Although it has not had much contact with the Immortal Lord, it knows that that kind of existence is true.

The other party said before that he wanted to teach it a lesson, but it escaped from under the other party's nose so easily...

Is it because of its incredible speed?

Well, it admits that.

But compared to the Immortal Lord, it considers itself to be slightly inferior.

If he was truly an immortal, he shouldn't let him escape so easily.

And if you think about it carefully, what the Immortal Lord just displayed from beginning to end was just two traces of top-notch immortal power.

If it were really an Immortal Lord, then with a wave of his hand, there would be ten or eight strands of top-level immortal power, which could severely damage it in minutes, instead of just shaking it slightly like before...


That human just now was a liar! !

The giant beast came to its senses and became furious.


It's a dignified beast master, but it was deceived by a human?

The thought of it being so frightened that it ran away with its tail between its legs made it furious.

Boom boom boom——! !

The pressure on his body couldn't help but explode, directly forming an astonishing storm of pressure that swept across the void.

The nearby Chaos God Galaxy was suddenly hit hard. Many planets were shaken by the storm and the stars were cracked.

The giant beast ignored it, its huge pupils full of ferocity, looking towards the empty space where the red and blue sea galaxy and the Qianyun Galaxy met previously.

That human bastard, just wait to meet its wrath! !

Thinking about it, it immediately headed towards...

In the opposite direction to the junction of the Red Blue Sea Galaxy and the Thousand Clouds Galaxy, leave quickly.

What, why didn't it go back and chase it?

This is because it is calm.

As a beast, especially one that is so powerful and has such noble blood, it always remains calm in the face of various situations.

Although it looks very fake, it is the wisest choice to go back to its galaxy and send a few Immortal Lord Beasts over to test it out.

After all, there is still a slight possibility that it is true...

The more angry you are, the less impulsive you can be!

The giant beast thought like this and left quickly.

As soon as its front legs left, a figure exuding an astonishing aura flew out from behind inside the Chaos God Galaxy.


Looking at the giant beast in the distance, the figure was a little confused.

what's the situation?

Isn’t this beastly Immortal Lord going to attack their galaxy?

Why did you leave directly?

Seeing that the giant beast was gone forever, the figure twitched the corner of his mouth: "Which idiot beast owner? If you want to go crazy, don't come to this galaxy to go crazy!!"

He was surprised that the Immortal Lord's aura suddenly burst out even though they had not offended anyone in the Chaotic God Galaxy.

Daqing is the first crazy beast owner passing by.

Don't let him catch you next time!

The figure hummed softly and returned to the galaxy.

Immortal Master World, Ten Thousand Realms Kung Fu Pavilion.

Match completed!

Looking at a flaming golden scroll floating in the void in front of him, Zhang Yun quickly took it and checked it——

""Thousand Transformations of the Divine Phoenix" - Stepless Skills"

‘To practice this method, you need to possess the innate Divine Phoenix Holy Body. This method involves thousands of transformations, one core per transformation, and each time a transformation is completed, a divine phoenix core will be formed in the body.

When cultivated to a hundred transformations, the core of the Hundred Paths can undergo divine phoenix nirvana, transform the body, resolve all hidden disease curses in the body, and be reborn from the ashes...'

Seeing the content, Zhang Yun couldn't help but laugh.

When he saw the curse in Huang Qian's body before, he thought about matching it with exclusive skills, which might be able to solve it.

After all, there have been similar examples before.

At a glance...

The exclusive technique will definitely not disappoint him!

But I want to cultivate to the point where I can achieve a hundred changes...

"It's not easy!"

Zhang Yun breathed out.

Huang Qian was immediately called in.

"I've met Master!"

Huang Qian saluted quickly when she saw him.

"Qian'er, you don't have to be polite in front of my master from now on!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand, looked directly into Huang Qian's gem-like eyes and asked, "Do you want to lift the curse on you?"

Huang Qian's expression suddenly perked up when she heard this, and she nodded without hesitation: "I think so!"

"Then, listen carefully to the technique that my master is going to teach you!"


Huang Qian was startled.

"What my master wants to teach you is a technique that can only be taught orally..."

Zhang Yun said calmly: "When my teacher saw you for the first time, I was already ready for you!"


Huang Qian was flattered.

"Okay, don't say anything!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand and said: "Listen!"

Huang Qian quickly concentrated her attention and raised her ears.

Zhang Yun immediately dictated the contents of Divine Phoenix Thousand Transformations.

As she listened, Huang Qian's eyes gradually lit up, and soon her body started to move involuntarily.

Phew——! !

Just hearing a phoenix cry, a shadow of the flaming phoenix emerged from Huang Qian's body, causing an astonishing sea of ​​​​fire that directly enveloped the entire surrounding cabin.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz—! !

The starship's alarms were triggered.

"This is?"

When Xiu Lao, who was on the deck of the ship, saw this, he stood up suddenly and looked into the cabin in surprise.

I saw that the shadow of the flame phoenix had rushed out of the cabin at this moment, rising in the endless void, causing the space turbulence that filled the void to fluctuate violently.

However, the shadow of the Flame Phoenix did not stop, but continued to expand.

Under the surprised gazes of Zhang Yun and Xiu Lao, the fire expanded to several thousand meters, and the fire light directly illuminated the endless void in the surrounding area...


When a phoenix cry resounded, the shadow stopped and gradually dissipated.

But an astonishing coercion filled the world.

As the Immortal Lord, Elder Xiu couldn't help but sink under this pressure.

But there was no fear in that look. On the contrary, it was full of excitement: "Miss..."

This kind of strange phenomenon will only appear when the Divine Phoenix Ancient Clan completes its breakthrough!

Looking at the cabin, Xiu Lao admired Zhang Yun beyond measure.

Only a few minutes after entering the cabin to receive the teaching, the young lady actually achieved a breakthrough.

He is truly worthy of being an immortal.

Miss, this time I am apprenticed to the right person! !

Inside the cabin.

"Your disciple Huang Qian has completed the first five transformations of the Divine Phoenix's Thousand Transformations. She has condensed five Divine Phoenix cores in her body and received a thousand times the core energy in return!"

The large amount of returned energy that burst out of his body directly caused Zhang Yun's entire body to expand.


The constant surge of energy made Zhang Yun feel as if a certain bottleneck in his body had been loosened.

His face condensed slightly.

He quickly said: "Qian'er, my teacher will send you to a place where the flow of time is a hundred times faster than the outside world to practice!"

"Time flows a hundred times slower?"

Huang Qian was surprised when she heard this, but nodded hurriedly.

She was filled with excitement and gratitude at this moment.

If she was still hesitant before, now she was sure that this technique was tailor-made for her by her master.

The most important thing is to cultivate to the point of being able to change and undergo the Divine Phoenix Nirvana, which will free her from the curse...

She finally saw hope of lifting the curse!

I couldn't be more excited.

Looking at Zhang Yun, if there were no differences between men and women, she would really want to step forward and kiss her new master a few times.

"You have been recognized by your apprentice Huang Qian!"

Zhang Yun received the message, but couldn't think much about it at the moment.

"Xiu Lao, come in too!"

He immediately shouted outside and took Huang Qian and Xiu Lao directly into the Time Flow Palace.

Only then was the suppression released.

The majestic return energy surged out of his body.

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