Stop it, it's impossible to stop it!

In the secret territory of Thousand Cave, Xu Ming looked at the next cave in the distance that had locked its position, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Ho ho ho! !

Ouch! !

Chirp! !

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of beasts echoed everywhere, and tens of thousands of ferocious beasts responded in unison.

The cat-eared woman behind Xu Ming, as well as the young monks on the backs of the ferocious beasts next to them, all shuddered.

He looked at Xu Ming, who was standing on the back of the White Tiger King in front, with awe in his eyes.


Tens of thousands of ferocious beasts!

They didn't know how the other party managed to make such a huge group of ferocious beasts surrender.

If this trend continues, it is estimated that all the ferocious beasts in the Thousand Cave Secret Territory will have to be captured by the opponent!

The group arrived at the entrance of a cave.

Xu Ming looked at a snake girl sitting next to him on the back of a ferocious python with a human body and a snake tail and asked: "Sha Rou, how many ferocious beasts are there in this cave?"

After being sensed by the snake girl named Sha Rou, she respectfully replied: "Return to the master, there are 703 ferocious beasts inside, including a ferocious beast king!"

Xu Ming nodded.

Looking at the back of another unicorn beast next to him, the two young men looked 90% similar, with a pair of white wings on their backs: "Yu Wen, Yu Wu, Lingling, Sha Rou, you guys follow I go into the cave, the others stay outside!"

"Yes, Master!"

Several people present responded in unison.

Xu Ming smiled.

The people in front of him, like the cat-eared woman Mao Lingling, were the other participants in the cave he conquered while he was raiding the cave.

He carefully selected it.

The snake girl Sharou comes from the Snake Fairy Cave and has the blood of the Snake Fairy. This snake fairy is a ferocious beast that has become an immortal.

This also gives Sha Rou, who has his bloodline, the ability to sense ferocious beasts. It can help him find the ferocious beasts accurately, making it easier for him to conquer the ferocious beasts in various caves.

Yu Wen and Yu Wu, the two participants in Yuxian Cave House, are twin brothers. The two have great fighting power, and when they cooperate with each other, they can produce a strength that is far greater than one plus one.

In particular, these two people are also good at space methods and can take him through space.

It would be of great help to him in his next plan to escape from the Death Immortal Servant.

After subduing this huge group of ferocious beasts, he just wanted to kill them directly after leaving the Thousand Cave Secret Realm!

"Master, Lingling will help you rub your shoulders!"

The cat Lingling beside her spoke.


Xu Ming glanced at her and nodded.

Mao Lingling smiled and immediately reached out to rub his shoulders.

Ever since Sharou, Yuwen, Yuwu and others joined, she felt a sense of crisis.

After all, Xu Ming kept her because of her broad knowledge and her knowledge of many rare and rare objects. Sharou and the others are no less inferior to her in this aspect.

In other aspects, she has no advantages.

She doesn't want to be abandoned, and the only thing she can do now is to be a well-behaved little maid.

In the huge square.

‘Congratulations to the participants of the Death Immortal Cave Mansion, you successfully eliminated 16 participants and opened the 197th Cave Mansion Immortal Fate, currently ranked first! ’

Seeing the message popping up on the 100-meter model of thousands of cave dwellings, many people on the stone seats fell into silence at this moment.

How long has this been?

Another Cave Immortal Fate was taken away by this Dead Immortal Cave Mansion?

The most important thing is that the more than ten red dots displayed in the cave model just disappeared collectively after just one encounter.

What are the strengths of the participants in this Death Immortal Cave Mansion?

As participants selected from each cave, they are all the best elites under the age of fifty.

For someone of the same age, being crushed by a participant from the Death Immortal Cave Palace like this?

They couldn't believe it.

A pair of eyes looked at the Death Immortal Servant with doubts in their eyes.

Don't talk about them, even the Death Immortal Servant is full of confusion at the moment.

In his impression, apart from his excellent Golden Dragon bloodline, this Golden Dragon boy should be in the middle of the pack among the many participants in terms of strength.

Now I am entering a cave and crushing the participants in the cave...

Is this really the Golden Dragon boy Xu Ming he sent in?

Could it be that he encountered some old monster and was kidnapped?

The immortal servant of Death was filled with doubts.

"This can't go on like this!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with long dark red hair suddenly said: "The original intention of the Thousand Cave Conference is to give the young generations of the major caves opportunities to grow, not to kill them!"

"Yes, if this continues, all the young seedlings in each cave will be wiped out!"

"I suggest ending this Thousand Caves Conference early!"

Many people around him agreed.

The Death Immortal Servant frowned slightly when he heard this.

With Xu Ming's current strength, it was only a matter of time before he could seize all the opportunities in the cave. Ending it early is equivalent to directly depriving Xu Ming of most of his opportunities.

But after pondering for a while, he still didn't make a sound.

The current situation was enough in his eyes.

There is no need to continue to develop and make their Death Immortal Cave Mansion a public enemy.

In addition, he was also a little curious as to what secrets this golden dragon boy had hidden in him, so that he could behave like this.

"Two hundred caves..."

The middle-aged man with long dark red hair said: "If the participants of this Death Immortal Cave Palace get the chance to build two hundred caves, we will end this Thousand Cave Conference ahead of schedule!"


"I think it's okay!"

"That's it!"

The people on the stone seats around nodded.

The middle-aged man with long dark red hair looked at the Death Immortal servant with a smile: "What do you think of the Death Immortal envoy?"

The eyes of the people on the surrounding stone seats all looked at the Death Immortal Servant.

The oppression brought by these sights meant that the Death Immortal Servant saw it in his eyes, but he didn't care. He just said lightly: "I can agree, but there is one condition!"

The middle-aged man with long dark red hair raised his eyebrows: "Please speak, messenger of the Death Immortal!"

"three times!"

The Death Immortal Servant raised three fingers and said calmly: "Give me the Death Immortal Cave Mansion three opportunities to enter the Immortal Fate Cave for free!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the square frowned.

The middle-aged man with long dark red hair said in a deep voice: "Messenger of the Death Immortal, this condition is too much!"

"Then the Thousand Caves Conference will continue!"

The Death Immortal Servant said calmly: "The rules of the Thousand Cave Conference stipulate that to end the Thousand Cave Conference early requires the unanimous consent of the caves where the top ten participants are located. If I don't agree, the conference cannot end early!"

Hearing this, everyone present's expressions darkened.

The Immortal Cave is an extremely valuable asset to every galaxy, because it is equivalent to an opportunity to become an immortal.

In their Qianyun Galaxy, the Immortal Cave is jointly controlled by their Qianxian Cave.

Every time you open the Xianyuan Cave, you need to spend a lot of money. Even if their thousands of caves were divided equally, it would still be a big sum.

Three times of Xianyuan Cave requires huge resources.

The most important thing is to provide it to the Death Immortal Cave Mansion for free, and they are a little unwilling to do so.

But looking at the red dots on the model of the Thousand Cave Secret Realm, the participants of the Death Immortal Cave Palace who were still heading towards other caves, they looked ugly.

Putting aside the life and death of the younger generations in their respective caves, what really makes them unacceptable is that all the opportunities in the Thousand Cave Secret Realm have been taken away.

The Thousand Cave Secret Realm is very strange, and the opportunities for the existence of the caves inside will be refreshed over time.

Every time an opportunity is taken away, this time will increase.

If all the opportunities of Thousand Cave Mansion are taken away, then this time will be extended indefinitely!

This means that the time for the next Thousand Caves Conference will also be extended indefinitely.

As the most important resource for cultivating the younger generation, this is unacceptable to them.


After a while, under the eyes of everyone in the field, the middle-aged man with long dark red hair said: "Twice in the Immortal Fate Cave at most!"


The Death Immortal Servant smiled and nodded.

Entering the Immortal Cave for free was an unexpected gain for him. Three times was just a deliberate exaggeration on his part. If he could get it once, he would accept it. Two times was considered a bloody gain!

"In this case, the Thousand Cave Conference will end immediately!"

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