"Did the Tenth Elder ask you to come to me?"

Zhang Yun looked at Nie Zhi indifferently.

"No, Ninth Elder!"

Nie Zhi shook his head quickly and said, "I have something to tell you!"

Looking at Zhang Yun, he felt a little uneasy.

He had been thinking for a long time before coming to Zhang Yun.

Since he chose Meng Zhong as his master at the disciple-recruiting ceremony, he began to regret it. Because Meng Zhong didn't value him at all.

Except that he proposed to inform the Lin family of Xu Ming's news and was assigned to report to the Lin family, Meng Zhong never paid much attention to him.

Meng Zhong didn't even mention the two previous exchange meetings to him.

It was because the senior brother who was going to the exchange meeting with Meng Zhong provoked Xu Ming before going and was beaten back and seriously injured. When he and several disciples of the Tenth Peak received the notice to go to treat his injuries, they learned from the injured senior brother that there was such an exchange meeting.

If it were just that, it would be fine. What made him even more uncomfortable was that he heard that in addition to Xu Ming, Zhang Yun also had a registered disciple who was not wanted by the deacons. After becoming a disciple, he was able to participate in the exchange meeting. This made him a little jealous. After the exchange meeting, he came back and heard about Zhang Yun's achievements with his two disciples, especially when both of Zhang Yun's disciples got a Jindan-stage spirit beast cub. He was so jealous that he was going crazy! This should have been his! If he had chosen Zhang Yun at the disciple-taking ceremony, he would have been Zhang Yun's eldest disciple. Everything that belonged to Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang would belong to him! The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. Therefore, he decided to change his sect! After hearing yesterday that Zhang Yun accepted a village girl as his third disciple, he knew he couldn't wait any longer! It just so happened that Meng Zhong was not in the sect now. He came here early this morning and now faced Zhang Yun directly. Nie Zhi took a deep breath and said, "Elder Nine, I want to report something to you!" "Hmm?" Zhang Yun looked at him in confusion. Nie Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "Ninth Elder, just after the disciple-taking ceremony, the Tenth Elder, who is also my master, sent me to the Lin family and asked me to pass on the news of Senior Brother Xu Ming to the Lin family. I dared not disobey and had to do it. Now the Lin family knows that Senior Brother Xu Ming has become your subordinate. Senior Brother Xu Ming has a big grudge against the Lin family. If the Lin family knows about this, they may come to cause trouble. Please be prepared!" Hearing this, Zhang Yun looked at Nie Zhi in surprise. He really didn't expect that the other party would come to confess this to him. And the other party's appearance clearly came on his own. If Meng Zhong knew about this confession, he would probably expel the other party from the sect directly! Nie Zhi said sincerely, "Ninth Elder, I have been struggling for a while, and finally I feel that I must explain this to you!" "I know about this, thank you for telling me..." Zhang Yun nodded and said, "I will be prepared!" After that, he waved to Yun No. 1 and prepared to return to the peak. "Nineth Elder!"

Nie Zhi spoke quickly.

Zhang Yun looked at the other party, "Anything else?"

Nie Zhi gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of him, saying with a sad face: "Please, Ninth Elder, save me!!"

"Save you?"

Zhang Yun was puzzled.

Nie Zhi said in a deep voice: "Ninth Elder, I will inform you of this matter today. Once the Tenth Elder Meng Zhong knows about it, he will definitely not let me go. So I beg the Ninth Elder... to accept me as a disciple!!"

At the end, he nodded directly.


Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

I understand!

No wonder he dared to tell him about this, Nie Zhi dared to come with the idea of ​​changing his sect!

Accept the other party?

Zhang Yun shook his head secretly without thinking.

If it was still the disciple-taking ceremony, he might consider it. But now...

To be honest, he doesn't like Nie Zhi's qualifications!

The other party is just a low-grade water attribute spiritual root, and his three disciples now, the worst Yu Shuier, are all top-grade water attribute spiritual roots.

Even if he hopes to accept more disciples and test whether there will be more rewards after upgrading, he will not accept disciples randomly.

At least this Nie Zhi, it is impossible!

Because even if we don’t talk about qualifications, Zhang Yun can’t evaluate Nie Zhi’s character.

He wanted to change his sect after only half a month of apprenticeship, and directly said such a private matter. The nice thing is that he doesn’t want his fellow elder to suffer, and the bad thing is betraying his master!

If he really accepts him, Zhang Yun can’t guarantee that the other party will betray him one day.

Although he didn’t ask his disciples to have good character, he would not accept such people who could easily betray their master.

"Go back. You are already a disciple of the tenth elder, I will not accept you!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand and returned to the ninth peak with Yun Yihao.

"Ninth Elder, you can’t leave your disciples alone!"

Nie Zhi’s face turned pale when he heard this, and he couldn’t help shouting: "Ninth Elder, give me one! I will definitely not let you down!!"

But Zhang Yun didn’t even turn his head.

This made Nie Zhi grit his teeth, and he couldn't help but clench his fists in his sleeves, with an extremely ugly face.


This Ninth Elder is a bastard! !

After getting the news from him, he actually ignored him! !

Looking at Zhang Yun's back, Nie Zhi gritted his teeth, "If you don't want me today, I will make you regret it tomorrow!!"

He wiped his nose and got up and left Lingxian Sect.

He couldn't go back to the Tenth Peak, otherwise once Meng Zhong came back and knew that he had found Zhang Yun, he would definitely be finished!

Lingxian Sect, it's better not to stay!

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

The Lingxian Sect seemed peaceful that day, but this peace only lasted until noon.

It was just after noon.


A terrifying suction force suddenly came from the ninth peak, instantly absorbing the entire sect's spiritual energy.

"What the hell? Why did the Ninth Peak start again!?"

"It took a lot of effort to calm down for half a month. Bandits from the Ninth Peak, can you be a human being?"

"MD, even if you want to suck it, you should give the sound of dragon roar as a reminder! It's hard for me to gather the spiritual energy!!"

Many disciples of Lingxian Sect who were cultivating all cursed in the street.

Although they are not surprised by the bandit behavior of Ninth Peak that absorbs the spiritual energy of the world. But the point is, at least there was a dragon roar before that prompted him. It's so good now, but suddenly it sucks. Who can withstand it?

The ninth peak, inside the cave.

"This little fat guy is building a foundation, and there's so much movement!"

Zhang Yun looked at Xiaopang Wu who was wrapped in a cocoon of light by Overlord's Qi in front of him, and secretly clicked his tongue.

This movement of absorbing spiritual energy is not much worse than when he returned to his cultivation and broke through with the Extreme Body Technique!

"It would be great if Ming'er could suck like this!"

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Comparatively speaking, Wu Xiaopang's breakthrough made him much less worried than Xu Ming's breakthrough. Because Wu Xiaopang needed spiritual energy to break through, he sucked it directly into the world. Unlike Xu Ming, who doesn't know how to suck it out, he just knows how to act like a stone-sucking monster to suck his master's spiritual stone!

"Oh, it's better to raise a little fat boy to save spiritual stones!"

Zhang Yun sighed lightly and stared at Fatty Wu in front of him.


A progress number is beating slowly in his eyes.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes...

Until twenty minutes.

The number in his eyes has only reached 100%.


At the same time, a crack appeared in the light cocoon in front of him.

The next second, the entire cocoon of light exploded.

boom--! !

An astonishing momentum also broke out at the same time.

In front of him, he saw that Fatty Wu was completely naked, and golden lines appeared on his skin. Above the entire body, a shadow of an overlord stands, exuding the pressure of a king that makes everyone around want to kneel down!

In the face of this pressure, the spiritual energy in Zhang Yun's body also fluctuated slightly, but with just a slight shrug, the strange feeling receded.

Since his Extreme Body Technique reached the tenth level of the foundation building stage half a month ago, he found that when faced with the pressure of Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang with special physiques, he no longer felt suppressed as before.

It's like his own physique and bloodline have also improved to a higher level after reaching this extreme!

‘Your disciple Wu Xiaopang’s cultivation level has successfully broken through from the peak of the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage to the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and you will receive a hundredfold return on your cultivation level! ’

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