Zhang Yun smiled slightly when he sensed something at this time.

In the Immortal Token, Ma Fangya and Gui Wei, the white-haired woman and the ghost masked man, had moved to the two entrances of Area 303 and Area 304.

Three descendants of immortals, one for each of the three entrances.

As for the long-haired woman and the three swords of Jian Fengyun who were arranged before, he had notified them separately and asked them to move to the two positions in the middle of Area 306 to guard.

With three descendants of immortals guarding the three entrances, he was still relatively relieved.

He immediately lay down on the tree, closed his eyes and waited for the next wave of immortal balls to come.

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

On the vast plain connecting the entrance from Area 305 to Area 306.

Gui Xiao, the green-haired man, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the entrance, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked straight ahead at the plain a hundred miles away.

It was very quiet there, but under the calm, he sensed that three very subtle auras were slowly approaching.

"Get out!"

Gui Xiao opened his mouth and shouted coldly that resounded throughout the plain.

The earth-shaking shout startled the three hidden figures.


Before they could think about it, they saw a beam of green light containing immortal power, which was so green that it made them panic.

"Immortal power!"

The three figures were shocked and quickly appeared and retreated to avoid it.

They barely avoided it, but the three figures were forced to move out of their bodies, which was quite embarrassing.

The three figures were all wrapped in robes. If Zhang Yun was there, he would definitely find that they were the three peak Mahayana ancestors of the Hidden Spirit Sect, the Poison Realm, and the Dark Thunder Palace who had jointly bid for the immortal token.

Looking at Gui Xiao, who was sitting cross-legged at the entrance of Area 306, the three ancestors of the Hidden Spirit Sect were terrified.

They came from Area 275.

The distance was actually not far, but they didn't dare to fly at full speed all the way.

Before participating in the immortal competition, although they knew that it was not easy to compete for immortality, they didn't expect the process to be so dangerous!

In the first round of the Immortal Competition in Area 275, almost all the opponents they encountered were at the peak of the Mahayana Stage. There were even two people in the Tribulation Thunder Realm.

They were able to stand out from the crowd because they relied on the hidden talents and secret methods unique to the Hidden Spirit Sect, and avoided many battles.

At the last moment, they attacked a group of three Mahayana Peaks who had obtained two Immortal Balls, and only then did they get two Immortal Balls.

After that, they learned the rules in the second round of the Immortal Competition and hid all the way out of Area 275.

During the process, they saw a lot of battles. Those who attacked were 80% of the people in the Tribulation Thunder Realm.

Almost eight out of ten people they met were beyond their ability to deal with.

In this situation, how could they dare to act openly?

After finally arriving here, they wanted to sneak into Area 306, but they didn't expect to be discovered directly.

They subconsciously wanted to run, but found that Gui Xiao at the entrance of Area 306 had no intention of attacking.

They saw Gui Xiao raised his hand and outlined a line of huge light words with emerald energy-

'Those who dare to approach the entrance of Area 306 within a hundred miles will die! ’

Looking at the content, the three ancestors of the Hidden Spirit Sect confirmed that they were not within a hundred miles of the entrance, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But feeling the gaze of Na Guixiao looking at them from afar, the three ancestors of the Hidden Spirit Sect trembled, and hurriedly found a small basin nearby to hide.

Although they didn't know why the green-haired man was guarding the entrance to Area 306, this man was undoubtedly in the Tribulation Thunder Realm.

And he was a Tribulation Thunder Realm who had already mastered the immortal power!

Such an existence would be easy to kill.

Under other circumstances, they would definitely turn around and run away.

But now, if they ran away, it would be equivalent to being eliminated.

After all, according to the rules, if you don't enter Area 306 within two days, you will be eliminated!

There may be other entrances to Area 306, but they don't know the route.

They were able to find this place by relying on the coordinates given by the Immortal Fighting Token. And the coordinates only indicate the entrance in front of them.

At this moment, all they can do is wait.

When a more powerful immortal fighter comes and takes care of the green-haired man guarding the entrance, they will take the opportunity to sneak in.

Gui Xiao sat at the entrance, not paying attention to the three ancestors of the Hidden Spirit Sect who were hiding a hundred miles away.

Three peak Mahayana stage, in his eyes, were not worth mentioning!

After being silent for less than two minutes, Gui Xiao raised his head again.

"Anyone who comes within a hundred miles will die? Ha, what a big tone!"

Only a cold snort came from afar.

A strong man in black armor looked disdainful, and flew over the plain with two middle-aged men who were also wearing armor.

Gui Xiao raised his head and looked at the three strong men in black armor who were flying over with a calm face.

The three strong men in black armor also saw him.

Their eyes met.

The black-armored sturdy man, who had a disdainful look on his face a second ago, was stunned this second and opened his mouth: "Turtle...Turtle Young Palace!?"

Turtle Xiao looked at him indifferently, "Why, do you want to try what I wrote?"

The middle-aged man in black armor trembled and laughed awkwardly: "That...that, Turtle Young Palace, misunderstanding! This is all misunderstanding! Let's go now!!"

As he said, he hurriedly turned around and ran with the two middle-aged men in armor.

Turtle Xiao snorted.

But he was too lazy to pay attention.

The three ancestors of the Hidden Spirit Sect who were hiding in the basin a hundred miles away were all stunned at this moment.

What the hell?

How come these three strong men who seemed to be strong ran away when they met?


After escaping for a distance and seeing that Turtle Xiao behind them did not catch up, the three strong men in black armor breathed a sigh of relief.

The strong man in black armor cursed: "Damn, what is this turtle doing at the entrance to Area 306?"

The two people next to him also looked confused, and one of them asked: "Sir, what are we next?"

"Change the entrance and enter Area 306!"

The strong man in black armor said, took out a map from his jacket, looked at it, and locked on a route: "Let's go!"

After saying that, he led the two people behind him forward quickly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

At this moment, a burst of wind came, and a group of six figures were seen approaching.

Seeing the three strong men in black armor taking a detour, the six figures were startled.

The entrance is right in front, why take a detour here?

The six figures were a little confused.

The three strong men in black armor ignored them and quickly walked away.

"They are from the Black Armored Army!"

Among the six figures, an old man in green robe spoke.

"Mr. Lin, who is the Black Armored Army?"

Next to him, a middle-aged man wearing a white robe and aloof temperament asked.

This middle-aged man is none other than Long Fenghua!

"It's the immortal force, the escort team of the Black-armored Immortal City!"

Explained to the green-robed old man named Mr. Lin: "The Black-armored Immortal City is an immortal force in our Red Sea, and its city owner is an immortal. The Black-armored Army was specially cultivated by the city owner of the Black-armored Immortal City, and is a force under the immortal's command. !”

Hearing the word 'immortal', Long Fenghua's expression became serious. At the same time, he looked at the three black-armored soldiers leaving in the distance with some confusion: "Are they leaving in such a hurry?"

"A little weird!"

Old Lin said: "Be vigilant and take a look at area 306. We have already missed one wave of fairy balls, and we can't miss the second wave!"

Long Fenghua and others nodded.

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