"The person holding the token, I have discovered you. I advise you to hand it over quickly, otherwise I will blame you for being rude!"

As soon as everyone looked over, they heard Zhang Yun's threatening voice.

Everyone was stunned.

what do you mean?

We just searched the bodies of the Immortal Fire Sword Sect and the others, isn’t the token on you?

While they were thinking, Zhang Yun suddenly glanced at them.

Everyone who was caught in his gaze could not help but tremble, feeling as if their whole body was being seen through.

Especially the black-haired man who was a casual cultivator in the Void Refining Stage. The moment Zhang Yun looked at him, a chill spread from head to toe.

Fortunately, the gaze didn't stay on him for too long.

It seems like it's just a bluff!

The black-haired man who was a casual cultivator breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yun's eyes scanned all the way, and finally locked on the deepest part of the square.

Everyone present was stunned.

Because what Zhang Yun was looking at at this moment was the mysterious demon there.

That 'token is on you' look made Xuan Mo unable to bear it any longer.

A person at the peak of the Void Refining Stage dared to act arrogantly in front of him again and again. Damn it!


Demonic energy burst into the sky, and the power of the demonic energy field swept away at this moment, and the terrifying pressure swept across the huge square in an instant.

Everyone present slumped, looking at the mysterious demon who was unfolding the domain with frightened eyes.

This is getting serious!

boom! boom!

At this time, two realms of divine consciousness that were not weak at all unfolded and directly collided with Xuan Mo's demonic energy realm.

The three realms of spiritual consciousness in the Mahayana stage collided, and the terrifying residual power swept across the square.

The monks present hurriedly retreated to various corners of the square, but some were slow to react and were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew to the corners.

"Kill him!"

Zhang Yun spoke directly.

Two Luan Qianliu rushed out of the wolf's back, two black Dharma books appeared on their bodies, and the area around them suddenly surged with a black devouring power.

The demonic energy field directly covered Xuan Mo and began to devour it.

"Turbulent Dharma Book!"

Seeing this scene, Xuan Mo showed a hint of shock in his completely black pupils: "Are you from the Luanliu clan?"

"The Luanliu Clan?"

"Wait a minute, I've seen it before. That's the Luanliu Clan's unique destiny book!"

"Oh my God! Isn't the Luanliu clan in decline? Why did two Mahayana disciples appear at once??"

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion in the venue.


Zhang Yun didn't care about exposing the two Luan Qianliu.

If you want to kill the mysterious demon, you can no longer hide it.

Luan Qianliu, as the former leader of the Luanliu clan, was a member of the black lineage before he was taken away by the Seven Immortals Book Old Artifact Spirit.

The black Dharma book of the Black Vein can be regarded as the strongest among the seven veins of the Luanliu clan, because this Dharma book...

Whoosh! !

Under Zhang Yun's gaze, two Luan Qianliu opened the Dharma book, and countless sword lights shot out from the book, bombarding Xuan Mo's demonic energy field.

Every sword light contains considerable power, coupled with the devouring power covering the field of demonic energy...

Xuan Mo's demonic energy field began to tremble in an instant.

boom! boom!

The two Luan Qianliu took advantage of the victory to pursue, and opened the book again, and two huge golden fist seals blasted out from it.

The fist seal contains considerable purifying power, and when it hits the area of ​​demonic energy, it directly purifies a large area of ​​demonic energy.

The surface of the domain exploded and shattered an area.

Xuan Mo groaned, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, looking at the power of purification, his pupils shrank: "Pure Light Fist!"

"It's the Pure Light Fist!!"

"How could these two Luanliu clan do this?"

The six Light Alliance guardians in the field were a little unbelievable when they saw this.

Pure Light Fist, this is one of the Heavenly Level Kung Fu and combat skills exclusive to their Light Alliance. In the Alliance, only high-level people above the Guardian level can practice it. How could these two Luan Qianliu in front of them do it?

Zhang Yun smiled lightly.

The most powerful thing about the Black Dharma Book is that it can swallow all kinds of creatures into the exclusive devouring space of the Dharma Book.

Then copy and record the creature's methods in it, and then copy and display them through the Dharma Book at any time.

The ability is just like the black pages of the Book of Seven Immortals.

As the former leader of the Luanliu Clan, Luan Qianliu made full use of his Dharma Book. At its peak, he had copied hundreds of different methods in it!

For now, this is just the appetizer.


"The Ancient Spiritual Fist! It's the Ancient Spiritual Fist of Ultimate City!!"


"The Violent Heavenly Hammer! It's the Violent Heavenly Hammer of the Barbarian Emperor's Palace!!"

Moo——! !

"The Holy Shadow of Celestial Elephants! You actually know the Holy Shadow of Celestial Elephants!!"

One after another, shocking attacks were blasted out from the two Luan Qianliu's Dharma books.

Some of them were recognized by the monks in the field.

Because these methods are the unique skills of some of the top forces in the Central Region today.

It even included the secret knowledge of the Astronomical Palace that was right there.

Seeing a huge elephant shadow in the sky, the master of the Celestial Elephant Palace suddenly stood up, his face full of shock.

Celestial Elephant Holy Shadow, this is a top secret skill that has been lost in their Celestial Elephant Palace. Only fragments were left by our ancestors, and by their generation, they had been completely lost.

Even the master of the Celestial Elephant Palace couldn't cultivate it.

The outsider in front of me can actually do it! !

Puffy! !

Under the shock of many monks in the field, a series of attacks also completely exploded the field of demonic energy.


Xuan Mo suffered a backlash, a mouthful of black blood spurted out, and he collapsed directly in the deepest part of the square.

The two Luan Qianliu rushed forward without hesitation.

On the two black magic books, two pure light fists filled with purifying power that had just been used appeared again, blasting towards the mysterious demon below.

When dealing with demonic cultivators, the power of purification is the most lethal.


At this moment, a low roar sounded.

I saw the horns on Xuan Mo's forehead, and the pure black eyes were filled with light at the same time.

A deep dark demonic energy surged out, forming a barrier in front of him.

Two huge pure light fist seals landed on it, but they were forcibly absorbed by this demonic barrier, unable to explode with power.

But the two Luan Qianliu didn't care, and directly unfolded the black law book, using various methods like throwing garbage, and smashed it down in pieces.

Buzz! !

Black light continued to emit from the horns on Xuan Mo's forehead and black eyes, constantly expanding the demonic barrier.

While absorbing the attacks one after another.

Black lines began to appear on his body surface, visible to the naked eye.

All the monks present felt an inexplicable depression.

He looked at Xuan Mo with fear in his eyes.

They knew that this Mahayana demon cultivator had a trump card that was about to explode.

Soon, black lines spread onto Xuan Mo's cheeks.


At this moment, Xuan Mo's expression suddenly condensed and he suddenly looked to one side.

"Oh, I've been discovered!"

A somewhat helpless voice sounded.

Everyone present was stunned.

He saw an invisible figure wearing Lingtou clothes appearing in the deep area of ​​the square less than a few dozen meters away from Xuan Mo.

It's Zhang Yun!

At this moment, 'Zhang Yun' standing on the back of the Sirius King turned into energy and dispersed, as if it was just a temporary clone.

"court death!"

Xuan Mo snorted coldly.

The two Mahayana stagers dared to get so close to him when they were not around him...


A wave of demonic power swept over him.

He didn't need to expend any energy at all to release his magic power at such a close range.

But it was enough to crush Zhang Yun, who was far lower than him!

And just when the demonic power was about to crush Zhang Yun, a huge tentacle appeared in front of Zhang Yun, blocking the pressure.


Xuan Mo was stunned.

After blocking the pressure, the tentacle suddenly retracted and disappeared.

"It's for you!"

Before he could react, a page with two words 'ding' written on it floated in front of him.

Invisible fluctuations broke out instantly.

At this close range, Xuan Mo didn't even have time to react, and his whole body was frozen on the spot.

The chaos in the air and the many monks in the surrounding corners were also frozen.


The moment everyone was frozen, a tentacle filled with icy frost shot out and touched the mysterious demon in an instant.

In just a moment, Xuan Mo was frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold frost on it.


But it only lasted less than half a second, and the ice sculpture suddenly shattered.

The freezing effect has disappeared!

The horns and eyes of Xuan Mo's forehead glowed black again.

And at the moment when he was glowing...


Zhang Yun's figure had arrived in front of him, holding the universal sword in both hands.

"not good!!"

Xuan Mo's expression suddenly changed.

He wanted to make a move, but Zhang Yun, who had already calculated the time, didn't give him any chance.


A sword struck the horn on the forehead.

Under the sharpness of the almighty sword, the hard horn could not even resist for a moment and was cut off directly.



Black blood spurted out, and the mysterious demon's shrill screams echoed throughout the square.

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