Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 431 You are not welcome in the Southern Territory!

"Wow, what's going on?"

"Hide quickly!!"

This sudden change scared everyone on the bear's back, and they all screamed and moved away to both sides.


The space bear Doudou screamed in fear, but his body was too big to avoid.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the space bear Doudou was shot directly into the bottom of the tunnel.

Whoosh! !

Before the monks who were hiding on both sides could take a breath, they saw waves of magical sea water falling directly on them like lassoes.

Among them, two monks in the Void Refining Stage reacted quickly and spread out their fields to avoid the Wuli Sea Water. But others were not so lucky, and were tied up by Wu Li Haihai instantly.

Wanting to break free, Wuli's sea water quickly formed into a ball and wrapped around their bodies.

The two monks in the Void Refining Stage did not understand the situation, but they looked at the scene in front of them without any hesitation...

Turn around and run away!

"Now that you're in the Southern Territory, don't leave!"

At this time, a faint voice came towards them with majestic pressure.

"Divine consciousness!!"

The two Void Refining Stage monks were shocked and wanted to run away, but they couldn't escape from the range at all.

The majestic pressure shrouded them, and their bodies froze.

brush! brush!

In this moment of stagnation, two waves of magical water surged up and enveloped them.

In the blink of an eye.

Everyone is bound on the back of a bear.

"Master Kongjiu, what's going on?"

"Why do the strong men in your pavilion attack us?"

Many monks who were bound by the magical sea water all looked at the handsome young man who was also bound, full of confusion.

"I won't make it!"

The handsome young man also looked confused.

Before even saying this, why did the Space Bear King in their pavilion take action?

The most important thing is that there is someone on the back of the Bear King in this space! !

The Space Bear King has a transcendent status in their cabinet and has no master. Only a few core high-level officials, including the master of the Space Pavilion, can temporarily mobilize the Space Bear King for their control.

Could it be that some core high-level member of the cabinet has arrived?

That’s not right!

If he was a core high-level person, how come he was also restrained?

"Do you know where the Butterfly Palace is?"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in each of their ears.

The people present were stunned.

"Wait, are!!"

Someone immediately noticed something and their eyes widened suddenly.

The others were startled and looked around.

Only then could he clearly see Zhang Yun, who was dressed in white robes and snow on the back of the Space Bear King.

"Zhang Yun! It's Zhang Yun who is number 50 on the hunting list!!"

"My, why is he here?"

“What the hell is going on——!!”

Along with a burst of exclamations and screams, the Wuli seawater surrounding these people's bodies tightened at this moment, and many people's skin was instantly squeezed to the point of cracking.

Zhang Yun said indifferently: "I'm asking you a question!"

"I know your Butterfly Palace!!"

At this time, an old man in purple robe spoke up.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

The opponent is one of the only two people in the field who are in the Void Refining Stage.

He immediately asked: "Do you know where the Butterfly Palace is?"


The purple-robed old man looked hesitant when he heard this.

Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense, and the Wuli sea water surrounding the opponent quickly tightened.


The purple-robed old man's body instantly burst open with several bloody holes, and he was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Although I don't know the location of the Butterfly Palace, I know how to contact them!!"


Wu Li Haihai shrank back, and Zhang Yun immediately looked at him.

The old man in purple robe was a little frightened by what he saw, and he didn't dare to pause: "In Yunhai City in the mountain boundary, there is a Butterfly Palace stronghold there, and I once placed a commission there!"

"Mountain Boundary Yunhai City?"

Zhang Yun raised his brows and looked at the purple-robed old man again.

The latter quickly said: "Everything I said is true!"

"I understand, thank you!"

Zhang Yun spoke.


This sudden courtesy made the purple-robed old man stunned.

Zhang Yun said nothing more, just looked at the dozens of people present and said flatly: "Southern Territory, you are not welcome!"

Dozens of people were startled.

The next second...


"don't want!"

"Spare my life--!!"

Except for the handsome young man and the old man in purple robe, everyone else was invaded by the Wuli seawater and their life was wiped out on the spot.

Dozens of residual souls floated out and tried to escape, but were instantly wiped out by a layer of magical sea water.

The dozens of monks who were alive a second ago have turned into dozens of corpses floating in the surrounding void this second.


The purple-robed old man and the handsome young man both opened their mouths, and then their faces suddenly turned pale, and they immediately struggled to run away.

But the more they struggled, the tighter the magical seawater wrapped around their bodies became.

Zhang Yun ignored them, waved his hand to collect dozens of corpses, and glanced at the supporting space at the bottom of the tunnel below, "Bring it up!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Overlord under him responded and immediately carried the Space Bear Doudou to the back area on its back, leaving the front area to Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun waved his hand, and Wu Lihaihai forcefully dragged the handsome young man and the purple-robed old man over.

"Senior Zhang, please spare your life, I am a Zai Rao!!"

The handsome young man quickly wielded his sword

"If you want to die, just keep making noise!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

The handsome young man's body trembled and he quickly closed his lips tightly.

On the other hand, the old man in purple robe calmed down.

If you were to kill him, he would have turned into a corpse like the others. Zhang Yun didn't kill him, so he clearly didn't want to kill him. Or maybe it was because of the Butterfly Palace connection that I just mentioned that I didn’t kill him... At least for the time being, he won’t die!

Zhang Yun glanced at the purple-robed old man. He did save his life because this man knew how to contact Butterfly Palace.

As for the handsome young man, he is a member of the Space Pavilion. Regardless of other factors, just the space body exclusive to the members of the space pavilion of the other party has the value of conquering.

As for the others, the purpose of coming to the Southern Region was undoubtedly to deal with him.

Maybe one or two have other purposes.

But so what?

After seeing the tragic situation in Nan Shang City, he understood that none of the Central Region monks who came to the South Region were innocent!

If you kill, you will kill!

Looking at the space tunnel in front of him, Zhang Yun said: "Go directly along the tunnel and go to the Central Domain Mountain Boundary!"

"Yes, sir!"

Overlord responded and set off immediately.

Looking at this obedient Space Bear King, the handsome young man was surprised.

But more is still puzzling.

Zhang Yun is not from their Space Pavilion, so why is there a Space Bear King?

On the Immortal Continent, apart from their Space Pavilion, I haven't heard of any space bears anywhere else.

Who is Zhang Yun, who was listed as the 50th most wanted person on the hunting list by Gumo City and other forces?

Just as he was thinking about it, the handsome young man's expression suddenly changed.


But he was unable to move at all, Zhang Yun had already pointed at him with one finger.

At the same time, the old man in purple robe was also pointed out by Zhang Yunyi.

"You...what did you do to us?"

The sudden strange feeling in the heart and soul made both the handsome young man and the purple-robed old man look frightened.

Zhang Yun directly took out a video stone, and the video of him conquering the members of Zhongcai organization was immediately played on it.

The handsome young man and the old man in purple robe looked a little confused.

"Sorry, I got the wrong one!"

Zhang Yun reacted upon seeing this, quickly took back the video stone, and took out another one.

The two handsome young men looked confused.

If they read it correctly, the picture just now showed a group of members of the lottery organization, right? Is Zhang Yun's posture trying to subdue those members of the Cai Organization?

Before they could think about it, they saw Zhang Yun's handsome face appeared on the other video stone that Zhang Yun took out, and he spoke in a very indifferent tone: "I'll just give you a little bit that will make your heart explode instantly, and your soul will explode." It’s just a means of instant annihilation!”

Upon hearing this, the two handsome young men reacted immediately, and their faces turned pale.

Zhang Yun put away the video stone.

Because the conqueror had to explain something every time, he specially recorded this section, plus the previous video of the members of the conqueror organization.

To conquer people later, depending on the situation, he just needs to play these two videos.

save trouble!

"Senior Zhang...Senior Zhang, I am from the Space Pavilion, you can't do this to me!"

The handsome young man couldn't help but say: "If this matter is known to the pavilion, you will become the enemy of our pavilion!"


Zhang Yun smiled and pointed at the Overlord beneath him: "Where do you think it came from?"

The handsome young man was startled and quickly realized something. He looked at Zhang Yun in shock.


At this time, Doudou, the supported space bear on the bear's back, seemed to recognize Overlord and let out a questioning growl.

When the Overlord saw this, he burst out laughing: "Dou Doudou, you stupid bear, you only recognized this Bear King now!"

"Ho ho ho??"

Space Bear Doudou Doudou was obviously shocked. Staring at the Overlord's body, the bear's eyes were filled with shock.

"How did Ben Xiong become like this?"

The Overlord smiled when he saw this and said, "That's because of the reward from the young master!"

He looked at Zhang Yun with a look of reverence.

Space Bear Doudou was startled and immediately looked at Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun glanced at Overlord when he saw this.

The Overlord smiled at him fawningly.

Seeing that Zhang Yun did not kill the space bear Doudou Doudou, it guessed that Zhang Yun must want to subdue the latter.

Zhang Yun shook his head in amusement.

In terms of ability to please him, this Overlord is on par with the Striped Spirit Tiger.

Without any nonsense, he condensed a mark of the animal farm and handed it to the space bear Doudou, saying: "If you want to become an overlord, just take this mark!"

Space Bear Doudou looked confused.

"Dou Doudou, you can't pick it up!"

The handsome young man on the side saw this and couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Yun glanced at the other party indifferently.

The handsome young man suddenly trembled and quickly lowered his head.


The space bear Doudou Doudou seemed to be influenced by him and barked but did not receive the mark.


When the Overlord saw this, he couldn't help but yelled at Doudou.

However, the space bear Doudou Doudou lay down without even looking at the mark.

Zhang Yun was slightly surprised when he saw this.

Faced with the temptation to upgrade to the Space Bear King, Doudou actually refused?

He couldn't help but glance at the handsome young man.

He could see that Doudou did not have any restrictions such as master and slave marks on his body. To be able to listen to the handsome young man like this without being restricted, the latter is quite capable!


Seeing that the Overlord wanted to say something else, Zhang Yun waved his hand and said, "Just concentrate on your journey!"

Overlord glanced at Zhang Yun cautiously and saw that he was not angry, so he breathed a sigh of relief and started on his way.

Zhang Yun didn't pay much attention.

It doesn't matter to him whether Xiong Doudou in this space can take the mark or not. After all, the handsome young man is already under his control.


Zhang Yun suddenly showed a smile and looked at the handsome young man.

Facing his smile, the handsome young man couldn't help but shrink back: "You...what do you want to do?"

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