Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 765: The First Immortal Sect's Upper Realm Branch, the Immortal Group

"You...who are you?"

Looking at the middle-aged Zhang Yun in green robes in front of him, the middle-aged man's face was full of horror.

Zhang Yun did not answer, but asked: "Are you a half-immortal?"

"Yes Yes!"

The half-immortal Tianxing nodded tremblingly.


Zhang Yun said, directly reaching out and pressing the opponent's Tianling Gai.

The half-immortal Tianxing trembled all over, feeling the strange feeling in his soul, and his face was full of horror: "You...what did you do to me?"

Zhang Yun took out the video recorder and put it on.

The half-immortal Tianxing's face turned pale.

Zhang Yun removed the Wu Xianli sea water that wrapped around the opponent and said: "Lead the way to the headquarters of your bandit group!"


Tianxing Half Immortal was stunned, but looking at Zhang Yun's indifferent eyes, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Quickly fly in one direction.

Zhang Yun followed.

The two soon arrived at a hidden cave in a deep mountain.

The cave is quite large, with hundreds of caves inside, and many monks from the Tianxing Half-Immortal Group live inside.

In addition to the semi-immortals of Tianxing, there are more than ten people at the peak of the Mahayana stage.

One person is in the second level Tribulation Thunder realm, three are in the first level Tribulation Thunder realm, and more than a dozen ordinary Mahayana peaks.

In addition, this Tianxing Half-Immortal Group has nearly a thousand members.

Basically, they are monks in the combined stage and Mahayana stage, as well as some old, weak, women, children and other dependents.

Zhang Yun thought for a while, and planted the Soul Suppressing Techniques one by one on the peaks of the Mahayana stage inside.

Then these people were summoned to a cave.

"In the future, you will no longer be called the Tianxing Half-Immortal Group, but will be renamed the Immortal Group..."

Zhang Yun looked at these people calmly and said: "Well, let's call it the Immortal Dao Group!"

"I obey my lord, no, it's the commander's order!"

The half-immortal Tianxing quickly bowed and responded.

"I've met the leader!"

A group of people at the peak of the Mahayana stage also bowed to Zhang Yun.

"Don't call me captain, call me young master from now on!"

"Yes, sir!"

Tian Xing Half Immortal and others changed their words one after another.

"Besides, stop doing the robber's job..."

Zhang Yun thought for a while and brought out the two people in robes from the Kujin Immortal Palace.

These two people were named Man Feng and Man Tieniu. They were taken by Man Cangqiong before and planned to take part in the fight for immortality.

When Zhang Yun captured Man Cangqiong, he also captured these two people.


Seeing him now, both of them looked respectful.

Zhang Yundao: "I'll give you a task. From now on, you will serve as the chief and second leader of this immortal group."

"Immortal group?"

Man Feng and Man Tieniu are confused.

Zhang Yun briefly explained.


The two of them listened and looked at the half-immortal Tianxing on the side in surprise.

Facing their gazes, Tianxing half-immortal raised his hands and saluted without hesitation: "My subordinate Tianxing has met the first and second commanders!"

Seeing this, Zhou Pang, the peak of the Mahayana stage, also reacted and saluted in unison: "I've seen the Grand Commander and the Second Commander!"


Man Feng and Man Tieniu opened their mouths.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "This will be left to you from now on. These guys were originally engaged in banditry, but now they have changed their profession. See if you can teach some casters from them."

It doesn’t matter if you can’t teach them, you can ask them to help you collect materials. Besides, I have a lot of materials here..."

With that said, Zhang Yun took out a lot of materials from his body that could be used to make weapons.

The two followers, Man Cangqiong, as powerful men in the Man Emperor Palace, are also masters of forging weapons.

In terms of level, he is second only to Man Cangqiong in the Man Emperor Palace.

After Zhang Yun saw the size of the Tianxing Half-Immortal Group, he also made a temporary decision to establish the first branch of the First Immortal Sect in the upper world.

One day he will have a place to stay when he migrates to the First Sect of Immortal Dao and comes to the upper world.

As for letting them learn to forge weapons, it was because he used the Immortal Eye Technique to discover that there were many talents in the Tianxing Half-Immortal Group who had the talent to forge weapons.

It just happened that the Tianxing Half-Immortal Group was transformed into a foundry branch.

Faced with the sudden appointment of group leader, Man Feng and Man Tieniu were still a little confused.

At the same time, he thought of something and asked quickly: "Master, the ancestor of Cangqiong..."

Zhang Yun said: "Your ancestor is practicing in seclusion and is at a critical moment!"

Man Feng and Man Tieniu suddenly realized.

"I won't force you. If you are not interested in this Immortal Dao Group, forget it!"

Zhang Yun added: "But if you lead, as long as you do it well, I will give you an opportunity to become an immortal that is no less than what you will get if you succeed in the fight for immortality!"

A chance to become an immortal?

Hearing this, Man Feng and Man Tieniu both had their expressions condensed.

They don't quite know what happened when Zhang Yun and Man Cangqiong participated in the fight for the Immortal Queen.

But being able to say this, and Zhang Yun being able to easily recruit such a group of half-immortal bandits under his command, clearly shows that Zhang Yun has successfully fought for immortality.

Opportunity to become an immortal...

Looking at Zhang Yun in front of them, the two of them gritted their teeth: "Master, let's do it!"


Zhang Yun smiled: "I'll leave it to you from now on!"

As he said this, he looked at the Tianxing Half-Immortal and others aside, "Follow your first regiment leader and second regiment leader. They will lead you to learn how to forge weapons. From now on, you will make a living in this way!"

Hearing this, Tianxing Banxian and others looked at each other in shock.

Casting tools, this was a path they had never thought of.

However, their souls had been implanted with the Soul Suppression Technique, and they didn't dare to say a word of "no" at this moment.

They all responded: "I will obey your orders!"

Zhang Yun said: "Man Feng, Man Tieniu, you stay here for a while, the others will disperse first!"

Tianxing Half-Immortal and others realized what was going on and left the cave.


The remaining Man Feng and Man Tieniu looked at him.

Zhang Yun didn't waste any time and directly called out a figure.

Man Feng and Man Tieniu were startled.

The next second, he was so frightened by the immortal aura emanating from this figure that his whole body trembled and his eyes were filled with fear.

Zhang Yundao: "This is Huang Laoxian. He will follow you from now on. If you encounter trouble that you can't handle, you can ask him to help you deal with it!"

Fairy! !

Hearing this word, Man Feng and Man Tieniu both swallowed their saliva, their eyes full of shock.

Is there such a person beside this young master?

The most important thing is to send them...


Could it be that immortals can be dispatched at will in front of this young master?

Zhang Yun said: "Okay, you go and let the people in the group show you around. Huang Laoxian will accompany you secretly. If necessary, just call his name!"

"Okay... okay, sir!"

Man Feng and Man Tieniu nodded, looking at Zhang Yun's eyes, they couldn't help but feel a little more awe at this moment.

Zhang Yun smiled lightly.

This Huang Laoxian was summoned from the corpse of Huang Laoxian that he had killed with six Purple Feather Immortals before.

Now the upgraded summoning platform can summon a summoned creature that can be maintained permanently by providing a complete corpse.

The Purple Feather Immortal was summoned before, but because he needed immediate combat power, he had to separate.

Huang Laoxian was summoned with a complete corpse.

The first branch of the Immortal Sect was established in the upper world, so it naturally had to have strong enough combat power.

After making arrangements, Zhang Yun left with the half-immortal Tianxing.

Taking the other person is letting him or her be a guide.

Although the Purple Feather Immortal Immortal Soul understands the upper world, its understanding of the single planet Purple Cloud Star is limited, so it must be a local aborigine.

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