Not long ago, the Cloud Demon King received news that the seal of the Sea Demon King was about to be broken.

For this purpose, several people including the Purple Star Demon Girl were specially sent to the South Region together.

After listening, Zhang Yun realized something: "So, the seal of the Sea Demon King has not been completely broken yet?"


The Black Demon and the Black Demon King nodded: "At least it was like that before!"


Zhang Yun exhaled.

The last information synchronized by the clone was that he went deep into the deepest part of the trench and was destroyed.

Judging from the situation at that time, the Sea Demon King was likely not to break the seal yet.

After all, such a powerful demon clan, once the seal is broken, it is impossible to shrink under it like that.

There is still time!

Zhang Yun's expression eased slightly, glanced at the two demons in front of him, and waved his hand casually.

Bang! Bang!

The Black Demon and the Black Demon King didn't even have time to react, and their heads and souls exploded on the spot with the Soul Suppression Art Mark.

The demon clan has already understood what they should know, and there is no need for these two demons to exist!

Collect the bodies.

Zhang Yun came to Dayunyun's back.

At this moment, Dayunyun was flying through the endless void.

Feeling his eagerness, he didn't even enter the space tunnel. He used his thick fur to withstand the strong spatial fluctuations of the endless void and rushed to the South Region by the fastest route.

Seeing Dayunyun trying so hard, Zhang Yun felt warm in his heart.

Perhaps it was because of the blessing of the animal farm that Dayunyun and other spirit beasts were closer to him, but the feelings of these spirit beasts for him were real.

He had made up his mind that no matter what strength he would reach in the future.

Dayunyun, Little Overlord and the spotted spirit tiger beasts, he would not abandon them!

Zhang Yun took out the sound transmission dominoes to contact.

He was contacted quickly.

"Master, the message has been delivered to the South Region headquarters. The message from there has been sent back that they have begun to enter the secret realm to hide!"

Hearing the news from the members of the Butterfly Palace who delivered the message, Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

The fact that the message was sent back meant that he was right...

The Sea Demon King has not broken the seal yet!

Fortunately, after he conquered the Butterfly Palace, he asked the Butterfly Palace to set up a channel specifically connecting to the South Region and transmitting messages.

In short, from the Central Region to the Blue Sea of ​​the South Region, several Butterfly Palace members are stationed at a certain distance.

This forms a message transmission chain.

He sent a message, and the nearby Butterfly Palace members immediately passed it to the next Butterfly Palace member after receiving it, and the next one passed it to the next one... and so on until it reached the South Region.

Zhang Yun was conveying the message in the Central Region at this moment, and the headquarters of the First Sect of the Immortal Path in the South Region would receive the message in about one to two minutes.

He was still a little anxious.

Because the Purple Witch and others saw that his clone was killed, but did not show up to the First Sect of the Immortal Path Island, it was likely that they could not get away at this moment.

This means that the seal of the Sea Demon King should have reached the critical moment of breaking the seal!

There is not much time left for him!

Zhang Yun took a deep breath and began to make some preparations.

At the same time, he also used a blank page to continue to accelerate the Great Luck.

If possible, he even wanted to use the third and fourth pages...

But the limit that can be used at the moment is two. It's not that he doesn't have enough energy, but that the command brush can only write two words at the same time. The best effect is to write the word "speed" on a blank page. If there are two pages, then the two "speed" words must be written separately.

If there are three pages, the third word is needed, which will cause the first word to be invalid.

Therefore, he can only use two blank pages at a time.

"I have to find a way to upgrade the command brush..."

Zhang Yun thought in his heart.

Boom--! !

At this moment, an amazing breath suddenly burst out from the Kujin Immortal Palace on his body.


Raising his eyebrows, Zhang Yun immediately entered the Kujin Immortal Palace and came to the hall where Su Die practiced.

Although the breath burst out behind him, the old demon of fire still turned his back to the hall and did not dare to look inside.


Seeing Zhang Yun coming, the old demon of fire hurriedly came forward.

Zhang Yun waved his hand and said, "I'll watch here from now on, you go to other places..."

Then, with the nod of the old demon of fire, he sent the other party to other areas of the Kujin Immortal Palace.

Zhang Yun stood outside the hall, looking at the beautiful figure bathed in various colors of flames.

At this moment, there was no distraction in his mind, just focusing on the flames that kept burning and rising around Su Die. Once Su Die failed to control it, he would immediately help suppress it.

However, Su Die's control of fire obviously did not require him to worry about it.

Boom--! !

Soon, with a surge of spiritual consciousness, a breath of the fusion period burst out.

Various colors of flames were burning on her body, and her long hair wrapped in flames was scattered around her shoulders.

Su Die was like a beautiful fairy born from the flames, walking out with lotus steps.

Even though Zhang Yun was used to seeing beautiful women, he was still amazed at this moment.

Seeing Zhang Yun staring at her, Su Die's mouth was slightly curved.

This smile seemed to dim the world around.

Zhang Yun was distracted by it.


Su Die smiled.

Zhang Yun reacted, looking at the beautiful body in front of him, and couldn't help but cough twice: "Um, Miss Su... Although I don't mind watching more, but are you sure you want to keep it like this?"

Su Die was startled, and saw Zhang Yun's eyes glancing at her body.

Suddenly reacted, her clothes were burned early...

A beautiful face turned red instantly, gnashing her teeth: "It was the same last time..."

"It was different last time!"

Zhang Yun heard this and said quickly: "At that time, you said I was too late to remind you, but this time I am the first one..."

"Go to hell!"

Before he finished speaking, a flame of various colors came up.

But it wasn't harmful in any way, it was just to hide the sight.

But how could this flame block Zhang Yun's eyes now?

Looking at Su Die who quickly put on clothes through the flames, Zhang Yun wanted to look away, but his neck was a little stiff and he couldn't turn away for a long time.

As if aware of his gaze, Su Die raised her head.

Zhang Yun immediately lowered his head, shook his head and sighed.

"Sex embryo!"

That look of regret that she couldn't see the beautiful scenery made Su Die couldn't help but curse, and her cheeks turned a little red.

She quickly put on her clothes and then put away the various flames that seemed to her to be blocking Zhang Yun's sight.

Zhang Yun shook his head secretly when he saw this.

It’s worn too quickly!

Su Die didn't pay attention, and her expression returned to normal at this moment: "I won't thank you anymore. The spiritual meal I asked you to think about before..."

"Beauty Su, you have no intention of eating spiritual food now!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand and talked about the situation in the Southern Territory.

Su Die's expression condensed: "Can you rush back?"

Zhang Yun nodded, "The Sea Demon King hasn't broken the seal yet. With Universiade's speed, it should be possible!"

Su Die breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then leave me alone, go and do your business..."

"There's something I want to tell you..."

Zhang Yun glanced at her and told her what he had discovered at the Wuxian ruins.

Although the two one-way shuttle doors between the Death World and the Witch Immortal Ruins are not connected to each other, since Su Yixian and his wife have been to the Witch Immortal Ruins and obtained the Witch Immortal Seal, think about it...

He speculated that Su Yixian and his wife might have gone to the world behind the Shackles Gate.

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