Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that the memory Wu Haihai got was the memory of hiding the Witch Immortal Seal in his previous life?

"Where is that place?"

"The world of insects."


Zhang Yun couldn't help but look at the worshiping witch after hearing this.

"That's right, it's the Insect Realm where Butterfly Palace is located!"

Worshiping the Holy Witch said: "After I learned about it from the owner of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, I went to explore that place, but there was nothing in it..."


Zhang Yun said something and left the Kujin Immortal Palace.

In the world of insects, it was unexpected. But since I'm on my way, I can stop by and have a look.

Central domain, Caiyun realm.

This is the boundary of the top power, Caiyun Palace.

But at this moment, in the deepest part of Sister Caiyun, inside a palace.


A silver-haired woman with long silver hair that covered her face and ten long silver nails was sitting on a colorful rosette, and a mouthful of blood suddenly poured out of her mouth.

"Master, are you okay?"

In front of her, a beautiful woman dressed in gold and luxurious palace clothes was kneeling respectfully, asking with concern on her face.

If any powerful monk from the Central Region saw it, they would be surprised. Because the beautiful woman kneeling in front of her is the controller of Caiyun Palace. The current palace owner of Caiyun Palace, Cai Yifang!

"I'm fine..."

The silver-haired woman wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth, looked at Cai Yifang and asked in a deep voice, "Have you heard about the news about that bastard?"


Hearing this, Cai Yifang suddenly looked strange.

The silver-haired woman frowned: "This or that, if you have any news, just tell me!"

Cai Yifang replied: "Master, according to the news received from the Space Pavilion. Master Shansi, when the Space Wonderland was opened last time, he entered and never came out again!"

"Dead inside?"

"No...not sure..."


Seeing her like this, the silver-haired woman smiled: "Do you want to tell me that that bastard has become an immortal?"

Cai Yi's delicate body trembled, she kowtowed and did not dare to say a word.


The silver-haired woman snorted and slapped a nearby stone table into pieces. She looked at the sky and said angrily: "Shan Si, so what if you become an immortal? Two years later, I will still go up and tear you apart!!"

Cai Yifang's body trembled.

Dare to speak like this to a being who may have become an immortal. If the other party can hear it, she can't imagine what kind of punishment will befall her!

"Look at your timid look!"

The silver-haired woman was furious when she saw her like this: "Do you think those immortals are so full that they can pay attention to our Immortal Continent all the time when they have time?"

Cai Yifang didn't dare to say anything.


The silver-haired woman exhaled, opened a recording stone, and said: "Since Shansi can't be found, then help me find these two people. Especially the latter!!"

She couldn't help but grit her teeth as she spoke.

Cai Yifang looked up in confusion.

Besides Shansi, what other person could make her teacher so angry?

The appearance of two people appeared on the video stone.

There is a young man who is surrounded by the aura of a golden dragon; there is also a young man who is white-robed and handsome.

Seeing the latter, Cai Yifang couldn't help but be stunned.


The silver-haired woman noticed and looked at her suspiciously: "Have you seen this boy?"

"Master, if I read this correctly, he should be..."

Cai Yifang stared at the young man's appearance carefully and said: "Zhang Yun!"

"Zhang Yun?"

The silver-haired woman raised her eyebrows. Thinking that someone seemed to have called this name during the battle, her eyes suddenly focused: "Yes, it's Zhang Yun! Do you know him?"

"My disciple doesn't know..."

Cai Yifang quickly shook her head and explained: "But this person has caused a lot of big troubles in the Central Territory recently..."

He hurriedly told the story.

As the leader of a top force, she had heard about Zhang Yun. Especially after receiving the news about the ruins of Fengcheng before, they sent people to investigate.

There were many Mahayana warriors around him, and Long Fenghua publicly announced that he wanted to participate in the other party's ancestral ceremony. It was difficult not to pay attention.

After hearing this, the silver-haired woman had a lot of surprised expressions on her face, and couldn't help but ask: "You said that this child appeared more than a year ago and just broke through the divine transformation stage?"

"Yes, Master!"

Cai Yifang nodded.


The silver-haired woman snorted coldly: "I have only fought with this son in the death realm before. This son's realm has reached the half-step Mahayana stage, but his true strength is not inferior to the ordinary peak of the Mahayana stage. And beside him, there is another person who is also not the same. A boy who is inferior to ordinary people at the peak of the Mahayana stage and possesses special ice attribute energy!”

"The...peak of the Mahayana period? Have you ever fought...with Master??"

Hearing this, Cai Yifang couldn't help but widen her eyes.

The silver-haired woman shouted: "Let me investigate thoroughly! I want to know all the information about this child!!"

"Yes, Master!"

Cai Yifang nodded quickly.

"In addition, send some people to the area around the Death Realm. This Golden Dragon boy may be nearby. Of course, you may also encounter him. If you do, don't collide with him for the time being!"

"Yes, Master!"


Cai Yifang immediately stood up and left.


As soon as he left, the silver-haired woman could no longer hold back and spurted out another mouthful of blood.

"Damn it! It's been so long since I've used the space mink inner elixir to move, and the backlash is so big!!"

Covering her tumbling internal organs, the silver-haired woman gritted her teeth and glanced hard at Zhang Yun on the recording stone next to her: "Wait for me, kid. When I'm ready, I want you to look good!!"


On the broad back of Universiade, Zhang Yun lay on the recliner and couldn't help but let out a long yawn.

Chatting in every possible way.

He glanced below: "How long will it take for the Universiade to arrive?"

Dayunyun replied: "Sir, it is expected to be within half a day!"

"It's a bit slow!"

"Sir, it's a long way to go. Ben Xiong has tried his best..."

Universiade said aggrievedly.

Zhang Yun lay on the recliner helplessly.

He has already used the command brush to accelerate the Universiade. To accelerate it further, he can only use the blank pages of the Book of Seven Immortals.

But it’s not worth it for traveling.

Zhang Yun took out the Book of Seven Immortals and looked at the blank pages with only a dozen or so pages left. Zhang Yun felt a little achy.

Although this time in the death realm has been fruitful, the price paid is not small.

More than ten blank pages were used.

This is not like other things that can be replenished. These blank pages will be gone once they are used.

"You have to be more careful..."

Zhang Yun put away the Seven Immortals Book and looked at the deep space tunnel.

Suddenly I felt a little bored.

Each of the apprentices is practicing, and Su Die is also absorbing the flames.

There is no point in chatting with old antiques like Blue Fire Skeleton and Death King.

There is also a maid Lan'er, but this maid is a little unable to control him, and she may be confused and want to violate him.

Looking at it this way, there was no one around to chat with.


Zhang Yun suddenly missed the sect leader a little bit, well, now he should talk to Elder You.

I sensed the substitute clone far away in the Southern Territory.

I received a lot of information, mainly about the improvement of the first immortal sect.

During the period when he was in the Central Region, the First Immortal Sect in the Southern Region had also improved a lot. Especially their Elder You, successfully broke through the Void Refining Stage.

He is the first among the natives of the Southern Territory to reach the Void Refining Stage.

Oh no, the sect leader also went from the Central Territory to the Southern Territory. It doesn’t seem very reasonable to say that!

Well, it should be the Yuanlingxian Sect who was the first to step into Void Refining...

Um, still not right...

He himself is the first!

"The strong are lonely!"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but sigh.

"Sir, Ben Xiong is here!"

The voice of Universiade came to my ears: "If you want to chat, Ben Xiong can chat with you!"

"Go on your way and don't talk!"

Zhang Yun looked disgusted.

Universiade felt aggrieved, but still did not dare to say anything.

"Try to use blessings to expand your spiritual consciousness..."

Zhang Yun lay there for a while, looking at the space tunnel passing by the silver light, and raised his eyebrows as he thought of something.

He reached out and took out the command brush and wrote the word 'divine consciousness'.

His body shook slightly, and his consciousness spread in all directions, mainly to both sides.

Although there is a space tunnel, it cannot block the penetration of his consciousness.

Divine consciousness spreads out of the space tunnel and expands towards the endless void around it.

As the Universiade moved forward, his consciousness also scanned the endless void outside the tunnel.

The various spatial fluctuations and turbulence clearly emerged in his consciousness.

It's like a glimpse of the aurora, which is quite interesting to watch.

Inside, there are some special stones contaminated with space energy floating in the endless void.

Zhang Yun has no intention of collecting.

Although this stone is contaminated with space energy, it itself is not very hard and cannot even be used to cast spiritual weapons.


At this time, a creature suddenly appeared in the induction, which made him startled.

Immediately shouted: "Stop!"

Dayun Yun's huge forward body suddenly braked and looked at him on the back in confusion.

"Wait for me here!"

Zhang Yun said, taking out the universal sword and cutting a hole in the space tunnel, and waves of space fluctuations poured in from the outside.

He didn't care.

The space tunnel in the Space Pavilion doesn't matter.

He rushed out directly through the opening.

"Hmm hum hum…"

The creature being sensed was staying more than ten miles away, eating a stone.

Zhang Yun did not dare to make any big moves and approached cautiously.

Get closer.

Only then did he clearly see the appearance of the creature in the endless void.


Zhang Yun was startled and used the Immortal Eye Technique——

【Space Mink】

Realm: Peak of the Void Refining Stage

Introduction: A space spirit beast with the talent of great space movement...


Zhang Yun was shocked.

Isn't this the spiritual beast that belonged to the inner elixir that was crushed when the silver-haired woman escaped?

Without hesitation, Zhang Yun immediately approached.

As he got closer, some spatial fluctuations inevitably occurred around him.

The space mink, who was chewing on a stone stained with space energy, sensed it and immediately looked in his direction.


Seeing humans, the space marten was startled, turned around and wanted to run away.

But Zhang Yun didn't give it this chance. He commanded the brush to rush forward and quickly caught up with it.

Caught the space mink.

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