Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 742 The only ten remaining immortal contenders

In the hall filled with fairy spirit.

The immortals looked at the scene, Zhang Yun easily eliminated the three invading Lin Lao gang, and they were all a little silent.

After a while, an immortal couldn't help but say: "Before I started, I felt that the rules for this second round of fighting for immortality were not set properly. The authority of this challenger is too great!"

"It's not so much that they have great authority, it's more that the juniors you sent to fight for immortality are too bad..."

The turtle immortal in green robe said calmly: "There is no one who can fight!"

The corners of the immortals' mouths twitched.

You old turtle, how dare you say this?

Your juniors were the first to be beaten down, and they were all beaten until they were treated like subordinates, right?

"What are you looking at? My little Guixiao hasn't been eliminated yet, so I guess she's not far from being promoted..."

Turtle Immortal saw their gazes and hummed: "Look at your juniors, they have all been beaten down and eliminated. If you feel a little ashamed, think about why the juniors you trained are so incompetent!"

Hearing this, all the immortals' heads were covered with black lines.

But looking at the many scenes in front of the hall, they all looked helpless.

Their respective descendants have indeed been eliminated. Although there were still a few left, the immortals smiled bitterly when they looked at Zhang Yun in the area 306 screen.

With this monster around, it's only a matter of time before these juniors are eliminated.

On the other hand, Gu Xiao and Ma Fangya...

They sadly discovered that this made them laugh at first, and the juniors who felt embarrassed for Turtle Immortal and Horse Immortal seemed to have the best outcome.

Kame Sennin looked at their expressions and raised his head.

Looking at Gui Xiao in the picture, I feel proud.

What do you mean, you said that his Guixiao was treated like a subordinate?

so what?

Do you understand this is called strategy?

Just with this strategy, my junior will be promoted soon!

It is estimated that getting a chance to become an immortal is a sure thing.

Looking at the juniors of other immortals, they were either eliminated or killed. The only one who can be considered a rival to his Gui Xiao is Ma Fangya. But people also know strategies, so they can be opponents.

If you don’t understand the strategy, you will be eliminated early!

Kame Sennin touched his beard and held his head high.

That complacent look made all the immortals want to beat him up.

But I have to admit that there is not much suspense in this fight for immortality!

Time passed by and the two-day countdown to the second round of competition for immortality soon came to an end.

‘Two days have come, all those who have not entered the 306 area to compete for immortals will be eliminated! ’

As a piece of information emerged on the numerous Immortality Tokens.

All the Immortal Fighters except Area 306 were teleported out of the Immortal Fighting Secret Realm.

Within area 306.

Zhang Yun also gathered the remaining immortal contenders together.

Wu Haihai, Qingjian Zun, Gui Xiao, Ma Fangya, Jian Fengyun, Hei Manning, Huan Chang, ‘Worship God’…

Including the water spirit that has been in his sleeves and himself, there are only ten immortal contenders left in total.

Gui Xiao, Ma Fangya and others looked at each other, all feeling a little sad.

It is hard to imagine that the competition for immortality, which has gathered many people at the peak of the Mahayana stage in the entire Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, has only ten of them left before the second round is over...

This situation is probably unprecedented!


Looking at Zhang Yun, Gui Xiao, Ma Fangya and others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

"Before getting into the formal content..."

Zhang Yun also spoke at this time, stretched out his hand and used witchcraft energy to condense a ghost mask of Gui Wei, and said: "First let us applaud our eliminated companion Gui Wei. He was unfortunately eliminated while guarding Area 306. He has made outstanding contributions to protecting District 306 and is a great contributor to us!”

Bang bang! !

He was the first to applaud.

Guixiao, Ma Fangya and others were a little confused when they saw this.

Is there such a ritual?

Bang bang bang! !

But everyone still applauded.

"Lao Gui, Lao Ma, Gui Wei, as a Taoist fellow who joins the guard in District 306 with you, come and say a word of gratitude to him!"

Zhang Yun looked at Gui Xiao and Ma Fangya, and motioned to a recording stone next to them that had already started recording; "Old Gui, you come first!"


Gui Xiao opened his mouth, but looking at Zhang Yun's eyes, he still spoke to the video stone: "Well, Gui Wei, thank you for your contribution to Area 306. I, Gui Xiao, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Old horse!"

Zhang Yun looked at Ma Fangya.

Hearing this title, Ma Fangya's mouth twitched.

He simply organized his words and said to the video stone: "Gui Wei, although you usually hide your head and show your tail, you don't look like a human being, but this time you guarded Area 306, you acted like a human being. Thank you for your efforts!"

"very good!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun immediately picked up the recorded video stone.

He handed it to Gui Xiao: "Old Turtle, I leave this to you. Remember to bring it to Guiwei later. I believe he will be very happy when he hears it. Also, remember to tell him for me that I owe him a thousand strands of original energy. , remember to return it!”

When Guixiao heard the first half of the sentence, he still thought Zhang Yunting was quite humane. But when I heard the second half of the sentence, my head was filled with black lines.

I bet your purpose is here!

"Okay, I won't say anything else!"

Zhang Yun clapped his hands, looked at the people present and said: "There are seven opportunities to become immortals in this competition, and we now have ten contenders, which means that three people will not be able to get the opportunity to become immortals. For this reason, I have specially made a plan A set of rules!”

"Rules... rules?"

Gui Xiao, Ma Fangya and others were shocked.

But looking at the situation in front of them, they smiled bitterly.

In this situation, there is no need to consider the next third round of the fight for immortality. Whoever wants to advance depends purely on Zhang Yun’s thoughts!

In the hall filled with fairy spirit.


"This kid is too presumptuous. How can he be allowed to make the rules for immortality?"

The immortals looked at this scene in the picture and snorted coldly.

"Then what else do you want? Now there are only these ten people left in the competition for immortality. Don't you still want to send the eliminated people back in?"

At this time a different voice sounded.

The one who spoke was none other than Turtle Immortal.

Seeing him, the immortals twitched their mouths and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Immortal Turtle, this matter is a matter of principle!"

"Principles are bullshit!"

The Turtle Immortal snorted and said: "I have formulated these rules for competing for immortals a long time ago, and now it's like this, that's the skill of this kid!

With seven chances of becoming an immortal, you can only choose among these ten people now. If you have the strength, you can eliminate whoever you want. The so-called rules are also the strength of this boy! "

A middle-aged immortal in white robes beside him lightly agreed: "I also agree with what the Turtle Immortal said. Since we can only choose among these ten people, let them decide who can win!" "

The middle-aged immortal in white robe is Ma Fangya’s ancestor.

The corners of the immortals' mouths twitched.

You two juniors are here, and you are talking like this. Can you please use some immortal principles?

"The rules for competing for immortality have been set for a long time. Now that it has developed to this point, let it be natural!"

At this time, a faint voice sounded.

The immortals looked at the male immortal in red headed by the red rosette, and frowned slightly.

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