Boom——! !

There was a loud thunder, and the calamity thunder fell directly towards the cave.

The silver-haired woman was not afraid at all, and a lot of space fairy power filled her body to meet him.

After practicing in the pure immortal power area of ​​Kujin Immortal Palace for a long time, she has transformed most of the space energy in her body into immortal power.

But just by meeting each other, the silver-haired woman was shaken by the calamity thunder, and the fairy power in the space around her almost collapsed.


The silver-haired woman looked at the thunder falling on her body in shock: "Immortal power!?"

Zhang Yun also noticed something strange.

The tribulation thunder in front of him clearly contained a thunder power.

He had seen many tribulation thunders in the Immortal Continent before, but even the tribulation thunders used by the Great Emperor to break through to the semi-immortal did not contain such immortal power. at the moment……

Is it because it’s in the upper realm?

Zhang Yun thought.


The silver-haired woman in the air outside the cave had been struck by thunder and a large crater had been created in the jungle.

The silver-haired woman was covered in blood, and she used all her space power to resist the thunder.

Although the tribulation thunder contained immortal power, the silver-haired woman was not weak. She clenched her silver teeth and absorbed the thunder bit by bit.

It's about to completely absorb the thunder...

Buzz! !

At this moment, a light suddenly emerged from her body.

The silver-haired woman's expression changed.

She was completely out of control, and a silver cube the size of a fist flew out of her body.


A shrill, weird laugh came out.


The next second, a bone-white claw filled with deathly energy broke through the block and stretched out, grabbing the silver-haired woman's neck directly: "Give me your body, human being!"

As the words fell, a strong death energy surged out from the bone-white claws and spread throughout the silver-haired woman's body.


The silver-haired woman looked horrified.


But at this moment, a palm clasped the bone claws, and the death energy released was stagnated.


The owner of the bone-clawed hand was stunned.

Before he had time to think about it, he felt a terrifying force coming from his claws, forcefully pulling his entire body out of the block.

boom--! !

It hit the ground hard, and his frame was almost shattered.

The owner of the White Bone Claw was so painful that his whole body trembled with pain. At the same time, he saw Zhang Yun in front of him with a look of shock on his face: "You..."


Zhang Yun saw the other party's appearance clearly and looked surprised: "The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City?"


But he quickly reacted and used the Immortal Eye Movement Technique——

【Dead Skeleton】

Realm: Peak of Mahayana stage (semi-immortal realm)

Introduction: The undead tribe devoured the souls of the skeleton tribe in the Mahayana stage and took over the bodies of the skeleton tribe in the Mahayana stage to form. Their true bodies are half-immortal undead spirits.

Talent: Soul Devouring - has the ability to forcibly devour the souls of other creatures. The weaker the soul of the creature being swallowed, the easier it is to successfully devour it.

After the devouring is successful, you will directly obtain the memory of the opponent's soul and can occupy his body.

"Demi-immortal realm undead clan?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.


The half-immortal undead spirit in front of him clearly recognized him and felt how powerful he was. At this moment, he turned around and ran away without even thinking.

"Witch Immortal Mahamudra!"

Zhang Yun directly raised his hand, and the large amount of shamanic power that had been transformed in the Xianyuan Cave gushed out, converging into a shamanic power handprint and covering the opponent to the ground.


The half-immortal undead spirit let out a roar, and an astonishing death energy emerged from his body in an attempt to break away from the magic hand seal.

Zhang Yun dodged forward and kicked the opponent's life force away.

Then he stepped heavily on the opponent's body.

The palm of his hand ignored the death aura, pressed on the opponent's eyes, and forcibly pulled out the soul existing in the skeleton's body.

Wrap it up directly with the energy of return.


The screams suddenly echoed through the jungle.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yun directly turned a shamanic power into sea water and blocked the soul's mouth.

Ignoring the soul's "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", he looked at the silver-haired woman lying on the ground covered in blood with a weak breath, and handed over a ball of holy elixir energy: "Take it, maid!"

The silver-haired woman took it and quickly absorbed it.

After bathing in the holy elixir energy, the aura gradually recovered, but his face was still pale.

Being interrupted at the critical moment of accepting the thunder caused a lot of backlash to her.

Fortunately, the tribulation thunder had been largely absorbed, and she still managed to enter the second level tribulation thunder realm.

Zhang Yun asked: "Is this guy the black-robed alien you recruited in the Death Immortal Palace?"


The silver-haired woman nodded, looked at the broken original space grid in her hand, and smiled bitterly.

If Zhang Yun hadn't been around this time, she would have been swallowed by the dead spirit.

She had no time to pay attention to this undead spirit after it was collected in the Death Immortal Palace.

Because after that, she was seriously injured in a fight with Zhang Yun and others and escaped with the Space Diao Neidan, so she spent the next time recovering from her injuries and regaining her strength.

In addition, the original space grid is the condensed product of her talent that she is proud of. It is basically impossible for the creatures trapped in it to come out. She never thought that it would be forcibly broken...

However, she was also a little confused. If it could be broken open, why was this undead spirit imprisoned by her in the first place?

Zhang Yun looked at the half-immortal dead spirit in front of him and sorted out some things.

He immediately said: "What is your relationship with the Immortal Servant of Death?"


Hearing this, the half-immortal suddenly looked at him in shock.

Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, and immediately felt the urge to return the favor.

The expression of the half-immortal undead spirit changed drastically, and he shouted quickly: "No! I said, I will tell you everything!!"

Zhang Yun held the hand that returned Qi for a moment, then looked at the other person indifferently.

The half-immortal's dead soul body trembled slightly and he quickly began to tell.

The half-immortal undead are an ancient undead tribe in the world of death. They were once the kings of the undead tribe like the King of Death. And he was of the same generation as the Death Immortal Servant, and they were mortal enemies of each other at that time.

But later, because the Death Immortal took a fancy to the Death Immortal Servant who was a skeleton tribe, he gave the Death Immortal Servant powerful power.

The half-immortal undead spirit was later defeated and escaped after being severely wounded by the immortal servant of death. Since then, he has been hiding in a corner of the dead world and fell into a deep sleep to regain his strength.

During this sleep, it couldn't remember how many years had passed.

All I know is that after it woke up, there seemed to be no shadow of the Death Immortal Servant in the Death World, leaving only a Death Immortal Zone.

Knowing that it might be the inheritance place left by the Death Immortal and that it was about to open at that time, it immediately went there.

Not long after entering the Death Immortal Zone, it met the Fifth Skeleton City Lord.

Out of resentment towards the Skeleton Clan and the need to understand the current world of death, it forcibly swallowed the soul of the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City.

During the devouring process, he discovered a mark in the soul of the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City, which he erased at the time.

After reading the memory of the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City, it learned about Zhang Yun, the person who planted the mark.

But didn’t pay much attention.

After that, it’s in the Death Immortal Palace.

It kept laughing strangely, causing the silver-haired woman to take action in displeasure, and was subsequently taken into the original space grid...

This is all done deliberately.

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