Endless void, a wide space tunnel.

There were two space bears, dozens of meters long, flying side by side.

One of them has a unique shape, wearing a big pink robe and a big bow hairpin on her head, which is quite cute.

At this moment on the back of this cute space bear.

"Zhang Yun really went to the mountain world?"

Kong Xingjian was holding a sound transmission jade tablet to receive the news, and was slightly surprised.

"There have long been rumors that Zhang Yun is going to the mountain world, and many people have been there early in the morning..."

On the back of another space bear next to him, a young man in blue robe couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect this cloud to really dare to go!"

"At first glance, he is an arrogant person!"

A girl hummed.

I saw a pink-haired girl standing on the back of the cute space bear where the Sky Star Sword was.

The girl looked at the handsome face of Kong Xingjian next to her with a slight fascination, and asked in a sweet voice: "Brother Jian, now that we have determined the location of this cloud, do we want to go there?"

"Nonsense, I must go!"

Kong Xingjian didn't make a sound, and the young man in blue couldn't help but speak first: "Brother Jian's Kong Ke is in Zhang Yun's hands, we must snatch it back!"

"Shut up, I didn't ask you!"

The pink-haired girl glared at him with dissatisfaction, and then immediately looked at Kong Xingjian with tenderness: "Brother Jian, what about you?"

"We're going, but not us!"

Kong Xingjian calmly looked at the young man in blue robe on the back of the bear next door: "Kong Long, have you contacted all the people you were asked to contact before?"

"Brother Jian, we have been contacted!"

He nodded to the blue-robed young man known as Konglong and said: "The Black and White Spirit Clan is eager to kill this cloud immediately to avenge his hatred, and is willing to cooperate. The Demon Sealing Sect, the Palace of the Dead, and the Wizard's Palace have also expressed interest!"

Kong Xingjian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are there any additional conditions?"

"Brother Jian, we really welcome..."

Konglong hesitated for a moment and said, "They want each to get a place to enter the Space Wonderland!"

"Are you kidding me?"

As soon as these words came out, the pink-haired girl couldn't help but yelled: "These Wang An are blackmailing!!"

Kong Long shrugged helplessly.

Kong Xingjian looked thoughtful.

Seeing this, the pink-haired girl quickly said: "Brother Jian, do you still need to consider this matter? I absolutely cannot agree..."

"Okay, Rou, I'm sensible!"

Kong Xingjian interrupted her, looked at Kong Long and said calmly: "They can have quotas if they want, but there are only two. One quota is for those who can help me bring Kong back. The other quota is for those who can take off Zhang The one with the head of the cloud!”

By the end of his words, his tone had taken on a firm tone.

The pink-haired girl was still thinking about something, but seeing that he had made up her mind, she could only remain silent.

"I know, Brother Jian!"

Konglong nodded and took out a sound transmission jade tablet.

Not a few minutes.

Kong Long put away the sound transmission jade tablet, looked at Kong Xing Jian and said: "Brother Jian, they all agreed to go!"


Kong Xingjian nodded and looked toward the distant mountain world, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

In the middle domain, there is a world shrouded in mist.

In the central area of ​​this world, there is a huge square with countless futons placed on it.

There is a person sitting on each futon, and these people have different expressions. Some are happy, some are sad, some are angry, and some are dull...

And every change in their expressions will form a special energy that will flow into the futon under them.

Entering the underground of the square, there is a huge palace.

At this moment, outside this huge underground palace.

A middle-aged man with an indifferent expression was bowing and saluting into the palace: "My subordinates have investigated clearly. The fifth heir died in the Southern Region. The murderer can be basically determined to be related to Zhang Yun, who is ranked 50th on the hunting list. !”

"In that case, go and bring people here."

In the palace, a faint voice came out.

"Yes, Palace Master!"

The indifferent middle-aged man bowed and disappeared.

In the middle domain, in a dim ancient city.

"Where is the person I want?"

Suddenly an old voice sounded.

"Ancestor, are you awake?"

Many figures in the city were startled.

"Where is the one who opens the shackles door?"

The old voice continued to sound, with a slightly irritable tone: "Why can't I feel his presence in the city?"

Many figures in the city trembled, and one of them, a middle-aged man in a Chinese robe, said quickly: "Please forgive me, ancestor, something has happened and the person has not been able to be brought back. However, we have learned about this person's whereabouts and will be able to bring him back soon. Bring it!"


After hearing this, the irritability in the old voice subsided a little, but it was still full of displeasure: "I'll sleep again. If you don't see anyone when you wake up next time, don't be the city lord!!"

The middle-aged man in Hua Pao said: "Ancestor, please rest assured that next time you wake up, you will definitely be able to see someone!"

The old voice snorted and quickly disappeared into the city.

The middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe stretched out his hand to wipe away a trace of cold sweat from his forehead, and immediately pulled someone from the city. He said solemnly: "Fourth son, the extreme body person you had before you is Zhang Yun, who has been causing trouble recently. Is it true?"

"City Lord, I'm sure!"

The fourth son said: "I went to the Southern Region before, and I witnessed this person breaking open the shackles door in the Antarctic Sea from a distance!"

"Then why don't you take him down?"

"City Lord, this person is far stronger than I thought. The other children were not with me at the time, so..."


The middle-aged man in Chinese robe interrupted coldly and glanced towards the city: "Blood One, Bat One, Ling One, Hun One, follow me!"

"Yes, City Lord!"

Four responses sounded in unison in the city.

The next second, the middle-aged man in Chinese robes and four figures in the city disappeared from the spot at the same time.

Zhongyu, the central realm.

In a complex of brightly lit buildings, there is a dimly lit room.

"Sir, that Zhang Yun has appeared in the mountain world!"

A man wearing a luxurious silk green robe and a green mask on his face was kneeling in the room.

At the top of the room, there was a grand master's chair that was mostly covered by darkness. There was a figure sitting on the chair whose appearance could not be seen clearly in the darkness, with only a pair of black iron boots visible.

The figure in the darkness picked up a cup of tea on the coffee table next to him and said calmly, "Are you so impatient?"

"Sir, this matter has become a knot in my heart..."

The man in the green mask said solemnly: "If I can't solve this cloud, I will be troubled!"

The figure in the darkness put down the tea cup and said calmly: "That's okay. You performed well in the task before, so let's treat it as a reward for you! Bai Tong, come with me..."

The words fell.

From the shadows of the room, a man wearing a white mask suddenly walked out and bowed: "Yes, sir!"

The man in the green mask looked happy when he saw the man in the white mask, and kowtowed to the figure in the darkness, "Thank you, sir!"

Then he got up and left the room with the mask on.

"Sir, this child has an average mind. Is it really necessary to cultivate him?"

At this time, another old man in gray clothes walked out of the shadows. Looking at the leaving figures of the two men in green masks, he couldn't help but speak.

"The nature of the mind is not absolute!"

The figure in the darkness picked up the tea, put it to his mouth, took a sip, and said: "I was not sure, but my heart was knotted, and I have made rapid progress. The most important thing is that this kid comes from the Southern Region, and he has extraordinary opportunities. He is likely to be That lucky guy back then!”

"Sir, if you are a lucky person in the Southern Territory, I think this cloud is more like it!"

"Zhang Yun..."

The figure in the darkness was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Let's see if this cloud can survive this disaster!"

Endless void, inside a huge space tunnel.


Accompanied by a bear roar, a silver-patterned space bear king over a hundred meters long opened an entrance and entered.


On the broad bear's back, the two masked men in black robes couldn't help but swallowed their saliva as they watched this scene.

This space bear actually found the space tunnel of the Space Pavilion directly from the endless void and forced its way in.

This was the first time they had seen such a thing.

Looking at Zhang Yun, he was surprised and confused. Could it be that the other party was from the Space Pavilion?

Ignoring the two people's surprise, Zhang Yun looked at the Overlord beneath him and asked, "How long does it take to get to the Insect Realm from here?"

"Sir, we'll be here in about three days!"

Overlord replied.

Zhang Yun took out his command brush and wrote the word "quickly".


Overlord's entire body suddenly shot out a distance into the space tunnel in front of him like a cannonball.

"how about this?"

Zhang Yun asked again.

Feeling the sudden lightness of his body, Overlord's pupils were a little surprised. He tried to speed up a certain distance and then replied: "Sir, in this case, two should be enough!"

"As soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir!"

Overlord continues to accelerate.

The two men in black robes and masks watched this scene and couldn't help but stare at the brush in Zhang Yun's hand.

They noticed this brush when Zhang Yun attacked them before. Just writing the words slows them down.

Now there are two words, which directly makes the space bear's speed skyrocket.


This brush is definitely a treasure!

There was a hint of fire in their eyes.

But soon the strange feeling coming from their hearts and souls suddenly woke them up, and they quickly dismissed the unrealistic fantasy in their minds.

Now you can't even save your life, but you still think about your baby?

Zhang Yun glanced at the two of them and didn't pay much attention. He sensed the substitute clone left in the mountain world.

He left his substitute clone behind, firstly to attract all the monks who wanted to go to the Southern Region to catch him as planned before.

The second is to try whether his connection with the substitute clone will be cut off due to the distance. If so, he would just take this opportunity to measure the farthest distance he could sense.

The third is to confuse the Butterfly Palace headquarters.

Although his previous scene in the White House did not attract much attention, some people had seen it. There is no guarantee that someone among them will not have spread the news through sound transmission jade tablets or other means.

This was also the reason why he didn't let the man in the black robe and mask block the news.

Instead of trying to hide it, it would be better to let Butterfly Palace know that he has been to the White House and has attacked Deaf Palace's stronghold.

The person in Die Palace who captured Su Die might have guessed that he came for Su Die. But as long as they find that he is still in the mountain world, the other party will not pay too much attention to him.

What he wants is to temporarily stabilize the other party!


At this time, a crying call suddenly came from my ears.

Zhang Yun was startled.

Enter the Xianbao Pavilion immediately.

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