The disciple competition continues.

There were no surprises in subsequent competitions. In the draw controlled by the leader of the Lingxian Sect, the disciples with higher realms basically won. But it came to the last match. The duel between two disciples at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage was very exciting. It ended until one party was exhausted. It was considered the most suspenseful match in the entire disciple competition.

With the end of this duel, the fifty duels have also been completed.

Fifty disciples who had defeated their opponents and obtained quotas were gathered in the center of the square.

"This is the final ranking of this disciple competition. The top fifty disciples can then go to the Sect Master Peak to receive the spirit stones!"

On the high platform, the leader of Lingxian Sect waved his hand.

A long scroll was spread out, with fifty names and scores clearly arranged on it.

The top two were tied for first place, and it was no surprise that Xu Ming and Yu Shuier, who scored 99 points, won.

Following closely behind were the chief disciples of several elders of the Lingxian Sect, all with scores above 90.

Then there is Wu Xiaopang’s score of 88, which happens to be ranked tenth.

All three disciples entered the top ten!

Seeing this scene, the people present couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun on the high platform, with wonder in their eyes.

One elder and three disciples entered the top ten. Looking at the previous disciple competitions of the Lingxian Sect, this is the first time!

Looking at the stone pillar next to him, Zhang Yun's name finally ranked first with a perfect score of 100 points. Even those who didn't like Zhang Yun had to admit it.


From the apprenticeship ceremony to now, in less than two months, three evil disciples have been trained...

The elders present thought that it would be difficult for them to train even one of them, let alone three of them!

Zhang Yun didn't care about the ranking at the moment, because it had been determined, and he was currently thinking about the subsequent steps of condensing the golden elixir.

Before the disciple competition, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang relied on a wave of impact from the Qi Gathering Tower to reach the eighth level of the foundation building stage and the fifth level of the foundation building stage respectively. The returned energy brought by this made the golden elixir in his dantian almost as big as Fist size.

He could feel that it was not far away from being able to completely condense!

Next, absorb some energy and cooperate with it to start condensation.

"This year's sect competition will be officially held in the central part of Nanyun Prefecture in the thirteenth day. Then we will rest for five days. After five days, we will officially set off!"

At this time, as the master of Lingxian Sect fell down, the disciple competition officially came to an end.

Zhang Yun let out a breath, jumped down from the high platform, and came to the side of Xu Ming and the other three people in the field.


The three of them immediately came forward.

"Well done!"

Zhang Yun gave them a thumbs up and praised them without hesitation: "You are all great today. If I want to give you a score, it will be full marks!"

Xu Ming and the three of them were all smiling.

As teenagers and girls, they still hope to hear such praise from Zhang Yun.

"This is the reward the master has prepared for you, take a look!"

Zhang Yun took out three storage rings that had been prepared in advance and handed them to the three of them respectively.

Xu Ming, the three of them were startled.

"This is?"

When they saw what was inside, their eyes lit up: "Flying Sword!!"

brush! brush! brush!

Three flying swords of different colors appeared in front of them.

"These three flying swords are carefully selected by me, and they can suitably match your aura. I was focusing on training before, and I haven't had time to teach you how to fly with a sword. Today, I will officially teach you how to fly with a sword!"

Zhang Yun said with a smile, turned over his hand and took out a flying sword. While demonstrating, he said: "You have already established the foundation, and it is not difficult for you to use spiritual energy to attach. The key point of wielding a sword is to attach spiritual energy to it. It attaches to the flying sword like this..."

After a simple demonstration of flying with a sword, Zhang Yun said with a smile: "The overall process should not be difficult for you. Try it yourself. Don't fly too high at the beginning. Try it first at three or four meters in the air!" "

"Understood, Master!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming and the others couldn't wait to try it.

Seeing Zhang Yun and others learning to wield swords at the side of the venue, many of the foundation-building disciples present had their mouths twitching.

Damn it, how fast is your breakthrough? You even forgot to learn how to handle a sword?

He is already at the fifth level, eighth level, or even the peak level of foundation building, and he has just started to learn...

For the new disciples in the field who had just joined the sect during the previous apprenticeship ceremony, they all looked at Xu Ming with envy in their eyes.

I think at that time, Xu Ming was just a useless person in their eyes, far inferior to them. Unexpectedly, in just over a month, he has become the number one disciple in the entire sect!

Looking back at the state where they were still in the Qi refining stage, they felt a little bitter for a moment.

How can the gap between people be so huge?

At the same time, I felt a little regretful.

Perhaps if they become disciples of the Ninth Elder during the Disciple Recruitment Ceremony, it is always possible to reach the foundation building stage, not to mention being like Xu Ming at this moment, right?

After all, the three disciples of Zhang Yun and even the worst Wu Xiaopang are already at the fifth level of foundation building.

The more I think about them, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Especially Huang Yong.

At that time, he was the first person Zhang Yun asked to accept during the apprenticeship ceremony!

But he chose Meng Zhong, the tenth elder.

If this ninth elder had been chosen at that time...

Thinking of this, Huang Yong suddenly understood Junior Brother Nie Zhi who ran away before.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come here quickly!!"

At this time, a cold snort suddenly came from his ears.

Looking at Meng Zhong with a gloomy expression, Huang Yong trembled, not daring to look over there anymore and hurried back.

Meng Zhong felt quite unhappy when he saw this. Nie Zhi failed to change his family before and ran away. This was a great shame and humiliation in his eyes. Now I saw that Huang Yong seemed to have this idea, and I was very annoyed. At the same time, I was also secretly vigilant, and there must never be another example like Nie Zhi.

Looking at Zhang Yun, who was not far away teaching his disciple how to wield a sword, his face was gloomy, but he quickly thought of something and groaned in his heart.

Just wait, you won't be able to jump around for too long!

I thought about taking all the disciples and leaving immediately.

Zhang Yun felt Meng Zhong's gaze, glanced at the other person's leaving back, and thought to himself: "The next sect competition will be a good opportunity to kill someone!"

One of Meng Zhong's disciples also entered the top fifty. As a master, he will definitely go to this sect competition. At that time, finish the other party!

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt another line of sight falling on him, and he couldn't help but look in another direction.

There, the elegant third elder of Lingxian Sect was looking at him with a smile on his face, "Ninth Elder, are you interested in going to the peak for a cup of tea?"

The venue is currently at the foot of the third peak, and the other party's residence can be reached from the mountain road next to it.

Zhang Yun glanced at the other party and shook his head: "Sorry, Third Elder. I have something to do next, so I won't bother you!"

"That's such a shame!"

The third elder of the Lingxian Sect still had that elegant smile on his face, "The ninth elder can come at any time if you have free time in the future. I will keep the tea from the Third Peak for you!"

After saying that, he didn't stay any longer and turned around to climb up to the third peak.

Looking at his back, Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was a little confused about this third elder who had hidden his strength.

In addition, it is not certain whether the sect leader knows that the other party hides his strength. It's good to know. If you don't know...

Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

I was thinking about it, should I disclose this matter to the sect leader?

But thinking about it, he still shook his head.

After all, the sect asked him how he knew, but he couldn't answer. A person at the peak of the foundation building stage can see a Nascent Soul stage, which is suspicious no matter how you look at it.

He doesn't want his golden finger to be exposed!

"We have to break through the golden elixir as soon as possible!"

Zhang Yun thought.

When you reach the Golden Core Stage, the Immortal Eye Technique will be able to see through these Nascent Soul Stages!

Turning back from his thoughts, Zhang Yun looked at Xu Ming and the others who had already tried to hover in the air with swords, and said: "Come, I will take you to fly for a while!"

Xu Ming and the others nodded.

Zhang Yun immediately flew up with his sword and flew out of the square at controlled speed.

Xu Ming and the other three also rose up with Yu Jian, following closely behind him.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang followed closely, but Yu Shui'er was gradually pulled away some distance. As a mermaid, she was not used to the feeling of flying in the air. The whole movement was cautious, not daring to speed up at all!

Zhang Yun noticed this scene, glanced forward and pointed at a big tree: "Did you see that big tree in front of you? When you get there, I will start to accelerate. Fly all the way to the foot of the Sect Master Peak, wait The one who arrives last will be punished as a teacher!"

Xu Ming and the others tensed up when they heard this, especially Yu Shui'er.

The tree was only more than ten meters away from Zhang Yun, and it had arrived in less than two seconds.

"here we go!"

Before she could think about it, Zhang Yun had already begun to speed up and gallop into the distance.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang also speeded up.

And she...

She was shaking a little while stepping on the flying sword, but seeing the three people pulling her further and further away, she became a little anxious, and immediately bit her silver teeth.

do my best!

As soon as the little foot stomped, a large amount of water spiritual energy immediately gathered on the flying sword and began to accelerate forward.

When Yu Shui'er stepped on the flying sword, she felt that her delicate body began to sway from side to side, as if she was about to fall at any time. This imbalance made her face turn pale and she couldn't help but close her eyes.

Just when she thought she was about to fall, she waited for a while and found that she was still standing on the flying sword.

Her feet were wrapped in spiritual energy and she stood on the flying sword, completely connected. The swaying sensation she imagined was just her upper body shaking.

It doesn't seem like it will fall down...

Yu Shui'er raised her eyebrows and looked at Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang in front of her who were being pulled closer as she accelerated. Suddenly I felt like I could surpass them!

The water aura exploded at that moment, driving the flying sword under his feet to draw a blue tail in the air and shoot forward quickly.

Xu Ming and the two people in front didn't have time to react, and saw a blue stream of light passing by, far surpassing them.


Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang were shocked.

What's going on with Junior Sister Shui'er? You were clearly pulled away by them just now, why did you suddenly get angry?

Without thinking too much, the two of them quickly accelerated.

But they found that as they accelerated, the blue stream of light transformed into Yu Shui'er in front of them also continued to accelerate, and it was getting faster and faster. Under their eyes, it was even about to catch up with the master!

"I go!"

Zhang Yun, who was flying at the front, also felt the fluctuation of water aura behind him. He was startled when he saw the blue stream of light approaching like a sharp arrow, and aura erupted under his feet and he quickly accelerated.

From 30% speed at the beginning, to 50% speed, to 70% speed...

In the end, he had to fly a certain distance at full speed to prevent Yu Shui'er from catching up.

Arriving at the foot of the Sect Master Peak, Zhang Yun couldn't help but exhale as he saw Yu Shui'er flying in front of him within two seconds.

This girl is crazy!

Just now he saw that Yu Shui'er was slow, and it was purely psychological reasons that he didn't dare to speed up. So I deliberately decided to find a winner and prepare to stimulate the opponent. did not expect……

But it's not surprising when you think about it. Yu Shui'er is at the peak of her foundation-building stage, and the top-grade water spiritual roots bring her majestic water spiritual energy, which is enough to make her stronger than ordinary monks in any aspect that requires spiritual energy.

"How about it?"

Zhang Yun looked at Yu Shuier and asked.

At this moment, Yu Shui'er's face was still flushed with excitement. Hearing this, he couldn't help but said: "Master, I want to try again!"

Zhang Yun smiled, "Then you can fly around two more times, just in time to wait for your two slow brothers!"


Yu Shui'er nodded, and immediately flew up with his sword, turning into a stream of blue light that swept back and forth in the air, feeling a little unhappy for a moment.

Zhang Yun shook his head in amusement.

When you master something that you are not familiar with, it does make people excited and want to try more.

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