Hearing this, Zhang Yun looked thoughtful.

Someone from the outside world actually took the initiative to seek cooperation with the Skeleton Tribe of the Death Realm, which was somewhat unexpected.

After all, the Death World is known as the forbidden land of death, and most of the people who come in find it difficult to get out.

But according to what the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City said, these outsiders who took the initiative to seek cooperation obviously have a way to enter and exit the death realm freely!

Could Yuwei's parents be with these people?

Zhang Yun couldn't help but glance at Yuwei.

Yuwei looked confused.

Zhang Yun said to the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City: "You just said that there are hundreds of humans gathered at the entrance of the Death Immortal District. Do you recognize some of them?"

"They were the people who approached me for cooperation but were rejected by me..."

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City nodded and said: "They are now hanging out with the Lord of the Fourth Skeleton City. They should be cooperating with the Fourth Skeleton City!"

"Use your energy to describe their appearance..."

Zhang Yun relaxed some of the restrictions on the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City.


The hand bones of the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City suddenly recovered, and a wave of death energy immediately gathered, depicting the appearance of a group of people.


Zhang Yun was slightly surprised when he saw the appearance.

The leader of the fifth Skeleton City now depicts a group of people, all wearing wizard robes and holding staffs.

Next to him, Ma Zi suddenly said: "He looks like someone from the Wizard's Palace!"

"Wizard's Palace?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

In the Mahayana period of the wizard's palace, Na Kong Gen was one of the Mahayana periods that he captured alive. When I talked about the realm of death before, I didn’t see any reaction from the other party.

"It looks very similar, but it might be a disguise..."

Ma Zi stared at it carefully, not daring to confirm it.

"That's all, let's go and see!"

Zhang Yun said, planting the Soul Suppressing Technique for the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City.

Although the skeletons have no body, they do have souls, and the soul-pressing technique can work very well for them.

After planting, Zhang Yun released his hold on the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City.

The broken bones of the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City were quickly pieced together, and returned to their original state in a few blinks. But feeling the strangeness in my soul, it was a little bitter.

I couldn't help but glare at the White Fire Skeleton King next to me, this damn traitor!

The White Fire Skeleton King didn't dare to look at it.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to the sparks between them. As he walked towards the tunnel ahead, he asked, "When will the Death Immortal Zone be opened?"

"This is not necessarily true. Every time the Death Immortal Zone is opened at a random time within three days after the sign of opening appears."

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City replied: "Now that one day has passed, every time point in the next two days can be..."

boom--! !

But before he finished speaking, an astonishing wave suddenly rose from the depths of the tunnel ahead, and the deathly energy lingering in the heavy fog was also boiling at this moment.

"It's on!"

The fire in the eyes of the fifth Skeleton City Lord condensed, and he quickly shouted: "The Death Immortal Zone has been opened!!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.


He immediately led a group of people and galloped forward along the tunnel formed by the giant beast's skeleton.

"You have entered the Death Immortal Zone, right?"

While moving forward, Zhang Yun said, "Tell me about the situation inside..."

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City heard this and replied: "The Death Immortal District can be roughly divided into three areas from the outside to the inside. The outermost area is the Beast Plains, which is the territory of the Death Immortal Beasts. After passing the Beast Plains, there is the Skeleton Main City. , there are many undead skeletons inside..."

"Undead skeleton?"

Zhang Yun was confused when he heard this name.

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City explained: "This is the result of the mutation of the Necromancer tribe after they took away the bodies of our Skeleton tribe. These Necromancer skeletons have no consciousness and will only kill blindly. As long as you get close, you will be attacked by them!"

Zhang Yun was stunned and asked: "What about the last area?"

"That is the deepest part of the Skeleton City, the Immortal Lord's legacy. There are a series of buildings such as the Immortal Lord's bedroom and training room. It is the place where the Immortal Lord once lived!"

"The place where the dead immortal is seated?"

"Well, it is rumored that the Immortal Lord is indeed sitting in it, but the body of the Immortal Lord has not been found yet..."

Zhang Yun nodded, roughly understanding.

He wasn't very interested in it.

He mainly wants to find those humans who live in the dead world. From their mouths, we should be able to get some news about Yuwei’s parents!

However, when they arrived at the entrance to the Death Immortal Area, it was obvious that people had already left the building.

The entrance to the Death Immortal District is a square. At the front of the square is a huge barrier that seems to connect heaven and earth. It is very similar to the barrier at the entrance to the underground mountains of Fengxu City. It can isolate spiritual consciousness.

It was covered by a large expanse of deathly fog, making it impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

But above the barrier at this moment, there is an open door.

"It's indeed turned on!"

Seeing this, the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City said, "That gate is the entrance to the Death Immortal Area!"


Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense and moved forward directly.

A group of people followed suit.

But just when the White Fire Skeleton King wanted to enter, his whole body suddenly trembled, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking it from the door.

"The Death Immortal Area has restrictions on our skeleton clan in the Mahayana stage. Only the city lords of each city can enter!"

Upon seeing this, the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City took the initiative to explain to Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun nodded, having just heard what the White Fire Skeleton King said.

He immediately glanced at the latter: "Just stay outside!"

The White Fire Skeleton King looked a little bitter.

Zhang Yun didn't pay much attention to it and led a group of people inside quickly.

However, as soon as he stepped through the gate and entered the thick fog, Zhang Yun felt as if his body was forcibly scanned by something.


When he reacted, there was a black cloud of death above his head.

On the cloud, there was a big light number '1'.

Looking at the people around him, Ma Zi, Qing Jianzun, Yu Wei and the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City also had such a cloud of death above their heads.

"This is the cloud of entering the city!"

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City explained: "All those who enter the dead fairy area will have a cloud of entering the city above their heads, and the initial value is 1. We need to hunt dead fairy beasts or kill other entrants to increase the value.

When the number reaches 9, this cloud of entering the city will guide us to the main city of the skeleton. And when we arrive at the main city of the skeleton, the value above must reach 9 before we can enter the city, otherwise we will be blocked outside the city!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and scanned it with the Immortal Eye Technique.

It was as hard to see through as the fog around.

From this point of view, it should be left by the dead fairy.

Is this a test?

Is it a legacy, specially set up?

Zhang Yun thought about it and shook his head quickly.

He had no interest in this dead immortal legacy. After all, he didn't practice dead energy, so he couldn't practice it even if he took it.

Dead energy is an energy that extinguishes life. Except for special beings such as the Skeleton Clan and the Undead Clan, normal creatures generally cannot practice it.

In comparison, finding someone is what he needs to do now.

But he glanced around.

The area in front of him was covered by fog, and his spiritual consciousness could not spread. He could only observe the surroundings with his naked eyes. But the limit of what the naked eye can observe is only less than two hundred meters around him.

Zhang Yun frowned.

This feeling is like a person with normal vision who suddenly becomes myopic by thousands of degrees.

Qing Jianzun and others also frowned at this moment.

"Let's go and explore inside!"

Zhang Yun said.

Qing Jianzun and others nodded and followed him inside.

According to the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City, more than a hundred people gathered at the entrance of the dead immortal area before. This means that more than a hundred people have entered this place.

Let's look for it first...


However, not long before they went forward, they heard a startling roar coming from the fog ahead.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately led everyone to fly in the direction where the roar came from.

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