This immortal weapon is Shi Laoxian's special treasure. How could it be in the hands of this boy in front of him?

Immortal Ziyu was a little confused.

Didn't he say that this Kuxianli boy killed Shi Laoxian's apprentice?

How come Shi Laoxian's housekeeping fairy weapon is in this kid's hands? And the rock wall just now...

What is going on?

Could it be that this boy is the illegitimate son of Shi Laoxian and a certain female fairy?

No, if it was an illegitimate child, I should have told him a few words. But Shi Laoxian didn't say anything before!

Inside the golden rock and jade pillar.

Zhang Yun looked at the immortal pestle in front of him, wondering what he was thinking, and frowned slightly.

But I can feel that the other party is obviously evil.

That being the case...


Zhang Yun suddenly shouted.


Immortal Ziyu was startled when he saw a talisman emitting light and shooting towards him.

Seeing this, he didn't even look at it, and a burst of immortal power swept away the light of the talisman.


But under the cover of the light, Zhang Yun had already manipulated the jade pillar to hit him quickly.


Seeing Zhang Yun actually taking the initiative to attack him, Immortal Ziyu sneered.

What a naive boy!

No matter what the relationship between this kid and Shi Laoxian is, let’s take it down first!

The bounty over there is still alive anyway.


Immediately he raised his claws, and a burst of purple feather immortal power surged out, directly grabbing the golden rock and jade pillar that hit him.

"Boy, just follow me!"

The Purple Feather Immortal chuckled, and the Purple Feather Immortal power on his claws spurted out, and was about to completely wrap the jade pillar in an instant.

But at this moment, a warning sign suddenly arose in his heart.

I saw two pages with Ding written on them floating up.

"The power of mantra?"

Feeling the aura permeating above, the Purple Feather Immortal's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly tore the two pages into pieces before releasing their power.

But the pages of the book were broken, and the warning sign in my heart not only did not dissipate, but on the contrary, it became infinitely larger at this time.

I don't know when, but a trace of crystal light and mist-shrouded milky white immortal power was approaching.

"This...this is!!"

Immortal Ziyu was suddenly shocked.

He quickly released a burst of purple feather immortal power to block this trace of immortal power, but as soon as the two immortal powers touched, his purple feather immortal power was directly swept away.

This trace of milky white immortal power hit his eyebrows.


At this moment, Immortal Ziyu felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, his body trembled violently, and the immortal soul in his body was forced out of his body out of control.

"Top Immortal Power!!"

The immortal soul of the Purple Feather Immortal who left his body suddenly screamed in disbelief.

At the same time, the immortal soul immediately wanted to return to the body in front of him.


But at this time, a gentle buzzing accompanied by an invisible wave caused his immortal soul to suddenly stop in place.

"What...what's going on?"

Immortal Ziyu wanted to move, but was shocked to find that his immortal soul could not move at this moment!

Look ahead.

He saw that the boy with Kuxianli in his eyes had walked out of the Jinyan Jade Pillar, smiling and staring at him with his shining eyes.

The calm gaze made Immortal Ziyu feel as if he was facing the eyes of a pair of immortal emperors at this moment, and he felt chills all over his body.

"You...who are you??"

Fear spread, and the Immortal Soul of Purple Feather Immortal cried out in horror.

"That's not important, what's important is..."

Zhang Yun grinned, and a large wave of golden-patterned return energy directly filled the immortal soul of the Purple Feather Immortal.


Screams suddenly echoed in the cave.

Under Zhang Yun's glance, Immortal Ziyu's immortal soul was unable to resist at this moment and could only let the return energy erode.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhang Yun first put away the soulless body of the Purple Feather Immortal next to him, and then looked at the immortal soul of the Purple Feather Immortal: "What did you come in for?"

The Immortal Soul of Purple Feather Immortal remained silent.

Zhang Yun didn't care, he was very good at torturing souls!

After spending nearly a quarter of an hour of torture, Zhang Yun pried open Ziyu Immortal's mouth and learned about the situation outside.

"Is there a fairy war going on outside?"

Zhang Yun looked outside the Xianyuan Cave.

I wonder why there are immortals intruding like this. It turns out that they are not the same group as those who are competing for immortals.

Zhang Yun looked at Immortal Ziyu, "You said Immortal Shi is your leader?"

The Immortal Soul of Purple Feather Immortal, whose breath was a little weak, nodded, "Yes!"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but ask: "What is the identity of this Old Immortal Shi? What is his strength?"

Hearing this question, Ziyu Immortal Immortal Soul looked confused.

You already have Shi Laoxian’s immortal weapon, don’t you know about Shi Laoxian?

Seeing Zhang Yun controlling the golden gas again, he quickly replied: "Shi Laoxian appears to be a loose immortal living in the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, but in fact he is a person from the Black Hole Galaxy!"

"Black hole galaxy?"

Zhang Yun was startled: "Is it other galaxies besides the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy?"

Seeing that he had never heard of this name, the corners of Ziyu Immortal Immortal Soul's mouth twitched.

The boy in front of me is obviously very ignorant about the galaxy and the universe. Why does he have such terrifying means?

Seeing that Zhang Yun wanted to use the golden gas again, he hurriedly said: "Yes. And black hole galaxies are very famous in the entire galaxy universe, because they are different from other galaxies. They are hidden in the galaxy universe, even some powerful immortals, There is no trace of them!"

"Immortal Lord?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, thinking of something and asked hurriedly: "How are the realms of your immortals divided?"


Seeing him ask such a question, Zi Yu Immortal rolled his eyes secretly.


He was in the second level of the immortal realm, but he was defeated by such an ignorant boy. At this moment, he had the urge to find a wall and hit himself to death.

It's too insulting to immortals!

But facing Zhang Yun's golden gas that was ready to torture at any time, he still answered in a muffled voice: "As long as you achieve an immortal body after the baptism of thunder, and the energy in your body is transformed into immortal power, you can be called an immortal.

The immortals are divided into nine levels. There is no specific classification for the first and second levels. However, in the galaxy universe, most places will call the first level immortals earth immortals and the second level immortals upper immortals.

The third level above is the immortal monarch. The fourth, fifth and sixth levels are uniformly called the immortal master.

The seventh and eighth levels above the immortal master are the immortal lord.

Above the immortal lord is the ultimate of the immortal realm, the immortal emperor!"

"Immortal emperor?"

Hearing this name, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Thinking of the time when Kuxian found out that he had cultivated to the peak tenth level, he was surprised and asked him if he was a descendant of the Immortal Emperor.

It seems that the Extreme Body Art brought to him by the Immortal Master World was written by the Immortal Emperor. So, could it be that the one who created the Immortal Master World was an Immortal Emperor?

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He came back to his senses and looked at the immortal soul of Ziyu Immortal and asked: "What realm is the old immortal Shi?"

Ziyu Immortal replied: "Immortal Lord!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and asked: "Can he kill you in seconds?"


Ziyu Immortal's mouth twitched, and he said in a deep voice: "This immortal is not his opponent, but he won't be killed in seconds..."

"Then it seems that he is not that good!"


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