"These shameless guys got here very quickly!"

Zhang Yun said, "Yang Xu, prepare to take action!"

Lord Qingjian reached out and touched the hilt of the sword.

But Zhang Yun suddenly sent a message: "Yang Xu, don't rush to take action. I'll talk to these shameless people first!"


Qingjian Zun looked puzzled.

Zhang Yun explained in a voice message: "There is someone spying behind the scenes of this secret space. Yang Xu, I will act according to my master's eyes later!"

"Behind the scenes?"

Hearing this, Lord Qingjian's pupils shrank slightly and nodded calmly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Within two seconds, three figures came through the sky from a distance.

It was the three peak Mahayana figures who had separated from Old Demon Huo earlier.

Now approaching...

A large swath of thunder, a large swath of death energy, and a 100-meter heavy gun came directly from a distance.

"Damn, you guys are shameless!!"

Zhang Yun, who was still waiting for them to approach, suddenly cursed and hurriedly took Qingjian Zun out of the place.

Boom boom boom! !

The three offensives landed and directly bombarded and shattered the forest land with a radius of more than ten miles.

Zhang Yun waved his hand and used a layer of magical sea water to block the aftermath. He looked at the three peak Mahayana stagers across from him and cursed: "You three are so shameless. You still carry out sneak attacks against the weak. Where is your face?"

boom! boom! boom!

But the three Mahayana peaks didn't bother him at all, and directly responded with another wave of offensive.


Zhang Yun cursed, picked up Qingjian Zun, and quickly flew out of the way.

At the same time, he sent a message to them and shouted: "If you take action again, you will miss a huge secret. This secret may be related to your slim chance of becoming an immortal!"

The three Mahayana peaks who were about to continue taking action were startled.

"Three shameless old men, if you dare, keep taking action!!"

Before he had time to think about it, he heard Zhang Yun curse again.

The three people at the peak of the Mahayana stage felt confused and another wave of offensive broke out.

"Damn it, I didn't let you do anything serious!"

Zhang Yun quickly dodges with Lord Qingjian while shouting through the sound transmission.


The three peak Mahayana figures looked confused.

What are you playing at?

While yelling at us to take action, he also sent a message telling us not to act seriously. Are we sick?

"You three stupid heads, what I want is for you to pretend to chase and kill me, and then we can talk through the sound transmission!"

Zhang Yun said in a voice message: "Quick, chase me!!"

He said and ran forward.


The corners of the mouths of the three peak Mahayana stage twitchers twitched, what's wrong with the kid in front of them?

Tell a secret and ask them to act together?

Who the hell is this being performed for?


Thinking of this sudden realization, the expressions of the three Mahayana Peaks condensed.

"You little beast, stay with me!"

"Little beast, I'm going to tear you into pieces!!"

Immediately, they all shouted angrily, and the offensive continued to blast Zhang Yun in front, chasing forward while blasting.

Peng! Peng! Peng! ——

The ground cracked, and terrifying attacks followed one after another, creating countless large craters in the forest.

The terrifying power almost affected Zhang Yun's pert buttocks, scaring him so much that he quickly tightened his grip. Chuanyin scolded angrily: "Damn, I asked you to act, why are you so serious about it!?"

"If you don't act real, can you act like it?"

The three peak Mahayana masters shouted and asked in a faint voice.

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched

I know these three old guys must have done it on purpose. Although I want to hear what he has to say, I obviously don’t mind blasting him to death by the way!

Three shameless old men!

I cursed in my mind.

"Boy, what's the secret you're talking about?"

"Also, if you want us to act with you, who are we going to act for?"

The three peaks of the Mahayana period kept sending messages and asking questions.

"The controller behind the scenes!"

Zhang Yun Chuan said five words.

"The person behind the scenes?"

The three Mahayana peaks were stunned for a moment.

"When I was dealing with the ancestors of Ultimate City earlier, I used a special method and accidentally noticed an aura..."

Zhang Yun said in a deep voice: "Deep in the city, someone is secretly watching!"

"you sure?"

The three peak Mahayana figures frowned.

When they went to the Death Immortal Palace, they scanned the city with their spiritual consciousness. There was no way anyone was hiding.

"I am very sure!"

Zhang Yun said firmly: "If I guess correctly, the Death Immortal Palace and this secret space have all been controlled by the man in the dark!"

"This is impossible!!"

The three peaks of the Mahayana stage spoke in unison.

This is not the first time they have participated in the struggle for immortality in the Death Immortal District. This Death Immortal District was left by the Death Immortal, how could it be controlled by others?

"To say it's impossible shows how poor your eyesight is!"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Don't you think there is anything strange about everything that happened before?"


The three Mahayana peaks were startled, and then they all looked at Zhang Yun.

"Watch what I do?"

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

Boom boom boom! !

Saying that, he quickly dodged another wave of attacks, but a section of his trouser leg was wiped off.

I couldn't help but yelled through the voice: "Damn, your attacks are thrown a little crookedly, why are you throwing them so accurately!?"

He also cursed: "You three are shameless and know how to bully the weak. Not to mention this life, you are destined not to become immortals in the next life!!"

After being scolded twice at once, the three peak Mahayana stage twitched their faces and suddenly used their hands to blast away.


Zhang Yun's expression changed drastically and he quickly speeded up to avoid it.

Seeing that he could avoid it, the three Mahayana peaks continued to send messages: "The strangest one is you!"

The corner of Zhang Yun's mouth twitched, but he continued to transmit the message patiently: "That's because I have been targeted, and the controller behind the scenes has targeted me. From the start of the fight for immortality in advance, to now using this despicable method Exposing my position...it's all his fault!"

Hearing this, the three peak Mahayana masters raised their brows.

It's true if you think about it carefully.

It’s not just once or twice that they have participated in the competition for immortality in the Dead Immortal Zone. This is the first time that the competition has started early, and there is a special case like Zhang Yun whose initial points reached 999...

Is there really someone behind the scenes who controls everything here?

"This person may have received the inheritance left by the Death Immortal..."

Seeing that they believed it, Zhang Yun quickly struck while the iron was hot: "If the person behind this is not dealt with, no matter how hard we fight now, it will just be a wedding dress for him!"

The expressions of the three peak Mahayana stage men were slightly gloomy.

They are not fools either. Perhaps Zhang Yun said this to help himself get out of trouble, but if there is really someone behind the scenes, then the current fight is indeed meaningless.

If you really fight to the point where both parties lose, it will only give the people behind the scenes an advantage...

Thinking of this, the three peak Mahayana stage messengers asked: "Then do you have a way to find it out?"


Zhang Yun answered decisively.

The eyes of the three Mahayana peaks were focused, "What can we do?"

Zhang Yun sent a voice message: "Only I can do this, but I need your cooperation!"

The three peak Mahayana stage brows frowned slightly.

Zhang Yun didn't care what they thought and continued: "The most urgent task is to inform the other two Mahayana Peaks about this matter. Only if we unite can we find out who is behind it!"

The three peak Mahayana masters were lost in thought, and another wave of attacks came out of their hands.

But this time the wave was intentionally thrown a little crookedly, and Zhang Yun easily dodged it with Qing Jianzun.

Seeing that they were interested, Zhang Yun's lips curved slightly.


But at this moment, an overwhelming silver space energy like waves suddenly surged in front of him, causing his expression to change suddenly.

"not good!"

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