The eight Ultimate City ancestors who were free to move suddenly swarmed forward.

The silver-haired woman's expression couldn't help but change.

After all, this is the peak of the Mahayana period, not cabbage!

"One hundred layers of space domain!"

A large amount of silver space energy boiled around her, and a field power was about to be swept out of the silver-haired woman.

The two Jiji City ancestors who were pestering her immediately took out two pages with the word "ding" written on them.

But she failed to make a move. The silver-haired woman had predicted this move.

The space tremor that had been permeating the body actually formed a straight line at this moment, extending the distance towards the two Ultimate City ancestors who were outside the scope of the tremor.

The bodies of the two Extreme City ancestors suddenly trembled, and the pages in their hands were so shaken that they were forcibly dropped without being able to release them.

Whoosh! !

The silver-haired woman also exploded at the same time. The ten silver nails drove the power of the field and the energy of space, converging into large silver threads and shooting out in all directions.

The two shocked Ultimate City ancestors were the first to bear the brunt. One of them quickly retreated, but the remaining one who was closer was half a beat slower.

Directly hit multiple silver threads.

The moment the thin thread hit, a large amount of domain power and space energy suddenly erupted, swallowing up the Ultimate City ancestor.

At the same time, a layer of silver swept across the world, instantly covering the gray that Zhang Yun had formed previously.

The silver-haired woman immediately turned and left.

"Want to escape? Do you think I'm just a decoration?"

Zhang Yun's voice suddenly came.

"The Hundred-Xiang Ancestor's Withering Technique - The Withering Eyes of Heaven and Earth!"

Only a huge gray-gold eye was seen condensing in the sky behind her at some point.

A withered aura hit his face, followed by a terrifying corrosive power.

The silver-haired woman's expression suddenly changed.

Yin Teeth bit it and suddenly took out a silver inner elixir——

【Space Mink Neidan】

Introduction: The inner elixir contains the special space energy of the space mink at the peak of the Mahayana period. After being crushed, the talent of the space mink will be released, causing great space movement.

Great Space Shift: Instantly transfer a certain range of space around you to millions of miles away.

"not good!"

The moment he saw the inner elixir information, Zhang Yun's expression changed.

She wanted to stop but it was too late, the silver-haired woman crushed the silver inner elixir.

"Boy, this time I was not prepared for the seal break. Next time we meet, I want you to look good!!"

Following his angry roar, intense silver light erupted.

In just a moment, the silver-haired woman disappeared from the spot.

Zhang Yun wanted to pursue him, but the silver-haired woman had just touched an Ultimate City ancestor and unleashed a hundred layers of space domain, which exploded around her at this moment.

One floor, two floors, three floors...

In an instant, a hundred layers of space walls were superimposed on each other, covering the entire surrounding area.

However, these space walls were formed in a hurry and their defense was not strong.

The ten Ultimate City ancestors all took action together.

Peng! Peng! Peng! ——

Accompanied by a bang.

In just a few minutes, a hundred layers of space walls exploded into pieces.

But the silver-haired woman has long since disappeared!

"My uncle's!"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but curse.

Under the Immortal Eye Technique, he knew all the areas of talent of the silver-haired woman and had already predicted how the other party would explode.

But despite all calculations, I never expected that the other party would have this kind of inner elixir.

"That's all!"

After exhaling, Zhang Yun glanced at the Blue Fire Skeleton and several other peak Mahayana figures caught below.

At least those who wanted to capture him have already been captured.

But I thought of the cruel words the silver-haired woman had just said before she left.

"Would you like me to look good next time we meet?"

Zhang Yun looked into the distance with a cold expression on his face: "Wait, if I don't beat you to the ground next time I meet you, I will change my surname!!"

Suddenly I felt a lot of sight.

In addition to Rong Man and his party, there were also many monks gathered in the city area around the Death Immortal Palace.

At this moment, everyone was looking at him in astonishment.

"Take them all!"

Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The ten Ultimate City ancestors rushed out together.

The faces of the monks in the city changed, and they all turned around and fled.

"Senior Zhang, we...ah!"

Rong Man and his party also changed their expressions and wanted to speak out, but an ancestor from Ultimate City rushed directly towards them.

"Now that you're here, don't leave at all!"

Zhang Yun hummed.

I feel very unhappy at the moment.

After discovering Ming'er, the strong skeleton clan behind the scenes also kidnapped him. After all this effort, the silver-haired woman escaped...

Of course, there is another purpose in arresting these people, which is to find out about Yuwei's parents.


Suddenly his body swayed, and Zhang Yun felt a sense of weakness permeate his whole body.

Feeling the exhausted dead immortal power in his body, he shook his head slightly, took out the Heavenly Suction Transformation Gourd from the Time Flow Speed ​​Palace, and said: "Give me some dead immortal power!"

Before coming to the realm of death, Zhang Yun put the gourd into the Time Flow Palace.

Since discovering that this gourd can be interrupted at any time and change the energy transformed, Zhang Yun has let it continue to transform to produce dead immortal power and space energy.

This is also the reason why he can freely use Baixiang Zuku Jue, and at the same time, the space energy brought by the sword just now can cut away the space tremor of the silver-haired woman.

"I haven't finished transforming this gourd yet, can't you wait until the transformation is complete before asking for it?"

The gourd is unhappy.

"My master is in a bad mood right now. If you continue to ink, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Zhang Yun glanced at it coldly.

Feeling the coldness in his eyes, Hulu trembled. He quickly opened the lid, and a large amount of dry immortal power poured out.

Zhang Yun uses the Super Invincible Sucking Technique to absorb.

His body, which was somewhat weak due to exhaustion of Kuxian Power, gradually recovered.

"Okay, you go back and continue the transformation!"

After almost sucking it, Zhang Yun grabbed the gourd and threw it back to the Time Speed ​​Palace.

Suddenly noticing something, he raised his eyebrows and waved his hand.


An extremely high-pitched phoenix cry suddenly resounded throughout the world.

Many of the monks who had just been captured by the ten ancestors of Ultimate City were startled and raised their heads in horror.

I saw a huge phoenix covering the sky and the sun, covered in dark gold flames, appearing in the sky.


The monks were astonished and couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun, who was dressed in white robes like an immortal descending from the earth above Phoenix.

Who is this person in front of me?

"Thank you for your kindness, Master!"

The dark phoenix, the black-feathered bird with only its remaining soul, looked at Zhang Yun with gratitude and kindness in its pupils.

It didn't expect that after the body was taken away by Zhang Yun, there would be a chance to resurrect!

It didn't know what kind of magical thing the capsule Zhang Yun had let him get into before, but the human being in front of it was obviously far beyond its imagination.

Following this human being, its future may be bright!

Maybe one day, he can become like the phoenix of the same clan who destroyed the immortal of the Fengxu clan back then!

Zhang Yun said: "Let me call you Xiao An from now on!"

"Xiao...Xiao An?"

Dark Phoenix opened his mouth.

Zhang Yun looked at it: "Don't like it?"

"No, sir, I like it! I like it very much!!"

Dark Phoenix said quickly.

"nice! You love it!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

Dark Phoenix breathed out. At the moment, it only has one idea for Zhang Yun, and it does its best to please him!

Because in its opinion, Zhang Yun didn't pay much attention to it.

Previously, it had been in the palace for two days after it was resurrected. Zhang Yun took it out, making it clear that he didn't care when it was resurrected.

In other words, Zhang Yun has many mounts, and he is not missing this one!

Thinking of the bears, tigers, and poisonous pythons in the zoo at that time...

It feels overwhelming.

It must work hard to please and become the first mount under the Young Master! !

Xiao An's pupils were full of determination.

"Isn't the Immortal Master World also affected..."

Zhang Yun glanced at Xiao An and touched his chin.

Before coming, he thought that he could not bring the other party out from the Immortal Master World, but just after taking out the gourd, he found that he could contact the other party from the Time Speed ​​Palace. This area was indeed brought out.

The restrictions here seem to be only for general space artifacts.

After dealing with the ancestors of Ultimate City before, I didn't dare to put Yu Wei and Su Die away, but I was overly worried.

"Xiao An, go to where the beam is and bring my clone and the others here!"

After Zhang Yun flew off Phoenix's back, he pointed in the distance, where the 999 beam of light was still floating above his head.

"Yes, sir!"

Xiao An responded, and his huge body immediately flew away.

Zhang Yun fell below, in front of the monks who had been suppressed by the ten ancestors of Ultimate City.

"Boy, I admit defeat!"

Seeing this, the previous peak of the Mahayana period, where the thunder was everywhere, said in a deep voice: "Let's make a condition, how can we let me go?"

Several other people at the peak of the Mahayana stage also looked at Zhang Yun.


Zhang Yun stepped forward and pressed his palm on the Heavenly Spirit Cap, which was at the peak of the Thunder Mahayana period.

"what are you up to?"

The latter's expression changed.


The next second, he screamed and twitched all over.

"What did you do to me?"

Soon I felt what was being done to my soul, and I was at the peak of the Thunder Mahayana Stage with panic on my face.

Zhang Yun ignored him and looked at the Blue Fire Skeleton and several other peak Mahayana figures.

The expressions of Blue Fire Skeleton and other peak Mahayana figures changed.

Zhang Yun directly palmed one head and planted the Soul Suppressing Technique on each of them.

Feeling the strangeness in their souls, the Blue Fire Skeleton and other Mahayana Stages had ugly expressions on their faces: "What on earth have you done to us!?"

"It's just a small trick that can destroy your soul!"

Zhang Yun opened a video recording stone and recorded these words while speaking to all the peaks of the Mahayana stage.

Nowadays, the double-pressure package and the heart-pressure technique are no longer of much use.

For monks who have reached the divine transformation stage or above, the physical body is replaceable, and the life gate is the soul.

The soul-pressing technique is enough.

After recording, the video stone was put away and the original version was replaced for later playback.

"A thousand years!"

Zhang Yun looked at the ugly-faced Mahayana peaks and said calmly: "Be my slaves for a thousand years, and then I will set you free!"

"Is this true?"

Several people at the peak of the Mahayana stage raised their heads.

"I don't have to lie to you!"

Zhang Yun said calmly.

The expressions of several peak Mahayana stage men softened slightly.

Although a thousand years is long, it is still acceptable.

And this kid in front of me...

Looking at the ten Ultimate City ancestors next to them, they took a deep breath.

Something weird!

Maybe if you follow the other person, you might get some opportunities.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to their thoughts, and glanced at them and the monks in the field: "Next, I will ask a few questions, and other monks in the field can also answer them. If anyone can answer them in detail, I may consider letting them go directly. …”

When the monks around him heard this, they all pricked up their ears.


Zhang Yun was about to speak when an astonishing roar suddenly came from the sky in the distance.

There was a sudden tremor everywhere.


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