Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 730 Guixiao fell, three-tailed star fox

The entrance connecting Area 306 and Area 304 is a mist-shrouded swamp.

At this moment, outside the swamp, a group of three men in black armor greeted them.

They were the three black-armored soldiers who left the plain entrance earlier.

"Finally we've made it around, hurry up and enter area 306. The next wave of fairy balls is coming soon!"

The leader of the strong man in black armor said, taking the lead and flying forward.

The other two black-armored soldiers followed closely behind.


But just as they rushed into the swamp, they saw a dazzling white light sweeping through the air.

The expressions of the three strong men in black armor changed and they hurriedly stepped away.


Glaring forward.

Xilulu——! !

Just hearing a high-pitched honking sound, a Pegasus with a pair of hundred-meter-long white wings flew out of the entrance to Area 306 at the end of the swamp, carrying a white-haired woman.

When the angry three strong men in black armor saw the woman, their expressions suddenly froze, and they opened their mouths in shock: "Ma...Ma Shaoxian??"


Ma Fangya shouted coldly, raising his hand with the white fairy pen and another white glow appeared.

The expressions of the three strong men in black armor changed drastically. They hurriedly escaped and fled out of the swamp.

Seeing this, Ma Fangya stopped pursuing and rode her Pegasus back to the entrance of Area 306 at the end of the swamp.

The three strong men in black armor quickly flew out of the swamp. Seeing this scene from a distance, they all looked confused.

What's going on?

Why is there an immortal descendant guarding the entrance in front of me?

The two black-armored soldiers looked at the strong man in black armor: "Sir, what should we do?"

The strong man in black armor cursed, "What else can we do? Take a detour to the connecting entrance between Area 303 and Area 306!"

The two black-armored soldiers hesitated: "Sir, if there is something there..."


The strong man in black armor interrupted them directly and cursed: "How can there be so many descendants of immortals? Besides, guarding Area 306, what good will it do to them?"

"But Gui Shaogong and Ma Shaoxian..."

Hearing this, the strong man in black armor twitched his mouth.

He also couldn't figure out what the two descendants of immortals, Gui Xiao and Ma Fangya, were doing in area 306 after they were full.

But right now...


The strong man in black armor gritted his teeth.

He still doesn't believe it, there is a third immortal descendant guarding the entrance to Area 306!

Inside Area 306.

"The second wave of fairy balls has begun to arrive!"

After receiving the message from the Immortal Fighting Token, Zhang Yun raised his head, and streaks of falling light appeared in the sky.

The whole group immediately started to move, and at the same time, they also asked the three fantasy clansmen of Jian Fengyun Sanjian, Hei Manning (a long-haired woman riding a black cheetah and holding a whip) and Huan Chang who were guarding the center of Area 306 to collect them together.

In less than two minutes, all fifty fairy balls in the uncontrolled area were collected.

At the same time, the fifty fairy balls in the area under his control were also picked up by Wu Haihai on a big iron iron as he sensed them.

Get all the hundred fairy balls in this batch!

Zhang Yun did a little calculation, and after adding the loot collected, the number of fairy balls he had obtained so far totaled more than 400.

But it's still not enough.

A contender must have 100 to advance. In addition to himself, he also has to consider Wu Haihai and the Qingjianzun who haven't arrived, as well as Guixiao, Jian Fengyun, Hei Manning, Huanchang, and the ones under his sleeve. The water spirit hanging in the robe.

Of course, the latter few can actually be ignored.

But since they were all employed as thugs and could consider it, he would naturally consider it as well.

Therefore, after calculation, the number of fairy balls required is a thousand, and currently there is still nearly 600 short.

A wave of fairy balls descends every three hours, and the second round of fighting for immortality lasts for three days. After deducting the two waves that have arrived so far, there will be ten more waves of fairy balls arriving, and the number is more than enough.

But the premise is that the intrusion of many immortal contenders must be blocked.

‘A contender breaks into the area! ’

As if in response to his thoughts, the Immortal Token suddenly sounded an alarm.

Zhang Yun immediately sensed it.

I saw that it was still the entrance to the plain connecting Area 306 and Area 305.

"This Guixiao is really lost!"

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly and immediately teleported over.


As soon as he was teleported, he saw a loud noise in the plain ahead, and multiple waves of terrifying energy collided and exploded above the plain.

At this moment, Guixiao was facing the siege of many people.

It's not the limit yet, but...

Zhang Yun glanced towards the bottom of the entrance to the plain.

There was nothing in the past, but from the sensation brought by the Immortal Fighting Token, a figure clearly broke in.

Zhang Yun directly raised his hand, and the sea magic power in his body immediately stirred up a wave of magic power and swept across the entrance area in front.


Sure enough, a figure flashed out.

It was a fox less than one meter long, with purple and white fur and three tails.

【Three-tailed Star Fox】

Race: Spirit beast

Cultivation realm: Peak of Mahayana period (half-immortal realm)

Introduction: A special species of beast that lives in endless star space. Its three tails hold three different energies. The first tail is hidden energy, the second tail is phantom energy, and the third tail is star power energy.

Weaknesses: The three tails are the source of power. If the tail is severely injured, it will lose its combat effectiveness.

"Are you the challenger?"

The three-tailed star fox looked at the information about encountering the challenger that popped up on the Immortal Fighting Token on his body. The fox's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Zhang Yun, and let out a slightly cold female voice.

Zhang Yun looked at him.

A coquettish color suddenly bloomed in the pair of fox eyes, and the surrounding world changed color at this moment.


call out!

A drop of blood was also ejected at the same time.

The world that had just changed color was instantly pierced by blood.

Zhang Yun raised his hand, and another row of ten drops of heavy blood shot out.


The three-tailed star fox was shocked, not expecting that its illusion would be broken instantly.

Without any time to think about it, it immediately swung its third fox tail.

The light on it shone brightly, and a large area of ​​bright silver starlight energy emerged, trying to block ten drops of heavy blood.

But as soon as it touched, the sky full of blood turned into ten drops of heavy blood directly swallowed up the silver starlight, forming a terrifying blood-colored power that was as heavy as ten thousand mountains and swept forward.

"not good!!"

The expression of the three-tailed star fox changed drastically. There was no room left to hide. The small fox body was directly carried by the large bloody force and flew towards the plain.

Gui Xiao and other immortal contenders who were fighting in the sky above the plain had no time to react when they saw this large piece of bloody power enveloping the three-tailed star fox coming towards them like an overwhelming shock wave.


Their expressions changed, they cursed and hid quickly.

But except that Guixiao had received a message from Zhang Yun in advance and got out of the way quickly.

The others all suffered a serious blow and were directly blown away by the large bloody force. They flew several thousand meters over the plain before they could stabilize themselves.

Everyone was shaken by the collision, and their internal organs were churning.

However, they all had extraordinary physiques and quickly stabilized their bodies and collected themselves.

‘You have encountered the challenger, and you can take his token to replace it! ’

At the same time, they all looked up when they saw the message that the Immortal Competition Tokens were jumping up on their respective bodies.

With one glance, he locked his eyes on Zhang Yun, who was wearing a white robe and snow in front of him.

"One update today, four updates tomorrow, if not, five updates the day after tomorrow. I've been too lazy lately, put some pressure on myself."

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