Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 767 The Female Immortal in Fengxian Pavilion

Flying over the mountains.

Zhang Yun could feel the immortal energy from all around him from a distance, forming a spiral shape and constantly pouring into the Zifeng City ahead.

The half-immortal Tianxing on the side introduced: "Sir, this is the Immortal Gathering Formation. Generally, in a larger city like Zifeng City, this type of formation will be set up to gather the immortals from all over the world..."

But in the middle of his words, he suddenly noticed Zhang Yun glancing at him lightly.

Doesn’t that copy of the young master seem to know what this kind of thing looks like?

Let Tian Xing Half Immortal shut up quickly.

He had forgotten that this young master could even bring an immortal with him, so how could he not understand this?

He cautiously glanced at the Purple Feather Immortal beside him. Although he was afraid, he was also a little excited.

To be able to call an immortal a slave, the origin of the young master in front of him is obviously extremely extraordinary.

Being able to be taken under the other party's command may be a great opportunity!

The name of the Immortal Group sounds mighty and domineering, and it will definitely become a top force in the future. By then, he will be the original member of the Immortal Group, and he will probably have the chance to become an immortal by then...

He couldn't help but get excited just thinking about it.

Zhang Yun didn't know what Tianxing Half-Immortal was thinking, so he looked at Zifeng City in front of him and said, "Let's go into the city!"

With that said, he took the Purple Feather Immortal into the Kujin Immortal Palace and flew forward.

Seeing this, the half-immortal Tianxing quickly put on a mask. This mask obviously had a camouflage effect, causing his entire appearance to change.

Zhang Yun glanced lightly.

The half-immortal Tian Xing sneered: "Sir, you know what I did before, and it is not convenient for me to appear in public in Ziyun City..."

Zhang Yun didn't care. The two of them spent two million spirit stones to enter Zifeng City.

As a city with an Immortal Gathering Formation, Zifeng City will naturally not allow people to enter and enjoy it easily. Everyone who enters the city must pay a trace of source energy or one million spiritual stones per person.

Spiritual stones are in the upper world and are also the currency among monks.

However, in the transactions of some more precious treasures, they are all traded with original energy.

The original energy is calculated according to the value of spiritual stones. Ten million spiritual stones are equal to one trace.

But this is priceless.

Basically no monk is willing to exchange original energy for spiritual stones.

After entering the city, Zhang Yun, led by Tianxing Half-Immortal, went straight to Fengxian Pavilion.

Just as he approached the street where Fengxian Pavilion was located, Zhang Yun's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, sir?"

The half-immortal Tianxing on the side was puzzled.

Zhang Yun didn't say a word, but looked at the towering attic where Fengxian Pavilion was located from a distance.


Although his aura was restrained, he was still aware of the presence of an immortal aura in this towering attic.

Zhang Yun sent a message to Tianxing Half-immortal and asked: "How many immortals are there in Fengxian Palace?"

The half-immortal Tian Xing was startled, but he replied via voice transmission: "Young Master, there is only one!"


Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

The Fengxian Pavilion in front of me is just a branch of Fengxian Palace. How can there be immortals?

Could it be that the immortal from Fengxian Palace happens to be here?

At this moment, as if he had discovered that he was being investigated, the immortal consciousness of the immortal in the attic swept over here.

Zhang Yun's expression changed slightly.

But he made no move because he could no longer avoid this immortal consciousness.

Soon he felt this immortal consciousness scanning over him.

But regarding his disguise of copying and shaping, the immortal consciousness obviously didn't notice anything strange and just swept it away.

But it was the Tianxing Half-Immortal beside him...

At this moment, he was obviously locked by the immortal consciousness, and his whole face was filled with panic.


The half-immortal Tianxing looked at Zhang Yun like he was asking for help.

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched when he saw this.

As expected, the immortal was attracted by the movements of the Tianxing half-immortal, and his immortal consciousness swept towards him again.

"There is a disguised half-immortal by your side. Which side are you from?"

A faint female voice sounded in Zhang Yun's ears at this moment.

Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

He actually had a question mark in his mind as to whether copying and shaping could deceive the immortals.

At the moment, the immortal is not aware of his disguise, which shows that copying and shaping can obviously deceive the immortal!

After confirming this, he didn't panic immediately and replied calmly: "Senior, I'm just out for training, and I happened to be passing by here..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the female fairy's voice: "I am asking you, which side are you from?"

The tone was calm, but there was an air of no doubt.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly, but his mind turned quickly and he immediately replied: "Senior, this guy is from Xuanyue Mountain!"

"Xuanyue Mountain?"

The female fairy was startled when she heard the words, and asked doubtfully: "What is it called?"

Zhang Yun replied: "My name is Long Fenghua!"

"Long Fenghua?"

The female fairy was obviously unfamiliar with this name, and she said nothing after hearing it.


When Zhang Yun saw this, his heart sank as he thought of something, and he quickly left with the Tianxing Half Immortal.

On the top floor of Fengxian Pavilion, in a private room.

A beautiful woman in a White House dress was lying on her side on the bed, casually flipping through a file taken from the shelf next to her.

"How could Xuanyue Mountain, the peak of the Mahayana stage, come all the way here with a semi-immortal?"

The fairy in White House costume was slightly confused.

This time she went to participate in the fight for immortals. An unexpected incident in the middle caused her to participate in the immortal war, and then she was trapped by the spirit of the secret realm for a day, and she had just come out before.

Follow the trace to the deserted star not far away.

Because I was a little tired, I went to the nearby Zifeng City branch of Ziyun Star to rest for a while.

She was a little surprised when she suddenly felt someone noticed her.

After all, there are no other immortals in Ziyun Star.

Later, Zhang Yun and his two men were discovered.

Zhang Yun, the peak of the Mahayana stage, is very common, but half-immortal, this is rare in Ziyun Star.

Especially this half-immortal seems to focus on Zhang Yun, who is at the peak of the Mahayana stage next to him...

"Long Fenghua..."

Muttering in her mouth, the White House fairy looked through the files carefully.

I quickly saw the information in the last column——

'Long Fenghua, a new disciple recruited by Xuan Yue Mountain from the lower continent, has dragon luck and extraordinary talent...'

"Wait a minute, this seems to be the boy who followed the Xuanyue Mountain Forest Semi-immortal before, right?"

The White House Fairy suddenly remembered when she saw this.

During the previous fight for immortality, her attention had been focused on the handsome little charioteer Zhang Yun, and she also saw the fight between Zhang Yun and Mr. Lin and his entourage.

At that time, Zhang Yun called the person next to Mr. Lin, seemingly the leader of Fenghua Alliance.

Leader of Fenghua Alliance, Long Fenghua...

The fairy in the White House frowned as she thought about it, and immediately glanced outside with her fairy sense.

It was discovered that Zhang Yun and his two men, who were originally on the street, had quickly moved away at this moment.


Suddenly he laughed angrily.

Deceive her?

Immediately, her delicate body swayed on the bed and turned into a strong wind and swept out of the attic.

A place in Zifeng City.

Sensing the movement of the Immortal of Fengxian Pavilion from afar, Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

Just after he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

After all, Fengxian Pavilion sells intelligence information, so it is impossible to not know about Xuanyue Mountain.

The name Long Fenghua may sound strange to the other person at the moment, but after a little research, you can probably find it out.

At this moment, the opponent chased him out and was obviously exposed.

"What a bad luck!"

Zhang Yun cursed and hurriedly accelerated.

But a strong wind was blowing.

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