Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 428 Death Guards

After checking the island under the blind formation, I made sure that there were no traces of anyone coming.

Zhang Yun then followed the space tunnel and headed towards the entrance to the secret realm of Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom.


But as soon as he got close, he was attacked. It was a spiritual weapon, an iron halberd, with extremely strong penetrating power.

Ordinarily, when facing someone in the Void Refining Stage, one blow would probably penetrate it.

However, Zhang Yun had already noticed it with his spiritual consciousness, blocked the iron halberd directly, looked at the figure appearing at the end of the space tunnel and said lightly: "It's me!"

"Zong...sect leader?"

At the end of the tunnel, Manwu saw Zhang Yun with a surprised look on his face.

"You have a good sense of defense, come in with me!"

Zhang Yun said something and then entered the secret realm of Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom.

Manwu hurriedly followed.

Entering the secret realm, Zhang Yun immediately gathered everyone from the First Immortal Sect.

"Sect Master, are you back?"

"Has the unstable situation been resolved?"

Seeing him coming back, the eyes of everyone in the First Immortal Sect were bright.

"The situation is still unclear!"

Zhang Yun shook his head and said loudly: "I came back this time for two things. The first thing is that a group of new members will join..."

With that said, he waved his hand, and hundreds of people from Guanqing Pavilion were brought out by him.

Looking at this large group of people, the monks from the First Sect of Immortal Dao frowned slightly.


This is their first impression.

But soon, their eyes were attracted by the group of beautiful female monks who looked dull but looked beautiful.

Many male monks swallowed, their eyes shining.

The ratio of men to women among the monks in the first sect of Immortal Dao is very unbalanced. Male monks make up the majority, with less than one-fifth being female monks.

There are so many wolves and so little meat that a large number of male monks are left alone.

Many male monks still hope to find a Taoist companion.

It’s not just for beauty, it’s mainly for cultivation.

Zhang Yun had previously distributed a large number of spiritual skills. In order to improve the efficiency of cultivation, many of them were provided free of charge to everyone in the sect for practice. And among these, there are many dual cultivation techniques.

These dual cultivation techniques are of high quality and can greatly improve the efficiency of cultivation.

Because of this, most of the female disciples within the First Immortal Sect now have companions, except for those who don’t want to find one or have special circumstances.

The large number of extra male monks will be a pain in the ass.

There is no one to look for, and among the current batch of new disciples, female monks seem to account for a considerable part!

Looking at the many male disciples with bright eyes, Zhang Yun was amused.

However, he did have this consideration before when he was willing to bring back these female monks who were kept captive by the jade-robed youth.

The first sect of Immortal Dao has a serious problem of excessive yang and yin deficiency, and needs to add some female disciples to balance it out.

But if you want these emotionally deprived female monks to become Taoist monks, you have to look at the abilities of the male disciples of the sect!

Guan Pan and many other Guanqing Pavilion monks swallowed their saliva when they saw this member of the first Immortal Sect.

Although Zhang Yun had briefly told them about the situation of the First Immortal Sect beforehand, when they saw it now, they were still shocked by the strength of the First Immortal Sect.

It is a rare Nascent Soul stage in Nanyunzhou. If you glance over here, you will see a group of them.

And there are obviously many more powerful ones.

The power of their senior Yunshangren is too powerful!

Guan Dandan and many other female monks also shrank when they felt the wolf-like gazes of many male disciples of the First Immortal Sect.

What is the situation of the male monks in the first sect of Immortal Dao? Are your eyes so direct?

"The next thing is the second thing!"

Zhang Yun continued to announce: "The sect will organize a death guard. Anyone who is interested and has strength above the Nascent Soul stage can sign up.

Those who successfully sign up will receive key training from the sect in the short term. Spiritual weapons, exercises, and elixirs will all be provided with the best support! "

As soon as these words came out, there was quite a commotion in the place.

Focused training, the most matching spiritual weapons, exercises, and elixirs... This is quite tempting!

"Sect Master, what do these Death Guards do?"

But they were not carried away, someone immediately asked.

"As the name suggests, he is a dead soldier!"

Zhang Yun calmly explained: "Anyone who joins the guard will be the first to participate in the battle when the sect is in danger. Without orders, you cannot retreat and fight to the end!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the place that had been noisy just now immediately became quiet.

"Those who are willing and have the required strength can sign up at Elder You at any time!"

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention and just pointed at You Xinyuan next to him.

Just when he brought out Guanqing Pavilion and others, he also brought out You Xinyuan and others.

The Death Guard was Zhang Yun's impromptu idea, an idea he came up with after discussing with You Xinyuan on his way back.

It actually doesn't matter whether anyone in the sect is willing to join.

Because the members of the Death Guard will be mainly based on his summoned creatures!

Nowadays, there are many corpses on his body, especially those in the realm of transformation to gods, there are more than two hundred corpses piled up, and there are more than ten corpses in the refining stage.

The summoning platform uses corpses to summon, and he is now used to using it once, that is, dividing the corpse and summoning ten times for one day.

But in fact, if these corpses are completely put into the summoning platform for summoning, the summoned creatures can last for up to three months.

This was the case with the previous five sons and six sons.

At present, it is of little significance for him to keep these corpses in the transformation stage and use them to summon them.

Therefore, it is planned to summon all the corpses with intact bodies to form a summoned dead body guard that can last for three months and is not afraid of life and death.

This team can cooperate with You Xinyuan's formations to form various large formations.

Zhang Yun specifically asked You Xinyuan about this.

Because the summoned creatures are not afraid of life and death and are absolutely controlled, for You Xinyuan, many large formations can be easily set up through them.

As long as some of these large formations are formed, let alone face those strong men above the integration stage.

At least under the integration stage, You Xinyuan is sure to be invincible!

As for recruiting people in the sect, You Xinyuan also suggested it.

Although he mainly controls it, if some people can share the responsibility for him. Controlling the summoned creatures in groups for his disposal can greatly reduce his consumption.

Otherwise, if only one person maintains it, once You Xinyuan is over-consumed, the Death Guard will be useless!

After announcing the two things, Zhang Yun asked many disciples to disperse.

Gu Hongwen, Yu Ji and other high-level officials were left behind, as well as Luo Lian and others in the Void Refining Period.

"Sect Master, I'm afraid this Death Guards..."

Seeing the disciples disperse, Gu Hongwen couldn't help but speak immediately.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly and threw the summoning platform directly.

Swish, brush, brush! !

More than ten stages of virtual refining and more than two hundred stages of divine transformation appeared in the field at the same time.

Gu Hongwen and others' eyes almost popped out when they saw this.

But soon they also reacted: "Sect Master, how long will your method last..."

They still knew something about Zhang Yun's summoning method.

There are a lot of them, but they can’t be maintained forever.

"You don't need to think about this..."

Zhang Yun waved his hand and said: "The whole power of the Death Guards will be left to Elder You. Otherwise, each of you should find time to get along with Elder You. When encountering special circumstances, you can help him set up the formation according to Elder You's request!"

Gu Hongwen and others nodded.

Zhang Yun said no more.

Let Gu Hongwen and others get along with You Xinyuan to prevent accidents.

After all, it is not necessary for someone to join the Death Guard. Someone needs to step in at critical moments. They can get used to it in advance so that they can step in immediately when encountering situations in the future.

After a few more words, Zhang Yun handed over all the summoned creatures to You Xinyuan.

You Xinyuan immediately left with the summoned creatures, and many people followed him and went directly to set up formations with him.

Only Gu Hongwen, Yu Ji and Fang Sheng were left.

"One last thing for you!"

Zhang Yun looked at the three people and waved their hands, and the Space Bear King Xiaokong suddenly appeared in the field.

"This is?"

Looking at the Space Bear King who was over a hundred meters tall, Gu Hongwen and others looked surprised.

"It is Xiao Kong, with the ability to travel through the endless void!"

Zhang Yun nodded, pointed at the Space Bear King and said: "I will leave it in the sect after I leave. If you encounter an invincible crisis, you will receive these space artifacts from all over the sect as soon as possible, and then let the small Leave with nothing inside!”

As he spoke, he took out some space artifacts and handed them to the three of them.

These were obtained from some of the monks in the Void Refining Stage and Fusion Stage who were killed recently.

Space artifacts are rare, but for monks above the Void Refining stage, they will basically have one or two.

Now he has dozens more items on his body.

Although the area cannot be compared with Xianbao Pavilion, it is not small in total.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Gu Hongwen and the others took it solemnly.

"If there is no change outside in another month, we will return to the island to practice!"

Zhang Yun gave another instruction and left.

This time I only brought You Yangqiu and Luo Lian with me.

The former was strongly requested by You Xinyuan. Knowing that he was going to the Central Territory, asking You Yangqiu to follow him was considered as an experience.

Zhang Yun did not refuse, because he really needed an array master by his side, and You Yangqiu was a perfect fit.

As for Luo Lian, the Golden Tiger Emperor was dead and he needed a guide to go to the Central Territory in the future.

There is also Guo Lin, and the main reason for bringing him along is to consider the chaotic flow spiritual land that the opponent's chaotic flow clan may open at any time.

After leaving the secret realm of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, Zhang Yun took out the sound transmission jade tablet and contacted Su Die.

However, after contacting me for a long time, there was no response from the other party.

Zhang Yun frowned.

After pondering for a while, he simply went directly to South Mall.

Su Die returned there after returning to the Southern Territory before.

Zhang Yun wanted to say goodbye to the other party. I can't get in touch at the moment, and I'm inexplicably worried.

"Your disciple Yu Shui'er has successfully broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage and received a thousand-fold return on his cultivation!"

The returning energy that emerged from his body at this moment made him startled.

Soon, another piece of information appeared next——

"Congratulations to the host, your apprentice Yu Shui'er has activated the talent being planted in advance..."

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