Entrance to Area 306, on the highest mountain.

Gui Wei opened his eyes and looked directly at the group of people heading towards the entrance of the mountain group.

Both sides looked at each other.


Without any words, the strong man in black armor, Mr. Lin, and a man in black robe with long hair had already shot through the air towards the highest mountain like three loose arrows.

"court death!"

Gui Wei shouted coldly, waved his hand and turned the black sword beside him into a giant ghost face, opening his big black mouth full of ghost power to greet him.

"Come here, old man!"

When Mr. Lin opened his mouth, the Moon Immortal Power filled his body, and he directly entered a state of Moon Energy.

The punch exploded with Yuexian's power and blasted towards the ghost face.

Seeing this, Gui Wei quickly waved out a black claw mark full of ghost power, which fell through the air towards Mr. Lin.

"Black Immortal Slash!"

But before the ghost claw marks could fall, a sword light filled with immortal power directly cut the claw marks into the air.

Gui Wei looked coldly at the strong man in black armor who took action.

The strong man in black armor had a dull expression: "Young Master Ghost, if you are guarding Area 306 and will not let you in, you are blocking the path to immortality for fellow Taoists from all walks of life. If you get out of the way now, we can stop immediately!!"


As he was speaking, Mr. Lin next to him had punched away the ghost face, and he also looked directly at Gui Wei: "Young Master Ghost, although I don't know why you want to help the 306 District Champion guard this entrance, but now we are fighting for immortality. This is Area 306, we must enter, if you insist..."

"Ghosts eat the world!"

Before he could finish his words, the ghost face that had just been blown away suddenly enlarged a hundred times, and opened its big black mouth full of ghost power to devour them.


Elder Lin's face turned cold, and his pupils suddenly turned into a pair of full moons.

"Full moon night!"

A majestic moon fairy power together with the power of the domain swept across, the sky became dark, and a full moon emitting moonlight hung up.


The Moon Immortal Power surged all over Mr. Lin's body, directly entering the second stage of Moon Energy.

"Xuanyue Immortal Technique, the Moon's Heavenly Hand Seal!"

Raising his hand, a large amount of Moon Immortal Power exploded, instantly gathering into a huge Moon Immortal Power palm print, hitting the huge ghost face full of Ghost Immortal Power.

But it did not directly collide with the huge ghost face and explode. Instead, it firmly grasped the ghost face at the moment of contact.

"Take action!"

Mr. Lin also shouted loudly at the same time.

During the previous collision, Long Fenghua, Black Armor Army, Snake Demon King and others who had quietly approached the highest mountain peak were now leaping up the mountain top from all angles at the same time.

Attacking Gui Wei who is maintaining a huge ghost face.

"How dare a group of ants jump in front of me?"

Gui Wei snorted coldly when he saw this. While maintaining his ghost face, he stirred up a circle of ghost power to sweep around.

"The mantra of command - the magic of fixed characters!"

But before Gui Xianli could sweep away, a word "ding" condensed by Xianli suddenly appeared above Gui Wei's head, and the man in black robe with long hair was seen holding a brush in his hand and swiping lightly.

Gui Wei's body froze, and all the ghost power around him froze.

Long Fenghua, Black Armor Army, Snake Demon King and others also approached Gui Wei at the same time, and all of their palms slapped Gui Wei.


Gui Wei's body suddenly shook, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

The ghost face in the distance that was grasped by Mr. Lin's Yuexian Power handprint also exploded as Gui Wei's body was injured and turned back into the original black sword.

Gui Wei's body trembled, and he was directly pressed to the ground by the palms of Long Fenghua and others around him.

"Young Master Ghost, your journey to become immortals ends here!"

Elder Lin, a strong man in black armor, and a man with long hair and black robes stepped forward, and at the same time stretched out their hands to pull open his robes.

"How dare you!!"

Gui Wei was furious.

Elder Lin, the strong man in black armor, and the man in long-haired black robe looked at each other, grabbed a corner with one hand, and together they took out the Immortality Token from Gui Wei's body.

If you want to offend, offend together!

‘The contender number 78 has been eliminated! ’

Along with a burst of teleportation light, Gui Wei was teleported away and disappeared on the top of the mountain.


Mr. Lin, the strong man in black armor, the man with long hair and black robe, and others did not hesitate and rushed into Area 306 along the front entrance.

In the sky above Area 260, Datiantian's huge bear body was galloping quickly.

‘Five immortal contenders broke into the area! ’

Zhang Yun, who was lying on Da Tiantian's back, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.


Qingjian Zun and others were immediately alarmed.

Zhang Yun didn't say anything, but just sensed it from a distance.

When he discovered that the ghost dimension at the entrance to Area 303 had disappeared, and that there were fifteen figures breaking in from there, his face darkened: "You really know how to find opportunities!"

Although he controls Area 306 and can teleport anywhere within it, it is only within the area he controls. Once out of range, you cannot teleport back immediately.

Now we are in Area 260, and it will take at least an hour or two to return to Area 306.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Yun immediately looked at Qingjian Zun and others: "Yang Xu, take the first step for me. If you encounter danger next time, crush this talisman immediately!"

As he spoke, he took out a talisman and left a restriction on it.

Lord Qingjian took it and nodded to him.

Zhang Yun did not hesitate and directly activated the disciple talisman placed on Wu Haihai.

With a burst of teleportation light.

After a blink of an eye, Zhang Yun had already arrived on the broad back of the big iron bear.


Wu Haihai's astonished voice came from beside him.

At this moment, Wu Haihai was suddenly in the silver-haired woman's chest.

"Yin Da Da!"

Wu Haihai shouted quickly.

The silver-haired woman reacted quickly and quickly put it down from her arms.


Wu Haihai immediately smiled.

Zhang Yun rolled his eyes and said: "Haihai, just stay here and don't go anywhere for the time being!"

After saying that, he immediately teleported away.

Wu Haihai, the silver-haired woman, and Da Tie Tie all looked confused.

Wu Haihai glanced at the silver-haired woman's chest, thought about it for a moment, and decided not to pounce.

Si Ax may be observing secretly, so we can’t give Si Ax a chance to blame!

There is a forest in front of the entrance connecting areas 306 and 303.

The strong man in black armor was leading two black armored soldiers, searching and moving forward quickly.

The first time he entered Area 306, he was separated from Mr. Lin and the man in long-haired black robe.

Their cooperation is limited to breaking through the entrance together. How to obtain the fairy ball after entering depends on their own abilities.


At this moment, Zhang Yun's figure suddenly appeared above the three strong men in black armor and stepped down directly.

The three strong men in black armor were startled and hurriedly moved to both sides.

Whoosh! !

But at the same time, a row of ten drops of blood turned into a large swath of blood and swept towards them.

"not good!!"

The expressions of the three strong men in black armor changed drastically, and they were directly thrown away by the bloody power.

Before they could land, Zhang Yun slapped them directly, and a large handprint of sea witchcraft caught them in the air.

Give it a hard tug.

He directly took off their three pieces of armor together with the things inside.

‘The contender number 98 has been eliminated! ’

The naked bodies of the three strong men in black armor were left to be eliminated and teleported out.

Zhang Yun glanced at some treasures on the armor and hummed.

Let him waste the apprentice talisman placed on Hai Hai in vain. These intruders can't even think of leaving a pair of underwear!

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