"We have entered the 306th Immortal Competition Zone!"

When Zhang Yun's feet landed on the ground, there was a sudden sound in his sleeves.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw the originally transparent Immortal Fighting Token inside the sleeve robe. At this moment, some light text messages appeared——

‘The Immortal Fighter Number:. ’

‘Region: Area 306. ’

‘Current number of fairy balls obtained: 0. ’

‘Participation rounds: one round. Countdown to the end of the current round: 71:59:59. ’

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and glanced around.

The Great Emperor and Man Cangqiong were nearby.

The current location is under a wall covered with grass.

Zhang Yun scanned the circle and quickly locked on a bird's nest on the wall that looked a bit awkward and was only about the size of a palm——

【Evil Soul Mouth】

Introduction: A special entrance where immortal power is condensed, and a vicious spirit lives inside. As long as the breath of a living thing comes close to the entrance, the evil spirit will wake up and rush out to attack all the living creatures it sees.

"Evil spirit?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.


The Great Emperor and Man Cangqiong also noticed that this bird's nest was somewhat special and couldn't help but look at him.

Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense, he waved his hand and stamped it directly.


As soon as the handprint approached the bird's nest, an inhuman roar came from inside.

A blood-red soul rushed out of the bird's nest, and Zhang Yun's handprint shattered.

The pair of scarlet pupils filled with majestic murderous intent locked onto Zhang Yun and the others.

【Bloodthirsty Soul】

Race: Soul race

Soul Realm: Peak of Mahayana Stage

Introduction: After the soul race becomes possessed, a ferocious soul body is formed. The consciousness disappears, leaving only the endless desire to kill. It will attack any living thing it sees.

Zhang Yun glanced at the information about the blood-red soul body.

I saw this evil spirit roaring, bringing up a large soul storm full of murderous intent, sweeping down towards Zhang Yun and the others.

The Great Emperor and Man Cangqiong looked at each other with concentration, and were about to take action.

Zhang Yun waved his hand to stop him, opened his eyes slightly, and activated his soul-killing glance.

The whole body of the evil spirit that was rushing down trembled, and the next second it fell directly from the air.

Zhang Yun raised his hand and a wave of returning energy surged out.


Man Cangqiong on the side suddenly made a sound.

Zhang Yun was startled.

Man Cangqiong said: "This soul body is powerful and has a ferocious aura. It is an excellent material for a weapon spirit!"

Zhang Yun raised his brows. He wanted to wipe out the evil spirit's return aura, but it suddenly turned into shackles to imprison it.

"You can put it in here!"

At this time, Man Cangqiong took out a round bottle as big as a fist from his lapel.

【Soul bottle】

Introduction: A tool that can forcibly compress and store the spirit body.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun immediately transferred the evil spirit into the bottle.

After Man Cang Qiong put it away, he handed it to him.

Zhang Yun waved his hand: "I'll let you go!"


Man Cang Qiong nodded and put his clothes back.

Zhang Yun flew to the bird's nest above the wall and saw a hole inside. Inside was a crystal ball the size of a fist, surrounded by fairy light——

【Fairy Ball】

Introduction: An energy ball condensed with a variety of different magical powers. Using the original energy, these fairy powers can be converted into the same kind of fairy power for those who practice fairy power to absorb.

"It's really this fairy ball!"

Zhang Yun breathed out.

The direction where it landed at this moment was a fairy treasure light. And the fairy treasure light here obviously comes from the fairy ball in front of you.

It was the same as he had guessed after reading the rules just now.

The fairy treasure lights seen above should be where these fairy balls are.


Picking up the fairy ball, the Immortal Fighting Token in the sleeve robe suddenly sounded——

‘In the corresponding area, the immortal contender numbered has successfully obtained a fairy ball! ’

A line of floating light words jumped up on the Immortal Fighting Token, and in the message below, the number of Immortal Balls obtained also changed from 0 to 1.

"Do you still have a notice..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Without paying much attention, he immediately determined his location, locked in a direction and said, "Let's go!"

Then it flew away quickly.

Upon seeing this, Da Huanghuang and Man Cangqiong hurriedly followed.

Since Baoguang was referring to fairy balls earlier, let’s get them all!

Normally it would take three days to complete, but he was too lazy to waste time here. I plan to end it early after taking the Fairy Ball directly.

In the same area as Zhang Yun.

The long-haired young man and many other immortal contenders were stunned for a moment when they saw the information floating on their respective tokens.

Did someone get the fairy ball so quickly?

Could it be that Advent happened to hit the fairy ball?

"What a blessing!"

The long-haired young man curled his lips.

He glanced around at the immortal contenders who were descending on the nearby area just like he had before. The descending cloud had not moved.

These immortal contenders also glanced at each other.

Without a word of conversation, they dispersed.

After learning about the rules of fighting for immortality, they had no idea of ​​taking action at the moment.

If you want to take action, you have to find the fairy ball first!

It's just that they separated less than half a minute...


‘In the corresponding area, the Immortal Fighter numbered has successfully obtained two Immortal Balls! ’

Seeing the message coming from the Immortal Token ringing again, the long-haired young man and others were all filled with questions.

What the hell?

Got the second fairy ball so soon?

Did the guy with this number just happen to land in a field with two fairy balls?

The corners of the mouths of the long-haired young man and others twitched, and they felt a little anxious.

There are only seven fairy balls in total. Now two of them have been taken by someone. They have to hurry up...


‘In the area, the fairy fighter numbered has successfully obtained three fairy balls! ’

Before they could finish their thoughts, they saw the fairy fighting token ring again.


The long-haired young man and others, as well as all the creatures in area 306 who were holding the fairy fighting token at the moment, were stunned.


That’s three? ?

Are you kidding me! ?

The corners of the mouths of the long-haired young man and many other creatures twitched.

They didn’t care to think too much for a while, and they all spread their spiritual consciousness to search everywhere.

While searching, they were nervously paying attention to their own fairy fighting tokens, fearing that there would be news in the next second.

However, after waiting for more than half a quarter of an hour, there was no sound from the fairy fighting token.

This made the long-haired young man and many other creatures breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that this number got three, just a coincidence...


‘In the area, the immortal fighter numbered has successfully obtained four immortal balls! ’

As they were thinking, the immortal fighter token rang again.

The long-haired young man and many other creatures stared at each other.

I know!

This guy with the number must have known the location of the immortal ball in advance! !


The long-haired young man and many other creatures were a little anxious.

If the guy with the number quickly got six immortal balls, then they...


‘In the area, the immortal fighter numbered has successfully obtained five immortal balls! ’

The immortal fighter token rang again, making the long-haired young man and many other creatures crazy.

Seven immortal balls, five of them were taken away in a blink of an eye, so are they still allowed to fight?

Wait, this won’t happen soon...


‘In the area, the immortal fighter numbered has successfully obtained six immortal balls! ’

When two minutes later, another message rang on the immortal fighter token.

“Ni Ma!”

The long-haired young man and many other creatures couldn’t help but burst into swearing.

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