"The difference between them lies in the size, stability, speed and additional facilities of the spacecraft..." The female monk in the golden cheongsam introduced: "The five-person version is a pocket-sized spaceship that can accommodate five people and is extremely fast. The ten-person version is a normal spaceship that can accommodate ten people, has excellent stability, and comes with an immortal cannon. This immortal cannon is incredibly powerful and can deliver a full-strength attack comparable to that of a half-immortal. The hundred-person version is undoubtedly an epic spaceship that can accommodate a hundred people and has the best stability and speed. It also comes with ten immortal cannons and an immortal cannon. Once the immortal cannon is launched, it can deliver an attack comparable to that of an immortal!" "Comparable to an immortal?" Zhang Yun was surprised. The female monk in the golden cheongsam smiled and said, "If an immortal is hit by a cannon of immortal power, he will be seriously injured. There have even been immortals killed by it.

As far as I know, there have been examples of immortals being killed by cannons of immortal power in the neighboring Qianyun galaxy!"


Zhang Yun was curious: "What level of immortal?"

"According to the level, he is an earthly immortal!"

The female monk in the golden cheongsam.

"Only an earthly immortal?"

Zhang Yun's interest was reduced a lot.

An earthly immortal is just the first level of the immortal realm, the same level as Master Hua, just a weak chicken among immortals.

Seeing his expression, the female monk in the golden cheongsam twitched her mouth secretly.

Brother, even if it is just an earthly immortal, it is still an immortal!

What else do you want from a tool that can kill immortals?

Forget it.

Anyway, Zhang Yun will never buy an epic starry sky spaceship.

Although Zhang Yun made a big purchase just now, it is still a little short of buying an epic starry sky spaceship!

Zhang Yun asked, "How much is this epic-level spaceship?" Seeing that he really asked, the female monk in the golden cheongsam rolled her eyes secretly, but still smiled and answered, "For an epic-level spaceship, it requires 200,000 strands of origin energy!" "Only 200,000?" "If the customer thinks it's expensive, the pocket version and the normal version of the spaceship are also very... um." The female monk in the golden cheongsam continued without thinking, but suddenly heard Zhang Yun's words and was stunned. Only... only? What does it mean? "Take me to see this epic-level spaceship!" Zhang Yun said. He was a little surprised at the price. After all, it can kill immortals. He thought that this spaceship would cost at least hundreds of thousands of strands of origin energy. 200,000 strands, he can consider it. Although he has spent tens of thousands of strands of origin energy on the purchase just now, the existing origin energy on him is not enough, but he still has a lot of treasures on him to sell. Not to mention that the fairyland core cannot be sold, many of the things he found on immortals such as Huang Laoxian and Ziyu Immortal before are very valuable, most of which he can't use, and now it's just right. "Okay...Okay!"

The female monk in the golden cheongsam reacted and hurriedly said, "Please wait a moment!"

She walked to the side and took out a communication token to connect.

Less than half a minute.

The female monk in the golden cheongsam immediately walked back to him with a smile, and her tone became much more enthusiastic: "Guest, the host invites you!"

"The host?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Lead the way!"

"Please follow me!"

The female monk in the golden cheongsam said, and then twisted her body to lead the way.

The steps were obviously more charming than before.

Zhang Yun didn't care.

Soon, he followed the other party to a room on the top floor of the seventh floor.

The female monk in the golden cheongsam knocked on the door gently.

"Come in!"

A steady middle-aged man's voice came out.

"Guest, please come in!"

The female monk in the golden cheongsam pushed open the door and respectfully made a gesture to Zhang Yun to come in.

Zhang Yun just walked into the room.

A middle-aged man in a Chinese robe with an elegant temperament came up with a smile, "Hello, fellow Daoist, I am Cen Wei, the person in charge of the Southeast Star Transfer of Xingchen Commercial Building. May I know your name?"


Zhang Yun replied indifferently.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Yun!"

Seeing that Zhang Yun was unwilling to talk more, Cen Wei immediately got straight to the point: "Fellow Daoist Yun, there is only one epic-level spaceship in our building at present. This is the real-time image of this spaceship!"

As he said, he took out a recording stone that had been prepared long ago and opened it.

A picture emerged, which showed a golden spaceship that was nearly 100 meters long from a macro perspective——

[Starry Sky Spaceship]

Level: Epic

Degree of wear: 30.9% (used more than ten times)

Spaceship facilities: Immortal Power Cannon (1), Immortal Power Cannon (10), Immortal Power Barrier Array (1), Acceleration Array (12)...

Speed: Start at full speed, comparable to the speed of an earthly immortal.

Defense: When the immortal barrier array pattern is activated, it can resist the full force attack of the second level of the immortal realm, but it can only resist once.

Disadvantages: There are fewer acceleration array patterns, the speed is average among similar spacecrafts, and there is only one immortal barrier. After using it, the defensiveness will be greatly reduced.

While Zhang Yun was using the Immortal Eye Technique to observe, Cen Wei in front of him also gave him a verbal introduction, but concealed the defects.

He pointed out directly: "There is only one immortal barrier on this spacecraft, right?"


Cen Wei looked at him in surprise.

Zhang Yun said lightly: "And the acceleration array pattern of your spacecraft, if I am not mistaken, there are only twelve, which is not a lot among the same level of spacecraft.

In addition, judging from the degree of wear and tear on the appearance, the number of times your spacecraft has entered the endless void is probably already in the double digits, right?"


Cen was shocked to hear him directly point out the flaws of the spacecraft.

What is the origin of this cloud in front of me? Can you see so many things at a glance?

"I won't say much else..."

Zhang Yun immediately said: "One hundred thousand strands of original energy, I want this spaceship!"

"Fellow Daoist Yun, these 100,000 strands of original energy are absolutely impossible!"

Cen Wei's face turned green when he heard this, and he immediately said: "If you really want to buy this spaceship, we will slightly lower the price for you. Do you think 190,000 strands of original energy?"

"Ten thousand strands of original energy want to make up for the shortcomings of this spaceship?"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "I will improve it a little bit, 120,000 strands of original energy!"

"Fellow Daoist Yun, 190,000, it can't be any less!"

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. The price is 150,000 yuan. If it sells, I'll take it. If it doesn't, I'll forget it!"

"Fellow Daoist Yun..."

"I can't pull him down!"

Zhang Yun didn't wait for the other party to say anything, turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

Seeing that he was really going to leave, Cen Wei twitched the corner of his mouth.

Although he knew that Zhang Yun was probably playing hard to get, but thinking about the rare buyer of this starship, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Fellow Daoist Yun, 150,000! I'll give you 150,000!!"

Zhang Yun paused, turned around and walked back, handing out a space artifact with a smile: "Look at what's inside, how much original energy it is worth..."

Cen was startled.

After taking it and glancing at the contents, his expression suddenly froze.

“Fellow Daoist Yun, this Bailing tree is worth three thousand strands of original energy;

This black earth fairy mushroom is worth 1,900 strands of original energy..."

Take them out one by one for evaluation.

Zhang Yun nodded as he listened to the quotes one by one.

"Fellow Daoist Yun, according to the quotation just quoted, the total is 119,300 strands of source energy. I'll give you a total of 120,000 strands of source energy. What do you think?"


Zhang Yun nodded.

Later, after paying 30,000 strands of original energy, he successfully captured the epic starship.

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