At this moment, a large amount of teleportation energy emerged from the Immortal Fighting Tokens on Zhang Yun's seven people at the same time, wrapping them up in an instant.

As a burst of light flashed before his eyes.

When Zhang Yun and others could see their surroundings clearly again, they were already in an extremely huge valley, and the surrounding world was shrouded in a thick layer of white mist.

【Fog Fairyland】

Introduction: The fairyland established by the fairyland being who cultivates the power of the mist fairy, within the covering range, all perceptions will be restricted. The Lord of the Mist Fairy Realm can freely control the fog. If fully activated, it can instantly restrain everyone in the Immortal Realm...

How to crack: The fairy eye can break the world.

"Is it a fairyland..."

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Regarding immortals, there are very few records in the Immortal Continent.

Immortal Realm, judging from this posture, it should be the transformation of the realm of spiritual consciousness after the monks transformed from the mortal world into immortals.

"Congratulations on your success in competing for immortality!"

At this moment, a faint voice came from above.

Zhang Yun and others all looked up.

But above the vast mist, there was a vacuum at this moment. There were auspicious clouds of various colors appearing above it, and on each auspicious cloud stood a figure filled with fairy energy.

They are all immortals!

Zhang Yun immediately activated the Immortal Eye Technique, but a flash of blurry information appeared in front of his eyes.

It's not that he can't see through, but the fog that's still permeating the sky at this moment hinders his vision from fully seeing these figures.

In addition, these immortals are all slutty and filled with immortal power around their bodies, and their immortal energy is fluttering, which further blocks the sight, making it impossible for him to capture clearly with the Immortal Eye Technique.

This is the bad thing about Immortal Eye Technique.

On weekdays, even through the communication screen, as long as you can see clearly, the Immortal Eye Jue can see the other party's information. But like in front of me, if the line of sight is blocked, even if the distance is actually closer than the communication screen, the information can't be seen.

"What kind of mystery are these sluts doing!"

I cursed in my heart.

He really wanted to open his Immortal Eyes and destroy this Immortal Realm right away, but after thinking about it, he suppressed the impulse.

After all, if this breaks the Immortal Realm, these Immortals will probably come down in a few minutes to slice him up and study him.

Although I am not afraid of immortals, if I face a group of people...

Well, let’s be a little timid.

"Since there are only seven immortal contenders left, this competition ends early!"

A faint voice came from above again: "This time, seven of you will get one of the seven opportunities to become an immortal. But whether you can become an immortal with this opportunity depends on your own ability!"

As the words fell, Zhang Yun and others felt a "swipe" in front of them, and the large fog quickly faded away.

An area similar to the inside of a valley came into view.

At the end of the valley ahead, there are seven huge cave entrances, each of which is filled with particularly strong immortal power.

"This is the Immortal Fate Cave, and each cave contains a large amount of immortal power. These immortal powers are the pure remains left behind by countless generations of immortals in our Red and Blue Sea Galaxy before their demise, in order to benefit future generations. Immortal power..."

A faint voice came from the air: "Each Immortal Fate Cave is one hundred thousand meters deep. The deeper it goes, the denser the pure immortal power it contains. But every thousand meters in the cave, there is a circle of immortal power. It will detect the pure fairy power that has been absorbed by you.

Only when enough pure fairy power is absorbed, the fairy power barrier in front will be opened, and you can go deep into the next kilometer area.

What you have to do after entering is to absorb all the way and go as deep as possible. The deeper you go, the more immortal power you absorb, and the greater the benefit to you.

But remember not to be greedy. If you absorb more than you can bear, stop absorbing immediately. Although the pure immortal power is gentle, if the amount is too large, you will explode and die. There have been cases where people who succeeded in becoming immortals were too greedy to consume and explode their bodies.

In addition, all assistants can sit at the entrance of the cave chosen by the immortal contender you are supporting. Every time a person who enters the fight for immortality goes a thousand meters deep, part of the pure immortal power in the cave will flow out to the entrance of the cave, which can be directly absorbed by the assistants.

Now, the seven immortal contenders, you can each choose a fairy cave to enter! "

Hearing this, everyone present brightened up.

Immortal power. Everyone knows what it is.

Pure fairy power, which is equivalent to the fairy power energy that can be directly absorbed. For monks who have not mastered immortal power, this is a direct acquisition of immortal power.

For people such as Gui Xiao and Ma Fangya who have mastered immortal power, this pure immortal power can allow them to grow rapidly.

If you can have enough fairy power, it is only a matter of time before you step into the fairyland.

Guixiao and Ma Fangya both had bright eyes.

Before coming, they didn't know what the chance of becoming an immortal was. It's just that their elders told them that they should try their best this time no matter what.

Now they figured it out.

After entering, it can be said that it is a certainty for them to enter the fairyland.

But Gui Xiao, Ma Fangya and others did not move for a moment, and all looked at Zhang Yun.

It can be said that Zhang Yun was able to successfully compete for immortality so easily this time.

Now when it comes to choosing a hole, they are willing to let Zhang Yun come first.

Zhang Yun was not polite, his eyes fell on the Qidao Immortal Cave——

【Xianyuan Cave】

Contains fairy power: 55% of the area is filled with fairy power

Xianli purity: 49%

Note: The higher the purity of Xianli, the easier it is to absorb and transform.

【Xianyuan Cave】

Contains fairy power: 59% of the area is filled with fairy power

Xianli purity: 52%

【Xianyuan Cave】

Contains fairy power: 61% of the area is filled with fairy power

Xianli purity: 50%

Zhang Yun frowned slightly as his eyes swept across the Seven Immortal Fate Cave.

The purity of the immortal power in these seven Immortal Fate Cave is only about 50%.

Can this also be called pure immortal power?

That’s all, it’s immortal power after all…

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun looked at Wu Haihai and Qingjian Zun: "Haihai, Yangxu, you come first!"


"Yes, master!"

Wu Haihai and Qing Jianzun both nodded and stepped forward.

"Haihai, choose the one on the far right."

"Yang Xu, choose the second path from the left!"

Zhang Yun immediately sent a message to the two of them.

Wu Haihai and Qingjian Zun were startled when they heard this, but they did not hesitate and immediately walked towards the two cave entrances that Zhang Yun had heard from.

These two cave entrances have the highest purity, both reaching 52%.

After Wu Haihai and Qingjian Zun entered.

The silver-haired woman, Da Tietie, Guitian, and Da Tiantian also sat down at the entrance of the cave where the two of them entered.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun also led Man Cangqiong and Da Huanghuang towards the middle entrance of the cave.

The purity of the immortal power in this Immortal Fate Cave is only 50%, which is second only to the two Immortal Fate Caves that Wu Haihai and Qing Jianzun entered.

The best must be left to the apprentice.

His own was almost fine.

However, the one he chose contains more immortal power than other immortal caves, reaching 61%.

He had an idea about this absorption and was going to try it.

After seeing Zhang Yun enter, Gui Xiao, Ma Fangya and others also chose a fairy cave to enter.

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