightly, and then the corners of her mouth curved up: "Really cruel!"

Without paying much attention, she quickly went in one direction.

When the shining white light from the Lingxian Sect faded, the Purple Star Witch had quickly arrived in the middle of Nanyunzhou, above the vast blue sea.

Ignoring the many islands on the blue sea, she flew directly to the depths of the blue sea, quickly locked a direction and drilled into the seabed.

The divine sense swept across the nearby seabed area, quickly locked a trench, and went straight down.

When she came to the depths of the trench, she found a building with a witch lamp.

This place was the residence of the lamp witch.

"Was there a wizard here before..."

The Purple Star Witch murmured, and suddenly sensed something, and her eyes locked on a place next to the building.

"Mark? Wait, this breath..."

She found something, and her beautiful eyes narrowed into a slit: "Handsome brother, no wonder you have such strong magic power, it seems that you have inherited the legacy of this former wizard country!"

She immediately flashed to the deepest part of the trench and looked at the pitch-black below.

"It seems that nothing has been found, but..."

She raised her eyebrows slightly after sensing it.

But after thinking about it, she still took out a black seal and said: "Deal with the 50th place on the hunting list, regardless of life or death!"

The black seal fluctuated slightly, and within two seconds, a series of words formed by the gathering of magic energy appeared on it, which was a row of "yes".

The Purple Star Witch took a look and put away the seal, her beautiful eyes fell to the pitch-black below, and reached out to touch it gently.

With the fluctuation of magic energy, her whole body suddenly merged into the pitch-black Zheng below


Endless void, the void in the distance suddenly shook.

"What is this?"

On the back of the space bear, Kong Xingjian was startled. Looking at the area that was obviously the Lingxian Sect they had passed by before, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun.

"It seems to be over!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly.


Kong Xingjian was stunned.

Zhang Yun replied: "Six Miao Po Po self-destructed!"

"Self... self-destruct?"

Kong Xingjian stared.

Zhang Yun shrugged.

The last order he just gave to the six Miao Po Po was to self-destruct directly when the trump card of half-dragon transformation was released.

He had already seen the trump card of Jinglong Sect Master with the Immortal Eye Technique.

In fact, if possible, it would be best to let the six Miao Po Po self-destruct directly when Jinglong Sect Master and Ziwei Witch were both there. In this way, even if Ziwei Witch could escape death, she would be seriously injured on the spot.

But there was no way, he didn't stay away at that time. If he hurried to let the six Miao Po Po self-destruct, he would also be affected.

After all, the self-destruction of the fusion period, even if hiding in the endless void, can't be avoided as long as it is within the range. And it would be even more dangerous in the endless void, because this level of self-destruction would instantly cause countless space turbulence in the endless void in the surrounding area.

So he chose to let the six Miao Po Po self-destruct when Master Jinglong used his trump card.

At this point in time, he was far enough away from Kongxingjian.

The fact was just as he expected.

"What a pity..."

Zhang Yun exhaled.

It was a pity that the Lingxian Sect's mountain gate was destroyed, and it was also a pity that a fusion stage corpse could not be obtained.

If the six Miao Po Po self-destructed, Master Jinglong would definitely die unless he had something to protect himself that he didn't know about. And even the corpse would be crushed into powder.


Kongxingjian, who was standing aside, looked at the violent fluctuations in the void in the distance and swallowed his saliva secretly.

Six fusion stage Dacheng self-destructed...

Just thinking about it made his scalp numb.

But fortunately, it's all exploded!

Glancing at Zhang Yun, a gleam of brilliance flashed through his eyes.

Zhang Yun didn't notice his expression and brought the Golden Tiger King out of the Immortal Treasure Pavilion at this moment.


Seeing that it was him, the Golden Tiger Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he glanced at the surrounding environment and confirmed that it was the endless void. He couldn't help swallowing.


Under the situation just now, Zhang Yun actually escaped! !

"Golden Tiger."

Zhang Yun handed him the Immortal Treasure Pavilion pendant.

The Golden Tiger Emperor was startled, and seeing the Space Bear and the Kongxing Sword next to him, he immediately reacted and quickly took the pendant.

"Friend Kong, I'll go into the space artifact to rest for a while!"

Zhang Yun said to Kongxing Sword.

"Friend Zhang, please!"

Kongxing Sword glanced at the Golden Tiger Emperor and smiled and nodded at him.

Zhang Yun immediately entered the Immortal Treasure Pavilion.

After reporting his safety to You Xinyuan and others, he entered the Immortal Master World.

Come to the energy storage room.

Looking at the little withered immortal power left in it, Zhang Yun exhaled and immediately released the withered immortal power in his body to replenish it.

After the previous battle, he was more certain about the importance of the energy storage room.

Although he can mobilize the energy storage room at any time, it is isolated from the body. This means that even if his whole body is blocked, he can mobilize the energy in the energy storage room at any time as long as he realizes that he has not moved yet.

Previously banned by Headmaster Jinglong, he was still able to explosively perform the Spirit Tiger Transformation. In addition to sharing the energy of the striped spirit tiger, he also relied on the energy from the previous energy storage room.

Later, when facing the Ziwei Witch, the withered immortal power unexpectedly broke out. It was also because there was a little excess when the gourd was absorbed and the breakthrough was made, and the excess was stored in it.

This part may have saved his life before!

Without hesitation, he directly transferred five thousand Silk Dead Immortal Power in.

Some of the sea witch power, returning energy, and space energy were also transferred in.

After doing this, I looked at Wu Pang and Yu Shui'er who were practicing in the Qi Gathering Tower, as well as Yu Wei, Zhou Kan, Ran Ran in the Xianbao Pavilion...

Zhang Yun then went to his own training room and swallowed a pill to regulate his breathing.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Sensing something, Zhang Yun left the Xianbao Pavilion.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, we have arrived at the entrance of the space tunnel!"

Seeing him coming out, Kong Xingjian spoke immediately.

Zhang Yun looked up and saw a huge vortex entrance dozens of meters ahead of him in the endless void.

The space bear carried them directly and approached quickly.


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