‘Your disciple Wu Xiaopang’s cultivation level has broken through from the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage to the second level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and you will receive a hundredfold return on your cultivation level! ’

In less than half an hour, Zhang Yun received the first wave of returned energy, which was directly sent into the prototype of the golden elixir in his dantian. The prototype of the golden elixir swallowed up all the energy in one gulp. The whole body of the golden elixir glowed slightly and became silent.

Zhang Yun is not surprised, this little energy is not enough for him to condense the golden elixir!

Seeing Xu Ming and the others steadily absorbing spiritual energy in the Qi Gathering Tower, he also left the Immortal Master World and began to practice new techniques in the cave.

In the next few days, he received several more waves of energy returns.

This also made the prototype of the golden elixir in his dantian, which was originally only about the size of a thumb, now larger and almost the same size as a normal elixir.

If you replace the golden elixir of an ordinary monk, this can already condense energy and completely activate the golden elixir to break through.

But Zhang Yun could feel that the energy of his golden elixir was still far behind!

"Without the Immortal Master's return to the body, this extreme body art is really not something that humans can practice!"

Shake his head slightly.

He is so slow to condense the golden elixir, so the Ji Ti Jue can be said to be the most important one. This technique greatly increased the difficulty of his breakthrough!

But the benefits are obvious, at least now his combat power has surpassed most of the golden elixir stage.

If there is an immortal master returning the body, it will be more difficult if it is difficult!

Another day of practice.

Zhang Yun brought Yu Shui'er out of the Qi Gathering Tower. The latter's state had already reached the peak of the foundation building stage. He had already reached the peak of this state after absorbing a wave of spiritual energy in the Qi Gathering Tower.

The next step is to start condensing the golden elixir just like him.

Although he didn't mind Yu Shui'er breaking through the Golden Core stage as soon as possible, considering the upcoming sect competition and the quota for entering the Immortal Secret Realm, there were restricted disciples who must be below the Golden Core stage, so he didn't let Yu Shui'er continue to advance.

However, Yu Shui'er didn't leave her idle when she came out. Zhang Yun called back Yun Yihao, the gatekeeper, to serve as Yu Shui'er's sparring partner, practicing exclusive techniques to control water and form shapes.

In addition, the elixir mentioned by the leader of the Lingxian Sect was also delivered.

A few middle-grade elixirs and one high-grade elixir are considered pretty good.

However, Zhang Yun's three apprentices can no longer use them now, so they can only let the storage rings gather dust.

Time flies like water, and in a blink of an eye, the day for the disciple competition has arrived!

The night before, Zhang Yun took Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang out of the Immortal Master World and asked them and Yu Shui'er who were still practicing to stop practicing and have a good night's rest to recharge their spirits.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yun took Xu Ming and three others to the venue.

The venue for the disciple competition was chosen at the foot of the third peak of Lingxian Sect, where there is the largest open-air square in the sect.

Early in the morning, the square was already bustling with people.

"The ninth elder has arrived!"

But with the announcement, the entire square fell silent for a moment.

Looking outside the square, one after another looked at Zhang Yun who was flying in with his three disciples with his sword.

Seeing that his arrival had attracted everyone's attention, Zhang Yun smiled slightly and waved to the many disciples present.


"Get out of here, the robbers from the Ninth Peak!"

"MD, where is the knife? Give me one quickly! I want to chop them!!"

But in exchange, many disciples in the field spat and cursed, and some even drew their swords.

Those eyes looked like they could kill, staring at their master and disciple.

"Master, the way these brothers and sisters look at us doesn't seem right!"

Wu Xiaopang swallowed as he watched.

"Excellent people will inevitably arouse jealousy!"

Zhang Yun smiled lightly, "I was too dazzling at the exchange meeting between the two sects before, and it probably made you, brothers and sisters, unbalanced. Let's just keep calm!"

"I see!"

Wu Xiaopang suddenly realized, and at the same time he was a little angry: "These senior brothers and sisters are really serious. Our achievement is only to bring honor to the sect. We are too jealous!"

"People have seven emotions and six desires. Little Fatty, you need to understand more!"

Zhang Yun said: "We must be lenient to others!"

"Master is right, we should be lenient to others!"

Wu Xiaopang nodded.

Xu Ming heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Where is this going?

Isn't it because these people are so hostile because you two break through and absorb the entire sect's spiritual energy at every turn?

Xu Ming felt helpless as he felt the gazes falling on him, wanting to skin him and convulse him.

This was not the first time he had seen this look.

Half a month ago, Zhang Yun asked him to go to the Sect Master Peak to receive his salary. At that time, he received a lot of looks like this along the way.

After asking one person, he learned that because the Ninth Peak sucked the spiritual energy of the entire sect all day long, often after he broke through the Dragon Roar, many Lingxian Sect disciples regarded him as the culprit of absorbing spiritual energy all day long!

Think of him as innocent.

But the pot has to be carried. After all, it is impossible to push the master out...

After placing Xu Ming and the others down in an open space in the venue, Zhang Yun flew directly to the high platform between the venues.

Several elders who were already present nodded to him.

Zhang Yun nodded slightly and did not touch him too much.

These elders are very realistic. When they saw him in the disciple recruitment ceremony before, it was as if he had never seen a human being before. Now that the two exchange meetings have shown his strength, these people have begun to treat him as a human being again!

After finding his seat and sitting down, his eyes couldn't help but glance at a five-story iron tower on the edge of the venue.

"Ninth Elder, this is the newly built disciple tower, and the first round of the disciple competition will be held in it!"

As he was watching, a voice suddenly came from the side, and he saw an elegant middle-aged man in white robe introducing him with a smile.

The third elder of Lingxian Sect.

Zhang Yun was not impressed by this person, but he was gentle and kind to others.

The other party did not participate in the previous exchange meeting, which was quite surprising. Because this person, like the Great Elder, has reached the peak of the Golden Pill stage, he should be very eager for the Infant Transformation Pill.

Is it because of the Infant Transformation Pill that you take the initiative to talk to him now?

Zhang Yun thought about it and couldn't help but cast a glance at the other party.

However, this look made him stunned.


To be precise, it was because of his Immortal Eye Technique that he couldn't see through the opponent! !

Nascent Soul stage?

Zhang Yun was a little shocked.

These three elders are actually in the Nascent Soul stage? ?

"Ninth Elder?"

Seeing Zhang Yun suddenly staring at him, the third elder of Lingxian Sect was confused.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, Zhang Yun quickly looked away and said with a smile: "Thank you, Third Elder, for informing me. I haven't been out much recently, and I really don't recognize this newly built disciple tower!"

"The ninth elders are all practicing in seclusion! Is it possible that their strength has improved so quickly?"

The third elder of Lingxian Sect smiled and looked at a stone pillar next to the high platform that was as high as the high platform. "Look at this ranking, it's already number one!"

Only then did Zhang Yun notice the stone pillars, and saw the names posted on them, which were the rankings of the elders of the Lingxian Sect this year.

His name currently ranks first with 50 points.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, which didn't surprise him.

At the end of the previous exchange meeting between the two sects, the leader of the Lingxian Sect directly gave him 50 points. This was the highest score an elder of the Lingxian Sect could get before a disciple competition. His ranking can only be considered tied for first place.

Among them, the third elder in front of him was also included.

What surprised him even more was that the other party was in the Nascent Soul stage.

It stands to reason that if there is a recent breakthrough, there should be quite a bit of movement.

Could it be that this person has been in the Nascent Soul stage for a long time and deliberately hides his realm?

Zhang Yun felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

Most of these hidden realms have special purposes.


Just as he was thinking about it, the sound of a crane suddenly came.

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