Just ran away?

The retreat of Elder Lin and his entourage surprised many people around him.

Although this move from Area 306 is amazing, it won’t scare him away directly, right?

After all, many people think that Zhang Yun's method may not be able to be used all the time. Such a powerful method must have side effects...right?

Looking at Zhang Yun in the sky who looked as normal as if he had done nothing, the powerful men hesitated.

"It seems you don't really want to come out!"

Zhang Yun also noticed that Mr. Lin and his party had not left, so he didn't pay attention and just glanced around lightly. He raised his palm and made a slight cut on it. One drop, two drops, three drops of blood...

It kept pouring out under his control.

Seeing that the number of drops continued to increase, more than thirty drops of blood fell out in a blink of an eye, and the expressions of everyone present changed.

Just twenty drops of blood severely injured a semi-immortal, and now there are more than thirty drops...


Not daring to hesitate at all, Zhang Yun's closest three-tailed star fox and three descendants of immortals from the second level thunder realm all flew back.

But several of Zhang Yun's fingers had been raised and pointed at them.

The next moment...

Whoosh! !

Drops of blood were like a barrage of cannons, shooting at them in four directions at the same time.

The faces of the three-tailed star fox and the three immortal descendants changed greatly, and the immortal power in their bodies burst out to resist.

But when these magical powers fell on them, they did not explode with astonishing bloody power as imagined, but...

They were directly destroyed by their immortal power.


The three-tailed star fox and the three immortal descendants were stunned for a moment.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Zhang Yun smiled at them and said, "It's just some ordinary blood. Besides, it wasn't you who were beaten..."

boom! boom! boom! …

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, dozens of drops of blood hidden in the surrounding void wrapped in space energy suddenly turned into several pieces of bloody power and swept towards the surrounding areas of the plain.

"not good!!"

The expressions of the immortal contenders hiding all around changed greatly.

Energy blocks broke out one after another, but it was already a step too late!

The majestic bloody power bombarded directly.

Puff puff! !

There were more than a dozen figures hidden in all directions, and at this moment, they were stirred up by the blood, vomiting blood and flying everywhere.

"Asshole, you..."

One of them, a middle-aged star-robed man who reacted quickly, blocked most of the bloody power with his sword, but the two assistants around him were severely injured and fell into coma, which made him furious.

Just as he was about to curse something, he saw his fingers pointing towards him.

Around the palm where the opening was made, dozens of drops of heavy blood appeared floating around.


The middle-aged man in Xingpao was horrified.

Zhang Yun waved his hand directly.

Dozens of drops of heavy blood suddenly shot out like dozens of bloody cannonballs.

However, they did not all point at the star-robed middle-aged man. Instead, they scattered and fired, causing pieces of blood to hit the surrounding people who were lifted out, as well as the three-tailed star fox and the three immortal descendants who were in a daze.

The large amount of blood coming towards them made them react quickly, their faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly unleashed their immortal power again.

boom! boom! boom! …

The roar resounded throughout the plains for a while.

Soon the wave of dozens of drops of blood erupted, and the three-tailed star fox, three immortal descendants, and the surroundings were thrown out, and a total of five beings with half-immortal combat power, including the middle-aged star-robed man, blocked them.

Whoosh! !

But before they could take a breath, dozens more drops of blood were shot towards them.


They were shocked and turned pale, and quickly exploded a large amount of immortal power to protect them.

But when the blood shot onto their immortal power protective layer, it disappeared directly.

"What are you so nervous about? It's just some ordinary blood~!"

Zhang Yun smiled and spoke.

The three-tailed star fox, the star-robed middle-aged man and others all glared at him.

This bastard actually thought of playing tricks on them!

Whoosh! !

Before they could think about it, Zhang Yun raised his hand again, and dozens of drops of blood shot towards them.

The expressions of the three-tailed star fox, the middle-aged star-robed and others changed suddenly, and they did not dare to hesitate at all, and once again they erupted into a layer of immortal power to resist.

However, the imaginary blood power was not there. The moment dozens of drops of blood fell on their immortal power protective layer, it was completely eliminated again.

Shockingly, there were dozens of drops of ordinary blood again!


The three-tailed star fox, the star-robed middle-aged man and others were angry.

This bastard is playing tricks on them again!

Just when they raised their eyes to look at Zhang Yun, they saw dozens more drops of blood shooting towards them.

Their expressions suddenly changed.

Could it be fake?

Thoughts passed through my mind.

But they didn't dare to gamble at all, and Qi Qi once again burst out with immortal power.

However, these dozens of drops of blood fell on their immortal power protective layer and were wiped out again.

Ordinary blood again!



"you wanna die!!"

As half-immortals, the three-tailed star fox, the star-robed middle-aged and others had never been so angry before, and they were completely angry.


Just wanting to explode, their bodies all trembled, and the fatigue from the lack of energy in their bodies made them gasp uncontrollably.

The three-tailed star fox, the star-robed middle-aged man and others suddenly came to their senses.

This bastard is deliberately consuming their immortal power!

Zhang Yun smiled.

Although monks in the Thunder Tribulation Realm can master things like immortal power, the amount they can master is limited. Even if additional release can be achieved with some external objects, there is still a limit.

Faced with his heavy blood threat, the three-tailed star fox, the middle-aged star-robed and others did not dare to hold back at all, and each wave of immortal power exploded with all their strength.

After several waves in a row, coupled with the bombing impact of at least two waves of heavy blood that they had just faced head-on, their immortal power had already been exhausted to the limit.

"Old Turtle!"


Seeing Zhang Yun suddenly calling him, Gui Xiao, who was in a daze behind, immediately came back to his senses and was confused.

Zhang Yun turned to look at him with a smile: "Old turtle, these are your opponents, you have to decide how to deal with them!"

"Ah this..."

Guixiao looked at the panting three-tailed star fox, the middle-aged star-robed and others, and opened his mouth.

He is already disabled, so let him come?

"Although we have only known each other for a short period of time, I like to make friends. Old Turtle, I find you more pleasing to the eye. I was embarrassed to ask for a thousand strands of your original energy before..."

At this time, Zhang Yun's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "These people have a lot of treasures on them. It's all yours to deal with. Afterwards, I sold the treasures, plus the previous thousand silks, to compensate me for the five thousand silks." Just the energy. The rest belongs to you, just treat us as friends!"

Guixiao was a little dazed after hearing this.

He always felt something was strange, but when he looked at the three-tailed star fox, the middle-aged star-robed man, and others, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Yes, these people have a lot of treasures!

If you take them all, you can get ten or twenty thousand strands of original energy at least. In addition to what he owed before, Zhang Yun only needed five thousand silks, which meant that he could earn at least five thousand silks of original energy.

This is no small sum of money!

Guixiao was excited.

Is there any hesitation for a moment?

"You guys, you guys, dare to break into our 306 area. I'm looking for a fight!"

The green immortal power around him exploded, directly killing the three-tailed star fox, the star-robed middle-aged man and others.

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