I saw a beam of light full of vitality suddenly shot out from a transparent flying fish next to me.

The dead fairy servant felt a great threat from it and hurriedly dodged.

Hiss hiss hiss!!

However, after dodging the beam, a snake sound suddenly came to his ears.

I saw countless green and vibrant beast snakes shot out from the transparent flying fish next to me.

"Not good!"

The dead fairy servant's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly burst out his death energy to rush out.

But when his death energy touched these little snakes, it was directly wiped out by the vitality of these beast snakes.

The overwhelming beast snakes came towards him.


The dead fairy servant panicked and shouted: "Golden Dragon boy, stop it! ah ah ah--!!"

Before he finished speaking, these countless little snakes had wrapped him up.

There was no need to bite, just the vitality of these little snakes made the whole body of the dead fairy servant smoke directly as if it was burning.

Death energy can erode vitality, and when vitality is strong enough, it can also purify death energy.

For the Death Immortal Servant, these fierce beasts and snakes full of vitality energy are his nemesis!

Xu Ming exhaled lightly when he saw this.

He hid under this transparent flying fish, not only to hide himself, but also to hide the group of small fierce beasts called vitality green snakes that he subdued in the Thousand Cave Secret Realm.

In terms of strength, he believed that he was not in the same league as the Death Immortal Servant.

Therefore, he prepared this move early to deal with the Death Immortal Servant.


Seeing the Death Immortal Servant being swallowed by countless vitality green snakes, the death energy on his body dissipated like burning, and the second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion on the side was stunned.

A dignified half-immortal was actually tricked by a kid in the Refining Void Stage like this?

But what surprised him the most.

Or why did Xu Ming deal with the Death Immortal Servant when he was obviously from the Death Immortal Cave Mansion?

"Yu... Yu Second Cave Master, help... help me take him down..."

Before he could think about it, he saw the dead fairy servant who was swallowed by the green snake of vitality but had not been purified for a while roared: "I will give you the Immortal Fate Cave once!!"

Hearing this, the second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion looked serious, "Really?"

The dead fairy servant roared: "I... I swear!!"

The second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion did not hesitate, and his consciousness immediately locked on Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's expression changed, and he took Mao Lingling, Sha Rou, Yu Wen and Yu Wu on the ferocious beast White Tiger King that had already rushed to the side, and rushed out of the square quickly.

At the same time, a group of ferocious beasts flew over.

The second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion hummed, a pair of white wings flapped, and countless white feathers wrapped in space energy floated up.

With a wave of his hand.

Swish, swish, swish! !

It was like a rain of arrows, directly shooting down the many ferocious beasts that pounced on them.

The second master of Yuxian Cave Mansion locked his eyes on the White Tiger King in the distance, and his body drew an arc in the air like a white lightning, chasing straight up.

"Come down to me!"

The distance was instantly shortened, and the second master of Yuxian Cave Mansion raised his hand and a large hand of space energy grabbed Xu Ming through the air.

Seeing this, Xu Ming did not panic, and raised his hand to sacrifice a shield that had been prepared long ago.


Blocked this large hand of space energy.

"Sacred weapon?"

Feeling the instrument rhyme emanating from the shield, the second master of Yuxian Cave Mansion raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Give it to you!"

Xu Ming suddenly raised his hand and pushed.

The shield was directly pushed up, and the instrument rhyme energy on it expanded violently, driving a wave of twisted waves in the surrounding void.


The second master of Yuxian Cave Mansion changed his expression, and hurriedly raised his hand to lift a large amount of space energy to wrap the shield.

Boom--! !

Almost at the moment when his space energy wrapped around the shield, the entire shield suddenly turned into amazing energy and exploded.

At the moment when it was about to explode on the spot, the second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion waved his hand vigorously and forcibly sent it out of the spot.

Outside the square——


A dazzling light exploded.


The second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion trembled, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Looking forward, Xu Ming and others had taken this opportunity to support the White Tiger King and quickly opened up a distance.

"Little bastard!!"

The second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion had a gloomy face.

He didn't expect Xu Ming to be so decisive and directly exploded a precious holy weapon on the spot.

But this also made him react.

Xu Ming has obtained nearly two hundred cave opportunities in the Thousand Caves Secret Realm. At this moment, he is a treasure pot!

Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help but heat up, and he chased forward at full speed.

At the same time, the middle-aged man with dark red long hair and other strong men from various caves in the square were also alarmed by the explosion of the holy weapon.

They also reacted when they found Xu Ming, who was fleeing on the ferocious beast White Tiger King.

How could they have the mind to deal with the ferocious beast for a while?

They all burst out to repel the ferocious beasts that entangled them, and chased after Xu Ming.

Under normal circumstances, as members of the Thousand Immortal Cave, they would not be able to rob each other.

But now that the kid from the Dead Immortal Cave Mansion came out and controlled the ferocious beasts to attack everyone, the meaning was different.

They took action at this moment, which was legitimate defense.

As for getting some treasures in the process, it was a legitimate profit from defense, not robbing colleagues!

"This idiot!!"

The Dead Immortal Servant, who was eroded by countless small snakes of vitality and barely supported, looked at this scene and was so angry that he wanted to kill people.

He knew that Xu Ming would resist sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

The most important thing is that this little bastard deliberately plotted against him.

This was good, he couldn't protect him, and Xu Ming's opportunity to enter the Thousand Cave Conference would most likely be taken away.

All his efforts were in vain!

Can't this idiot just go with him?

The Death Immortal Servant became more and more angry as he thought about it, but at this moment he was unable to take action and could only watch helplessly as the powerful men from all the caves chased Xu Ming.

On the back of the White Tiger King.

"Master, the situation is not good!"

Mao Lingling's cheeks turned pale as she looked at the powerful men from the caves who were chasing after her.

Xu Ming also felt a little heavy.

He had expected this to happen.

But he had no choice.

After all, these ferocious beasts cannot be brought out secretly. If he wants to use the help of these ferocious beasts, he can only give it a try!

hold head high--! !

After gritting his teeth, a golden dragon shadow appeared on Xu Ming's body, and he opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar that resounded throughout the square.

Ho ho ho—! !

Ouch! Ouch! !

唳唳唳——! !

Many ferocious beasts in the square roared in response. They all fell into a state of rage and rushed towards the strong men in each cave.

Roar--! !

The White Tiger King under Xu Ming also let out a tiger roar, his whole body glowed with a blood-red color and entered a violent state, and his speed of rushing outward suddenly increased.

But he couldn't get very far.

call out!

A dark red beam filled with the aura of destruction shot through the air.


The body of the White Tiger King was penetrated on the spot, and the body that rushed forward staggered.

Xu Ming and others were immediately thrown out.

After falling heavily to the ground, Xu Ming felt as if his whole body was falling apart, but he still gritted his teeth and got up.

But before he could move, he was faced with a terrifying pressure.

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