Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 611 I just want you to warm your bed~

The soul-suppressing technique was planted in their minds, and all the powerful men had no idea of ​​escaping at this moment.

If you can't escape, then you can only live as a servant for a thousand years according to the standards set by Zhang Yun!

Now that they can shorten their life span, even though they know that Zhang Yun asked them to work hard and said it deliberately, it still makes them full of motivation.

After all, who wants to be a servant for a long time when he can be freed sooner?

Looking at the powerful men who were full of fighting spirit, Su Die and Xuan Ling secretly smacked their lips.

When did those in the Mahayana period, or even those at the peak of the Mahayana period, start to have the fighting spirit to reduce the time they spent as human slaves?

Looking at Zhang Yun with a smile on his face...

Su Die's beautiful eyes were filled with wonder.

It is unimaginable that such a small sect elder who once still needed her protection in her eyes has now grown to the point where she needs to look up to him...


As if aware of her gaze, Zhang Yun looked towards her, smiled and said: "Beauty Su, get ready to find those guys from the Wizard's Palace!"

Su Die's expression perked up and she couldn't help but say: "Thank you!"

"Thank you..."

Zhang Yun joked: "I just want you to warm the bed~!"

As he spoke, he deliberately looked at her figure.

Su Die, who had just moved Zhang Yun to remember this, blushed when he heard this and cursed: "You pervert, you have been thinking about this kind of thing all day long!"

"Beauty Su, didn't you say this yourself?"

Zhang Yun spread his hands.

"I didn't say you wouldn't do it?"

Su Die snorted: "Why are you so anxious? When you get out of the world of death, I will go to you to warm you up!"

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Then I'll be waiting!"

"Aren't I still afraid of you?"

Su Die hummed and turned her head, no longer looking at him.

Zhang Yun is so funny, it’s a rare opportunity to tease Su Die.

Xuan Ling on the side was ashamed when he saw this.

But looking at Su Die's blushing cheeks turned to his side, her heart felt like a bright mirror.

Zhang Yun approached the old man in gray robe: "Dead Lord, go to the Necromancer clan and ask about the original attack on Yu's family, and by the way, bring over some Necromancer clan who have reached the integration stage or above!"

Death Lord is the name of the old man in gray robe.

The Necrons actually have no names, but after gaining spiritual intelligence, they will name themselves.

That's what happened to the old man in gray robe.

His image is what he became after the first human soul he devoured.

The Necrons feed on the souls of other living beings. When they are first born, they have no intelligence, but after devouring the souls of one living creature after another, they will randomly obtain some memories among these souls.

After there are too many, they will develop spiritual wisdom.

When Ma Zi introduced him before, he was right when he said that meeting the undead tribe would lead to life and death. But only for those undead tribes who are not yet intelligent.

Generally, the Necrons who have reached the integration stage or above have spiritual intelligence.

When facing humans or other creatures, whether to take action or not will be based on the situation.

According to previous descriptions by several members of the death-killing organization, the Necromancer clan suddenly attacked the Yu family eighteen years ago, and the Necromancer clan of the Mahayana stage participated.

Zhang Yun felt that this was a bit strange.

After all, the undead tribe in the Mahayana stage must have possessed spiritual intelligence. There was no reason or reason to attack the Yu family, which was not weak.

Behind this, he suspected that it might be related to the extermination organization.

Because according to the descriptions of several members of the Death Killing Organization, the Yu family was finally able to drive away the undead tribe eighteen years ago because they received timely assistance from the Death Killing Organization.

Combined with this attempt to make Yu Qilan be killed by the Skeleton Clan to make the Yu family and the Skeleton Clan enmity...

Maybe eighteen years ago, the Death Clan's sudden attack on the Yu family was planned by the Death Extermination Organization.

The purpose is to win over later.

I don't know if the head of the Yu family saw this at the time and refused, and has since refused the death-killing organization's solicitations.

Zhang Yun simply asked Death King to go back and ask.

Because the Death King is the most powerful Necromancer in the Death Realm and is equivalent to the King of the Necromancer, it is not difficult to understand this.

By the way, the other party also asked the other party to bring a group of powerful undead people with intelligence.

Wait and bring back the first sect of Immortal Dao!

There are also several skeleton cities as well.

Zhang Yun ordered several Skeleton City City Lords to bring the Skeleton Clan strongmen above the integration stage in their respective cities.

He plans to form an army of the dead to strengthen the first sect of Immortal Dao.

The Death King and several Skeleton City Lords left quickly.

Zhang Yun did not stay in the Third Skeleton City for long.

"Yuwei, please take your ninth junior brother and Su Damei to do something!"

Xiang Yuwei said: "If you want to go back to Yu's house, you can show Xiao An the way and let him take you back. The Master will look for you later!"

"Okay, Master!"

Yuwei nodded and couldn't wait to take Yu Qilan and the two women from the Yu family onto Xiao An's back.

After finding her mother, she had already let go of the worries she had been holding on to. She also learned from Yu Qilan that her father was at Yu's house. She was indescribably excited at the moment and couldn't wait to see her father.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhang Yun left five Ultimate City ancestors with them.

After watching Yuwei and others leave.

Zhang Yun then led Su Die, Qingjian Zun and others through the teleportation array they just came from and returned to the entrance of the Death Immortal Zone.

Arriving at the entrance to the Death Immortal Area, I met a White Fire Skeleton King who was still guarding here.

Zhang Yun had noticed Xiao An before when he flew out. But I was in a hurry and ignored it.

Now come again and bring the other party with you.

Feeling the breath of these powerful men following Zhang Yun, the White Fire Skeleton King trembled slightly. But the most puzzling thing is that their city owner seems to be missing!

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Your city lord is dead!"


The White Fire Skeleton King opened his mouth in shock.

Zhang Yundao: "Because it died when we were separated, I'm not sure who killed it. You can search in the Death Immortal Area later to see if you can find the place where your city lord was killed!"

"I...can I enter the Death Immortal Zone?"

The White Fire Skeleton King hesitated.


Zhang Yun nodded.

The bone palace of the Death Immortal Servant is obviously the core of control of the Death Immortal Zone. After being forcibly blasted by him previously, the restrictions in the entire Death Immortal Zone have gradually disappeared.

Why did the other party limit the number of Skeleton Clan strong men to enter? Zhang Yun guessed that the other party might not want to be accidentally discovered by the Skeleton Clan.

After all, even the Lord of the First Skeleton City, despite having previous contact, was not sure where the Death Immortal Servant was hiding.

The group quickly entered the Death Immortal Zone.

Most of the fog in Beast Plains has disappeared.

Zhang Yun sent several Ultimate City ancestors and a group of monks to search around.

Qing Jianzun had previously obtained the Tianwai Spring, and Ma Zi had obtained the Death Soul Spring where the soul essence of the Death Immortal Beast was condensed... There were many good things inside the Death Immortal Zone.

There are probably some leftovers.

As for him, he asked Lord Qingjian to lead the way, leading him, Su Die, and Xuan Ling to find the wizard's palace frozen under a huge igloo in the secret space.

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