Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 778 East Holy City, Star Commercial Building

Enter the Eastern Holy City.

Zhang Yun soon met the person in charge of the Baichuan Xianmen branch in a restaurant.

The other party is a middle-aged lady named Jing Jiao who still has charm.

He has a half-immortal cultivation level and is the confidant of the Huamen Master.

Shrouded in a soundproofed restaurant box.

"Meet the adults!"

Looking at Jing Jiao who was saluting him respectfully, Zhang Yun, who was copied into the appearance of the Huamen Master, waved his hand and asked: "In the previous summons, you said that there was a group of people who wanted to take the Wild Star Road. Do you know their identities?"

"Sir, my subordinates found out that one of them is the second young master of the Dongsheng City!"

"My boss?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced in the direction of a group of mansions in the city.

The Dong family is the most powerful family in Dongsheng City. There is an ancestor of the Immortal in his family, named Dongsheng Immortal. He is one of the three immortals who guard the exit of the Southeast Turning Star to the Thousand Clouds Galaxy all year round.

The other party actually wants to go out through the channels of Baichuan Xianmen?

Feeling a little weird, Zhang Yun continued to ask: "What else is there?"

"Sir, the identities of the remaining people are relatively mysterious, but two of them should be from other galaxies!"

"Other galaxies? Is it the Qianyun Galaxy?"

"This subordinate is not sure!"

Jing Jiao shook her head.

Zhang Yun looked thoughtful.

He had contacted Jingjiao before coming. According to the other party, from yesterday to now, many people have contacted her to take the Desolate Star Road.

The Desolate Star Road is the private channel for the Baichuan Immortal Sect branch to go to the Desolate Star in the Qianyun Galaxy.

According to the explanation given by the remnant soul of the Huamen Master, this channel was his accidental discovery of the desolate star in the Qianyun Galaxy in his early years. After discovering that the distance could be connected to the southeastern star by the Immortal Power Channel of the Immortal Transmission Formation, he spent a lot of effort to set it up. .

But the stability is not very strong.

Before each startup, you need to conduct a remote Xianli connection test before it can be enabled.

So it takes two days to prepare.

We are currently in the preparation period, and we will not be able to use this Desolate Star Path until tomorrow.

Zhang Yun suspected that among the people who wanted to take the Wild Star Road, the immortal merchant from the Yuan Neng Galaxy was included.

After all, this Desolate Star Road can be regarded as the only way to travel to the southeast and leave the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy.

As for other channels, even if the southeastern star is excluded, it is still within the red and blue sea galaxy.

After thinking about it this way, Zhang Yun somewhat understood.

The owner's people might have used this channel just to catch the Yuaneng Galaxy Fairy Merchant.

After all, if he can think of this, his boss can definitely think of it too.

And the source energy galaxy fairy merchant can also think of it.

But Zhang Yun felt that the Source Energy Galaxy Immortal Merchant would still take action.

Because to continue to stay in the southeast Zhuanxing is to wait for death.

After all, once Hongguang Immortal Lord and others arrive, it will be difficult to hide them under a comprehensive search.

If they want to leave, the other party can only leave before the Red Light Immortal Lord and others arrive.

No matter what, once the Desolate Star Path opens, it will be clear when you see these people and use the Immortal Eye Technique to scan them.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun immediately ordered: "Complete the connection test of the Wild Star Road as soon as possible, and notify me immediately after the test is completed!"

"Yes, sir!"

After Jing Jiao responded, she exited the box.

Zhang Yun sat in the box and thought for a while, then took out a few tokens belonging to Master Hua.

I contacted the person in charge of the Baichuan Xianmen branch in the Southeast Zhuan Star, which is responsible for managing the private channels leading to Yunzi Star and Lanye Star, the two inner planets in the Red Sea.

Although the source energy galaxy fairy merchant has a higher probability of choosing the Desolate Star Path, he does not rule out the possibility of using these two channels and leaving the Southeast Star to escape temporarily.

He needs to make some preparations...

The contact will be completed soon.

"Are they all there..."

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

I learned from the heads of the two branches that there are now people making reservations for rides in those two private channels, and there are a lot of people, so it is difficult to investigate the identities of each one.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yun summoned two substitute clones, then contacted Jing Jiao and asked the other party to activate the Immortal Transmission Formation inside the Southeast Star.

Each branch of the Baichuan Immortal Sect in the southeastern star has connected immortal formations.

Zhang Yun had not thought about this before. When he asked Hua Clan Master about the remnant soul on the way, he had already flown out of that branch, so he could only fly all the way here.

At present, there is an Immortal Formation, which directly teleports two substitute clones to the two Baichuan Immortal Sect branches that have private channels.

The whole process only took less than half an hour. As he sensed it, two substitute clones had arrived.


Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

In this way, the three sides followed separately.

The main body is keeping an eye on the Desolate Star Road here in the Eastern Holy City, and the two substitute clones are keeping an eye on the two branch channels.

As long as the Source Energy Galaxy Immortal Merchant appears, he will be able to discover it immediately.

It is worth spending some time for the large amount of original energy in the other party.

In addition, Zhang Yun also made up his mind that if the source energy galaxy fairy merchant appears on the side of the Wild Star Road, he will leave the two substitute clones in the Red Blue Sea Galaxy for development.

Here we will establish some foundations for the First Sect of Immortal Dao, and at the same time let the avatar go to the northwest region of the Red Sea to find a channel connected to the Immortal Dao Continent.

If a channel can be mastered, the monks from the first sect of Immortal Dao can be sent up in batches.

After all, practicing in the upper realm is definitely better than that of the lower realm since the immortal energy of heaven and earth exists.

As for him, regardless of whether the source energy galaxy immortal merchant is there or not, he is going to take the Wild Star Road to the Qianyun Galaxy to look for Xu Ming.

Before that, let's get a small starship.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yun got up and left the restaurant after drinking all the hot tea on the table.

When he came to an uninhabited alley, he used copying and shaping to look like a half-immortal.

This half-immortal was the same half-immortal who traveled from the East Thousand Stars to the Southeast Star with him before, and was later killed by the Master of the Flower Clan.

After disguising himself, Zhang Yun ran all the way to a luxuriously decorated seven-story towering building in the city.

Star Commercial Building.

This is a commercial building opened here by the Star Chamber of Commerce. Similar commercial buildings have been opened throughout the entire universe and can be found in almost every larger city on the planet.

The desolate star that Zhang Yun went to next did not have the Immortal Formation connecting the planets in the Red Sea. If you want to move there, you can only travel through the endless void.

The starship is one of the must-have tools.

In addition to the large starships used to carry passengers, the Star Chamber of Commerce also sells some small starships, which can be used by a small number of monks to travel through the endless void.

Although the Emperor is here, it is still necessary to prepare a starship.

Arriving at Xingchen Commercial Building, I just walked through the door.


I heard a pleasant sound.

I saw two rows of beautiful female monks with good looks and embroidered cheongsam, all making gestures of invitation to him: "Dear guest, please come in!"

The bright and attractive faces made him feel like a spring breeze as soon as he came in.

Zhang Yun nodded secretly.

It doesn't matter what the person's identity is or whether they can buy goods, they will enjoy such a welcome treatment when they enter the door.

This Star Chamber of Commerce has nothing to say about its appearance!

Step into it immediately.

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