Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 562 Ten Thousand Times Spirit Gathering Array! The Ten Thousand Realms Ingestion Scroll!

The first is the energy storage room.

The original storage area was the total energy of one hundred integration periods, but after the upgrade, it has directly increased to one thousand Mahayana periods.

The demonic energy and energy that nearly filled his energy storage room before now only occupy less than a few hundredth of the area in this upgraded large storage room.

Next, if you want to absorb demonic energy or something, you can do it as much as you want.

"You can suck the demonic energy from the corpses of some demons!"

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

Green Demon Spider, Cloud Demon King, Dark Demon King, Green Demon King...the demonic energy cultivated by these Mahayana demons has its own merits, and they are all good demonic energy.

There was a strong amount of demonic aura in the Demon Sealing Sect headquarters before, but the best demonic aura was from these Mahayana stage demons.

It is worth mentioning that except for the tooth monster that was completely purified by Long Fenghua, all the corpses of the Mahayana stage demons, demon cultivators and monsters that appeared in the Demon Sealing Sect fell into his hands.

Inside was the body of a Dark Lord who died in battle at the entrance of the Demon-Sealing Sect headquarters, and was taken away by Kong Zheng, an old guy from the Space Pavilion.

Zhang Yun found it in one of his space artifacts.

Now, he has a living Mystic Demon and a Dark Demon King; dead bodies include a Green Demon Spider corpse, a Dark Demon King corpse, two Green Demon King corpses, and two Cloud Demon King corpses that have lost their cores.

Just by summoning these Mahayana demons, he could summon a total of sixty-nine Mahayana demons.

Two of the Cloud Demon King's corpses were divided by him because the tentacles that were the core of the demonic energy were divided by him. In addition, he had summoned one before, so now the two Cloud Demon King corpses combined could only summon nine Cloud Demon Kings.

If he adds the Mahayana monks he captured and killed earlier, he can now summon and eat hundreds of Mahayana monks in an instant!


Looking at it carefully, Zhang Yun himself was frightened by this number.

This is the Mahayana period!

Once upon a time, Yuanyingqi was considered a big boss in his eyes. Now in the Mahayana period, you can actually summon at will...

"Life jumps so fast!"

Zhang Yun sighed.

With this power, we can settle accounts one by one.

He wanted to establish a wave of prestige before the first sect of Immortal Dao was established.

The number one in the immortal world, this name that once seemed crazy will soon become a reality!

But before that, let’s break through...


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yun came to the Wanjie Kung Fu Pavilion.

‘Obtained level six authority and the right to match exercises for disciples three times. ’

The Immortal Warrant brings information as soon as it enters.


Zhang Yun did not hesitate and directly matched the skills for Qingjian Zun.

Match completed!

‘"The Netherworld Holy Technique" - Stepless Skill'

'To practice this method, you need to possess the Qingyou Sword Body, which can inspire the Holy Body, activate the Qingyou Body, and cultivate the power of the Netherworld...'


Looking at the dark blue scroll that emerged, Zhang Yun smiled.

The potential of Qingjian Zun can be stimulated!

Putting away the scroll, Zhang Yun went to the second floor of the Wanjie Kung Fu Pavilion and walked directly to the second row of cabinets that he could not get close to before.

The invisible barrier that originally blocked him disappeared, and the skills on the cabinet shelf in front of him came into view.

There are relatively few exercises on the cabinet shelves on the second floor. There are only ten volumes in front of you——

""Thunder Method Heavenly Palace" - Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique"

""The Overlord Steps to the Sky" - Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique"

‘‘Seven Spirit Storm Techniques’—Heavenly Level Technique’

As expected, all heaven-level techniques were used.

"It's rare to find something suitable for a fat person..."

Looking at the technique called "Overlord Stepping on the Sky", Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

There are still a few doors that other apprentices can also use.

But nothing suited him.

Zhang Yun shook his head, looked at the rows of cabinets at the back, and tried to step forward.

"No barrier?"

Walking to the third row of cabinets, Zhang Yun's eyes lit up when he found that there was no invisible barrier.

Another ten volumes of heavenly skills came into view.

When he saw the contents of two volumes, Zhang Yun's eyes lit up——

""Witch Power Transformation" - Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique. Practicing this method provides the absorption of witchcraft with corresponding attributes, which can transform the witchcraft into attributes, allowing those who practice this method to obtain witchcraft with multiple attributes at the same time. ’

""Devil's Clone" - Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique. The method of clone can condense a clone with pure demonic energy. The realm of the clone will not be shared with the main body. It will be practiced independently, but it can be integrated with the main body and explode in a short time. The level of the avatar's realm depends on the core of the demonic energy.

Note: To practice this method to condense the clone, you need to consume a core of demonic energy. ’

I have wanted to practice a suitable magic cultivation technique before, but I have never found the right one.

Now, I finally see one!

Zhang Yun raised the corners of his mouth, put away his skills, looked at the next row of cabinets, and tried to walk over.

"Not blocked yet?"

Zhang Yun was quite surprised when he successfully walked to the cabinet shelf.

But he immediately took a look.

They are also ten volumes of heavenly skills.

But there is nothing particularly suitable for him, but there is a movement technique called "Shui Yue Emperor Flash" that is quite suitable for Yu Shui'er.

‘You need to obtain level seven permission to move forward! ’

After looking at this row of cabinets, Zhang Yun tried to move to the next row of cabinets, but this time he failed to move forward smoothly.

After scanning the remaining three rows of cabinets in front of him, which were leading to the stairs to the third floor, Zhang Yun touched his chin.

Originally, he thought he had to have level 10 authority to reach the third level, but looking at his posture, level 7 or 8 might be enough!

The second floor is different from the first floor. There is only one aisle on this floor. He cannot go directly to the stairs to check the permissions like he could on the first floor.

After exhaling, Zhang Yun left the Ten Thousand Realms Kung Fu Pavilion.

Come to the Qi Gathering Tower.

The third level of the Qi Gathering Building, whose authority was upgraded to the third level, suddenly opened the third floor of the Qi Gathering Building, which is also the top floor of the Qi Gathering Building.

"Ten Thousand Times Spirit Gathering Array!?"

The moment he saw the information, Zhang Yun's eyes straightened on the spot.

Try to activate the formation.

Boom boom boom! !

Large waves of violent spiritual energy rushed into the body like large swaths of sea water.

The crazy influx of wave after wave of spiritual energy made Zhang Yun's body tremble, and he felt that the bottlenecks at the peak of the Void Refining Stage were slightly loosened.

"This speed of gathering souls is unbelievable!!"

Zhang Yun clicked his tongue.

Thousand-fold spirit gathering formations are rare in the Immortal Continent... Zhang Yun estimates that it would be difficult to find a second one in the entire continent.

In addition, the energy contained in the Qi Gathering Building is also 100% open to him.

However, it only lasted for such a short minute, and nearly one thousandth of this energy had been consumed.

At this rate, if it is turned on all the time, it will be used up in less than a day.

"He's a big energy eater!"

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly.

Still, he brought all eight disciples over.


Suddenly brought to the Qi Gathering Building, Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others were a little confused.

Especially Qingjian Zun, this was his first time in the Qi Gathering Tower, but he could feel the density of spiritual energy around him being astonishing.

"Everyone go sit on the futons in front!"

Zhang Yun pointed to the dozens of futons on the third floor.

Wu Xiaopang and others did not hesitate and found a place to sit down.

"Master, let me now let you experience the ultimate gathering of souls!"

Zhang Yun said, snapping his fingers.

The three-level 10,000-fold spirit gathering effect is activated!

Boom boom boom! !

The majestic spiritual energy like the sea suddenly rushed towards Wu Xiaopang and the other eight people sitting on the futon.


"Oh my God! Isn't this spiritual energy too crazy? Master, how many times the spiritual energy is this!?"


As soon as Wu Xiaopang's spiritual energy appeared, everyone was shocked.

Even Wu Haihai, who had little interest in practicing, was so frightened by this majestic sea-like spiritual energy that he got up from the futon.

"Don't be distracted and concentrate on your practice!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Wu Xiaopang and others' eyes narrowed, knowing that this kind of spirit gathering formation was rare, so they quickly started to use their skills to absorb it.


Only Wu Haihai scratched his ears and cheeks at this moment, feeling a little strange about the large amount of spiritual energy coming in, and couldn't help but look at him aggrievedly.

Zhang Yun held his forehead.

I asked you to practice like flying, and you still feel wronged by me?

He immediately scolded: "If you want to see Luo Lian again, just concentrate on practicing as a master, otherwise you will never feel how big and soft Luo Lian is!"

When Wu Haihai heard this, he had a sad expression on his face and could only honestly use his Wu Shen Jue.


As a result of this movement, large amounts of spiritual energy gathered around him.

The spiritual energy flowing towards Wu Xiaopang and the other seven people was directly reduced.

Lord Qingjian opened his eyes and looked at Wu Haihai with some surprise.

As a half-step Mahayana stage, his cultivation speed is much faster than that of low-level monks. The fourth senior brother in front of him could actually steal part of the spiritual energy he had gathered?

"Yang Xu, my master is going to teach you a skill, please listen carefully!"

Zhang Yun's voice suddenly came to his ears, and Lord Qingjian was stunned.

I couldn't help but say: "Master, it's possible to spread it like this..."

Kung Fu is something that requires a lot of research before it can be practiced. Zhang Yun was dictating through voice transmission at this moment...

"Just listen carefully!"

Upon hearing Zhang Yun's words, Lord Qingjian didn't say anything more and quickly pricked up his ears.

Zhang Yun immediately dictated the "Saint Secret of the Netherworld" that he had previously matched.

Mingming found it difficult to grasp what he was listening to, but as he followed the content, Qingjian Zun soon discovered that his body could not help but move. As if it was tailor-made for him, after just listening to it once, this Netherworld Holy Technique started to operate throughout his body.

With the movement of the technique, the potential in his body that had been sealed away for many years suddenly vibrated at this moment.

A 'peng' sound.

Qingjian Zun's whole body was shaken, and a dark blue light emerged from his body.


The spiritual energy from all over the world suddenly gathered towards him crazily.

What had just been snatched away by Wu Haihai was snatched back at once, and he also snatched away the auras of Wu Haihai and Wu Xiaopang.

Seeing this, Wu Xiaopang and the other six people were not willing to be outdone and they all started to use their skills with all their strength.

Everyone's skills have a very strong spirit-gathering effect. Although Qingjian Zun takes the lion's share due to the difference in realm, the spirit energy gathered by Wu Xiaopang and others is still considerable.


In less than two minutes, there was an explosion of breath.

Wu Xiaopang had already reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, but it was completely broken at this moment.

A huge phantom exuding the pressure of the Overlord rose up, and the power of the new divine transformation stage swept away.

"Your disciple Wu Xiaopang, his cultivation level has broken through from the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage to the minor achievement of the Transformation Stage, and he has received a thousandfold return on his cultivation level!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yun's mouth curled up and he immediately said: "Little Fatty, hold your nerve and consolidate!"

Fatty Wu nodded, the Overlord's true energy swirling around him, and his breath continued to solidify.

Several other apprentices are also improving rapidly.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun didn't stay in the Qi Gathering Building for long.

However, before leaving the Qi Gathering Building, one billion spiritual stones were directly thrown into the energy-providing area in the building.

He just received five billion spirit stones from Madam Hua, plus those from the Demon Sealing Sect's treasury and various major stages, so now he is not short of spirit stones!

After leaving the Qi Gathering Tower, Zhang Yun came to the center of the Immortal Master World and looked at the many light groups suspended in the air.

Taking a deep breath, he stretched out his hand to grab the nearest one.

‘Obtain the Scroll of Intake of All Realms. ’

The light group dispersed and the words of light emerged.

Then a white scroll came into view——

[Scroll of Ingestion from All Realms]

Introduction: A special scroll that connects all realms. Inject any energy into it, and a world with corresponding attributes will be randomly assigned based on the corresponding energy, and a treasure will be absorbed from it. The stronger the energy, the better the treasure!

"Ten thousand realms? Isn't there only a few thousand realms in the Central Region?"

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.


He quickly realized something and his eyes couldn't help but look to the sky.

Does this mean that you can randomly pick up a treasure from the place where the immortals live?

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