Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 600 Sword slashing the Bone Palace, who is behind the Skeleton Clan?

In the deepest part of the Death Qi City, behind the black-gold Death Immortal Palace, a huge and thick layer of Death Qi emerged under the impact of a large area of ​​life.

"Sure enough, he is hiding behind the Death Immortal Palace!"

Zhang Yun hummed softly, and the vitality force formed by the crushing of the ten Sun and Moon Vitality Pills in his hand gathered on the omnipotent sword in his hand.


A sword cut open the layer of death in front of him.

The deepest part of the city hidden in front emerged, where there was a huge palace of bones.

Almost at the same time, a line of sight shot out.

Zhang Yun looked at him from a distance across the Bone Palace.

He saw it, it was a pair of black and golden ghost fires!

"Skeleton clan?"

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and shot forward like lightning.

Inside the Bone Palace.

"How can it be?"

Seeing Zhang Yun appearing outside, the black gold skeleton's face was full of surprise.

The other party is obviously there...

Looking at 'Zhang Yun' in the screen, it frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Ming, who was standing by, saw that it suddenly looked strange and looked confused.

"Nothing, come with me!"

The black gold skeleton quickly came back to his senses and waved slightly outside the Bone Palace.

"Get in!"

Then he spoke to Xu Ming.

"Master, wait for me! I will definitely come back to you!!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming took one last look at Zhang Yun in the screen, and stepped towards the whirlpool portal in front of him.

Just as he stepped half in.

Boom——! !

The entire Bone Palace suddenly trembled. Xu Ming shuddered and looked outside the palace with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

But there was an isolation barrier surrounding the Bone Palace, and his spiritual consciousness and sight could not see outside.

He could only look at the black gold skull.

The black gold skull looked indifferent: "It's none of your business, go in!"

Seeing that its expression was different, Xu Ming retracted his feet.

"I asked you to go in, didn't you hear?"

The black gold skull's expression darkened.

Xu Ming suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I suddenly thought of the skeleton who served me before. Can you bring her to me?"

"Boy, you'd better not push yourself too far!"

The black gold skeleton stared at him coldly.

Boom——! !

At this time, the entire Bone Palace trembled again.

The brows of the black gold skull frowned slightly. Seeing Xu Ming intending to move away from the vortex, he immediately snorted coldly and reached out to pick him up.

"Hey, there is no force!!"

Xu Ming shouted.

"The bastard behind the scenes, get out of here!!"

At the same time, a loud shout broke through the isolation and restriction of the Bone Palace.


Hearing this voice, Xu Ming suddenly raised his head and looked outside the palace.

"I really underestimated you!!"

The black gold skeleton's face turned cold when he saw this, and he forcibly took Xu Ming into the whirlpool portal.

"Stop it!!"

When Xu Ming saw this, he exploded without hesitation.

hold head high--! !

An extremely surging golden dragon spiritual energy spurted out from the body, forming a golden dragon shadow dozens of meters long and roaring out.

But the black gold skeleton was not knocked away. The explosion of a monk who was not even in the void refining stage could not harm its bone body at all, but the energy in its bone body boiled suddenly due to Xu Ming's explosion.

The entire body of the black gold skeleton trembled.


Furious, Xu Ming was stunned by a burst of soul pressure, and he forcibly picked him up and rushed into the vortex portal in front.

Puff-puff-! !

Almost at the same time, a huge sword light shattered the ceiling of the Bone Palace and slashed in.

Zhang Yunfei came to the top of the palace and followed the crack to see the golden dragon's shadow shrinking and submerging into the whirlpool ahead.

"This is……"

Feeling the familiar golden dragon aura, Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly condensed: "Ming'er!!"

Looking at the whirlpool portal that was about to disappear, he quickly rushed forward.


But as soon as he got closer, a huge white bone claw suddenly emerged from the portal.

"Get out of my way!!"

Zhang Yun shouted angrily, and a large amount of withered immortal power in his body surged wildly on the omnipotent sword, and he slashed the bone claw with one sword.

The moment the sword blade collided with the bone claws, the withered immortal power and a special energy of death were entangled with each other.

Boom buzz——! !

An extremely terrifying wave formed, directly shattering the Bone Palace and sweeping up.

In the distant secret space.


The silver-haired woman, three Mahayana peaks, and many Mahayana monks such as Qingjian Zun who were chasing Zhang Yun's clone all raised their heads at this moment.

Looking at the sky-high fluctuations erupting in the dead air city in the distance, they all had a look of surprise in their eyes.

This fluctuation is even more alarming than the previous commotion caused by the silver-haired woman's battle with Zhang Yun and Qingjian Zun in the sky!

Why did this dead city suddenly erupt?

Could it be...

The three peaks of the Mahayana stage thought of something, and their expressions became condensed. They looked at each other, then turned around and headed towards the dead city.

The silver-haired woman frowned, looked at 'Zhang Yun' with the dazzling beam of light above her head, pondered for a moment, and headed towards the city.

Anyway, ‘Zhang Yun’ has such a conspicuous guide, so he can’t escape.

At present, the city seems to be still deep in the direction of the Death Immortal Palace...

The silver-haired woman was full of uncertainty and quickly rushed towards the city.

Seeing this, Lord Qingjian quickly approached ‘Zhang Yun’.

Many of the monks watching from a distance also moved towards the city.

Deep in the city.


Zhang Yun coughed up blood and lifted the ruins of the Bone Palace above his head. He looked up and looked forward, his face suddenly darkened.

The previous whirlpool portal has disappeared!

He quickly circulated the space energy and slashed open the void with his sword, but what was exposed inside was an extremely stable space wall. My spiritual consciousness scanned it, and I couldn't find anything resembling a space tunnel at all.

The whirlpool portal seemed to take people away out of thin air, leaving no trace in the surrounding void.

Zhang Yun looked ugly.

He scanned the portal just now with the Immortal Eye Technique, but what he saw was a blank.

It is obviously a special portal condensed with immortal energy.

It has exceeded the scope of the portal that he knew.

"Why is Ming'er here?"

But what he was most confused about at the moment was doubts.

How could Xu Ming be with the person behind the control of the Death Immortal Zone?

Thinking of the pair of pupils with black gold fire and the white bone claws that collided with him just now, his heart sank a little.

The peak of the Mahayana period?

No, it should be stronger!

Could it be an immortal?

Zhang Yun frowned.

What he is most confused about now is why the other party wanted to kidnap Xu Ming?

His consciousness carefully swept through the ruins formed by the surrounding Bone Palace.

But there was nothing but bone fragments all over the floor.

The people behind the scenes are the skeletons...

That was the only information he got.

At this moment, Zhang Yun let out a breath as he sensed the figure flying quickly from the distant sky.

Pushing aside the white bone fragments around him, he stood up and stood on a bone pillar next to him, looking calmly at the figure approaching quickly from the distant sky.

Soon, the silver-haired woman, who was like a silver ghost, arrived first as quickly as possible.


Seeing Zhang Yun standing on the ruins of bones below, the silver-haired woman was stunned.

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