"Don't leave!"

At this time, there was a cold snort not far away.

I saw a huge ghost face filled with ghost power, overwhelming the sky and swallowing it from a distance.

It's also a ghost face, but the one in front of him is many times stronger than what Gui Wei used before.

Zhang Yun didn't panic at all when he saw this.

Because on the other side, a golden finger shot through the air and pierced the ghost's face directly.

I saw an immortal wearing a golden robe and a golden mask flying above, giving the purple-feathered immortal he controlled a push: "Let's go!"

The Purple Feather Immortal immediately followed this thrust and swept away at a faster speed.

"Mist Fairy Realm!"

At this time, a thick fog of immortal power swept across the world, directly covering the world in front of it.

The Purple Feather Immortal controlled by Zhang Yun suddenly lost track of the direction ahead.

"Tianguang Immortal Way!"

But at this moment, a strong transparent light burst out.

Directly in the majestic dense fog of immortal power in front, a transparent forward tunnel was opened.

An immortal in a transparent robe shouted: "Follow my immortal path and rush out!"

Zhang Yun naturally did not hesitate and immediately asked the Purple Feather Immortal to rush out along the transparent tunnel.

Various immortal power attacks from behind continued to come, but there were immortals to block them for him.

He rushed out of the transparent tunnel smoothly and was also out of the scope of the Mist Fairy Realm.

But in front of the end of the tunnel, there was a graceful female immortal with long white hair, veil, and graceful figure standing.

"The fairy mist swallows the sky!"

As soon as she rushed out, the female immortal spread her arms and raised a huge amount of fairy mist to form an overwhelming mouth that swallowed it up.

Zhang Yunzheng wanted Immortal Ziyu to take action.

call out--! !

At this time, an extremely sharp arrow shot through the air from a distance, directly piercing through the mouth of the fairy mist.

call out!

Then another arrow was shot directly at the veiled female immortal.

The female immortal's face darkened, and the fairy fog around her body condensed into a fog shield, blocking the sharp arrow.

Whoosh! !

But as soon as he blocked one, several more shot at the same time.

The female fairy was forced to resist again and again.

Xilulu! !

Not far away, there was a sound of horses roaring from above the valley, and a silver unicorn Pegasus was seen galloping over, carrying an immortal holding a silver-gilt long bow.

Astonishingly, it was the Yinggong Immortal who had been locking the Turtle Immortal and shooting arrows.


The Yi Gong Immortal shouted at the Purple Feather Immortal controlled by Zhang Yun while shooting arrows continuously.

Zhang Yun naturally did not miss this opportunity and rushed forward.

Arriving at the end of the valley, I saw a burst of secret power emerging in front of me, forming a whirlpool.

It was obviously the immortal who stayed at the exit, and the spirit that controlled the secret realm was gathered here specifically for him.

Zhang Yun clicked his tongue in admiration.

It’s so cool to have so many immortals escorting you along the way!

Immediately let Immortal Ziyu step into the whirlpool.

As a burst of light flashed before his eyes, the Purple Feather Immortal had already arrived in a hall filled with immortal energy.

"Ziyu, have you got it?"

A yellow-robed immortal came forward.

It is Huang Laoxian who Shi Laoxian left here——

【Huang Laoxian】

Race: Fairy Rat Demon Tribe

Realm: Shangxian (second level of fairyland)

Physique: Rat Fairy Spirit Body

Physical talents:

Rat points - can turn one's own flesh and blood into Mahayana spirit rats and scatter them everywhere. (Current number of spirit rats: 103.)

Mouse Escape - can teleport over long distances. You only need to leave a mouse as a coordinate in advance to achieve teleportation.

Special energy cultivated: Earth Immortal Power

The martial arts and combat skills practiced: The Sculpture of Earth Transformation (Secret Technique) - can transform one's earth fairy power into special soil. As long as this soil touches the body of a living being, it will instantly amplify and condense, and the living being can be forcibly turned into earth. sculpture.

Immortal Realm: Junkrat Tide - refers to the realm, the power of the earth fairy turns into spiritual rats all over the sky, forming thousands of rat tides to devour all living things in the realm.

Weakness: Between the index finger of the right hand, there is a fairy inner elixir the size of a rice grain. This is the energy core of the fairy rat demon. If it is destroyed, it will be seriously injured.

"Rat demon?"

Zhang Yun raised his brows slightly, and at the same time glanced at the young spirit body held in the hands of the rat demon Huang Laoxian.

The latter is obviously the spirit of the secret realm.

"Got it!"

Zhang Yun asked Immortal Ziyu to answer.

Huang Laoxian sighed after hearing this and smiled.

The core of the Seven Paths of Wonderland is equivalent to seven million silk source energy, which is still the normal price. They have special channels, and the Seven Paths of Wonderland core can sell tens of millions of original energy.

As the main force, Shi Laoxian and Giant Fist Immortal took the majority and took away 30%.

The remaining 70% is shared equally among the others, and each of them can also get hundreds of thousands of strands of source energy.

It’s no wonder they’ve been preparing for this for so long!

"You can retreat!"

Huang Laoxian immediately took out a token and prepared to notify Shi Laoxian and his party who were dragging the immortals outside Xianyuan Cave.


But before he could activate the token, a purple claw filled with immortal power directly knocked the token away.


Huang Laoxian was stunned.

But before he could think about it, a claw filled with the power of purple feathers grabbed him directly.


Huang Laoxian was angry, and a large surge of gray earth fairy power blocked his claws.

He was about to fight back when he suddenly stiffened.

Just because he didn't know when, five purple feathers appeared behind him.

Five identical Purple Feather Immortals appeared immediately, and the five Purple Feather Immortal's power-filled claws directly held his body.

One of them directly tore off his right index finger.


Huang Laoxian's expression changed greatly.

But the Purple Feather Immortal ignored him at all, and directly smashed his index finger together with an inner elixir the size of a rice grain inside with a sharp fingertip filled with immortal power.


Screams suddenly echoed throughout the hall.

Huang Laoxian's whole body went limp instantly.

"Ziyu, you...you..."

Seeing a total of six identical Purple Feather Immortals in front of him, he was both angry and confused.

But it was destined that no one would answer his questions.

The six Purple Feather Immortals raised their hands and fell at the same time.


Under Huang Laoxian's shrill cry, his vitality was directly penetrated and wiped out.

At the same time, a yellow fairy soul in the form of a rat floated out.

"Purple Feather Immortal, how dare you betray!!"

Huang Laoxian roared miserably, trying to convey his voice to the valley outside Xianyuan Cave in the picture.

But the entire hall was already filled with a layer of purple feather immortal power, and all sounds were blocked.


Huang Laoxian's immortal soul opened its mouth.


The next second, six strands of purple feather immortal power fell on him, scattering him across the sky and earth.

An immortal was so depressed that he died completely.

When the spirit of the secret realm lying on the ground saw this, the young man's face was full of astonishment.

what's the situation?

How come these guys in front of me suddenly started fighting among themselves and even killed an immortal? ?

Before he could think about it, he saw six Purple Feather Immortals looking at him in unison.

The spirit of the secret realm turned pale.

Want to run.


But he was immediately caught by one of the Purple Feather Immortals.

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