Starships are a very common means of transportation in the galaxy and universe.

In the upper realm of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, if you want to travel from one planet to another, besides traveling alone, there are generally only two ways...

One is to pass through the Immortal Formation of the Hundred Immortal Sect, and the other is to take a starship.

However, the Immortal Formation of Baichuan Immortal Sect is very expensive, and it requires at least one hundred strands of original energy to be used once.

Therefore, taking a starship that only requires a trace of original energy has become the choice of most monks.

Of course, in terms of efficiency, the Immortal Formation is definitely far superior to the starship.

When traveling between two planets, if the distance is relatively close, the Immortal Formation can reach you within half a quarter of an hour at most, but a starship will take an hour or two no matter how fast it is.

Zhang Yun originally planned to choose the Immortal Formation, but in the end he chose the starship.

It's not that he is reluctant to part with the hundred strands of original energy, but he considers that the Immortal Formation is easier to investigate.

After all, Purple Feather Immortal escaped in a hurry, so he would definitely choose the faster Bai Chuan Xian Sect Immortal Chuan Array to leave.

If those immortals came out of the Secret Realm of Fighting for Immortals, they would most likely be the first to check out the various immortal formations in the Desolate Star.

The starship will be investigated later, and by then, he will be far away.

In addition, he has now disguised his identity.

At this moment, through the copying and shaping talent of the Phantom Clan, he became a middle-aged monk in green robes.

After all, in the eyes of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy Immortal, he was captured by the Purple Feather Immortal.

If you show your true colors, you will be found soon...


Looking at the purple-blue planet getting closer and closer, Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

This planet is called Purple Cloud Star, and it is a planet rich in a special crystal mineral called Purple Cloud Crystal.

In the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, generally named planets are rich in some resources.

Those without names are all with poor resources and are collectively called Desolate Stars.

Looking through the transparent shield around the ship's hull and looking at the dim void filled with silver light, Zhang Yun looked thoughtful.

He was observing along the way.

Between the planets in this upper realm, there is the same endless void as inside the Immortal Continent, but the difference is that the endless void here is filled with space turbulence.

Even Mahayana monks who practice space energy would find it difficult to travel freely here.

However, the Great Emperor, who is the Space Bear Emperor, can do it.

Zhang Yun somewhat understood the Great Emperor’s previous worries.

Being able to travel through the endless void here, the value of the Great Emperor is self-evident.

Previously in the Secret Realm of Fighting for Immortals, he had always allowed the Great Emperor to maintain a body of dozens of meters, without showing his complete body...

Just to hide that the Great Emperor is the Space Bear Emperor with seven circles of silver patterns.

Without showing his complete body, the Great Emperor looks like an ordinary Space Bear King, and it is difficult to tell that he is a Space Bear King.

The difference between Bear King and Bear Emperor is like a chasm.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yun murmured, "We have to find a way to collect the coordinates of each planet..."

As long as he has the coordinates of the planet, he can fly freely among the planets in the upper world even without borrowing a starship.

Just thinking about it.

At this moment, the starship also entered the atmosphere of Ziyun Star and came to the interior of Ziyun Star.

"Ziyunxing, here we come!"

Soon an announcement sounded in the spaceship: "Thank you all passengers for taking this starship. The Star Chamber of Commerce wishes all passengers a happy journey!"

As the voice fell, the thousand-meter starship slowly descended into a huge square built on the top of a mountain.

The barrier surrounding the spacecraft dispersed, and all hatches on the ship opened simultaneously.

Zhang Yun followed the crowd off the spacecraft.

Boom! !

As soon as I got off the spacecraft, I heard a roar not far away.

It was another starship that had been staying here, carrying a boatload of people, flying into the endless void at this moment.

"Star Chamber of Commerce..."

Zhang Yun murmured and secretly wrote down the name.

The entire galaxy and universe, and the starships in countless galaxies, all come from this chamber of commerce.

According to Immortal Ziyu, this chamber of commerce is a giant force in the galaxy and universe, and the leader of the force is rumored to be an immortal!

In the galaxy universe, it is a force that must not be provoked.

After Zhang Yun heard about it, he had the idea of ​​​​trading the core of Wonderland to the Star Chamber of Commerce.

But he was dissuaded by Ziyu Immortal.

Because the person in charge of the Star Chamber of Commerce’s Red Sea branch in the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy has a very good relationship with the Red Light Immortal Lord.

If there is a transaction, Hongguang Immortal Lord is likely to receive the news.

And not only the Star Chamber of Commerce, but also some chambers of commerce and organizations within the Red and Blue Sea are basically related to the Red Light Immortal Lord or the Blue Immortal Lord.

If you want to sell the core of Wonderland in the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, except for the businessmen from the Source Energy Galaxy, there are basically no channels.

This also made Zhang Yun make up his mind to leave the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy.

After all, the six fairyland cores are of little significance to him. They must be exchanged for source energy...

Shaking his head, he took back his thoughts.

"It's really different!"

Feeling that in addition to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the air around him was also filled with a lot of immortal energy from heaven and earth containing immortal power, Zhang Yun sighed with emotion.

I didn't feel it very clearly on the Desolate Star before, but when I arrived at the Purple Cloud Star, this kind of fairy energy was very obvious.

This is something you cannot feel in the Immortal Continent, which is the lower realm of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy.

The birth of immortals in the upper realm is obviously related to this.

This is probably the biggest difference between the upper bound and the lower bound.

But thinking of Xianli...

Zhang Yun glanced inside the Kujin Immortal Palace, where Wu Haihai, Qingjian Zun, Man Cangqiong, Da Huanghuang and others were enjoying pure immortal power, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

The immortal power of an area of ​​93,000 meters in Xianyuan Cave.

It’s enough to make the people around him collectively reach a higher level of strength!

"Find a place to stay first..."

Zhang Yun came to the edge of the square, swept around, and flew towards a dense mountain forest.

Soon I found a cave where a Mahayana black bear was entrenched.

After a lot of love and reason, the black bear was successfully tamed and gained control of the cave.

After summoning the six Purple Feather Immortals to protect him, Zhang Yun came to the Animal Farm.


Seeing his arrival, the beasts in the zoo immediately came to greet him.

Except for the black bear covered in colors.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun waved his hand, and a blessing light descended on the black bear.


The black bear was startled, and in the next second his injuries began to heal, and he let out a comfortable groan.

All the beasts looked envious.

Zhang Yun ignored them.

His eyes immediately met with Su Die's, who was sitting on the striped spirit tiger's back and wearing a red dress.

That graceful figure made Zhang Yun feel like his lower abdomen was on fire.

"Beauty Su, come with me!"

He spoke immediately.

Before Su Die could react, she felt like she was being forcibly carried.

When he reacted, he had arrived in a room in the Kujin Immortal Palace.

He threw it directly on the bed.


Su Die came to consciousness and wanted to open her mouth, but her mouth was blocked by Zhang Yun's...

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