Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 8 of The Wind and Cloud of Spiritual Immortals How come he has reached the peak of the found

The ninth peak, inside the cave.

"Is there such a big movement?"

Zhang Yun was also startled by the roar of the dragon that resounded everywhere.

Looking at Xu Ming again, he was surrounded by rich golden light at this moment, and there seemed to be a looming golden dragon on his body, exuding a heart-stopping pressure.

However, this coercion soon gradually disappeared, and at the same time, the golden light on Xu Ming's body began to gradually dim.

Zhang Yun was startled.

‘The spiritual energy of the surrounding world cannot be continuously supplied, so spiritual stones are provided for absorption’

A message from the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye popped up in front of his eyes.

Without hesitation, he immediately took out a dozen spiritual stones from the storage ring.

As soon as these more than ten spiritual stones came close to Xu Ming, they were immediately wrapped in the golden light on his body. In just an instant, more than a dozen spiritual stones were absorbed.

The dim golden light on Xu Ming's body stopped slightly, but only for less than two seconds, and then dimmed again.

"Isn't it enough?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and took out dozens of spiritual stones again.

However, as soon as these dozens of spiritual stones were handed out, they were swallowed up by the golden light around Xu Ming's body with another 'swipe'.

But this still failed to stop the golden light from stabilizing for a few seconds before it began to dim again.

‘Please continue to provide spiritual stones’

"So good at sucking?"

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

He continued to take out spiritual stones, and this time he took out five hundred spiritual stones.

He still didn't believe that Xu Ming could finish the Qi refining period in one go.

This time, I wasn't really sucked in by the golden light, but I just wasn't sucked in for a moment.

Two times, three times...

One hundred yuan per mouthful, and after the fifth flash of golden light, five hundred spiritual stones were gone!

Zhang Yun was dumbfounded.

Is this a stone-sucking monster?

Five hundred spiritual stones, even for a Golden Core Stage cultivator, would take a long time to absorb.

‘Please continue to provide spiritual stones’

Seeing the information popping up in front of him, Zhang Yun resisted the urge to strangle his first disciple to death, gritted his teeth and took out another two thousand spiritual stones.

He didn't believe it, Xu Ming could finish it quickly!

This time, it was not completely absorbed quickly. After absorbing about 1,400 spirit stones, the golden light around Xu Ming stopped absorbing. The light also faded and bloomed again.

hold head high!

Just hearing a dragon roar sounded in the cave, the looming golden dragon shadow on Xu Ming suddenly solidified, turning into a roaring golden dragon and blending into Xu Ming's body.

The aura on Xu Ming's body suddenly began to rise.

The second level of the Qi refining stage... The third level of the Qi refining stage... The fourth level of the Qi refining stage...

In just a few blinks, he has jumped to the fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage.


When he arrived here, Xu Ming suddenly opened his mouth and let out a loud shout.


It was as if a bottleneck had been broken through, and Xu Ming's aura surged again.

The sixth level of Qi refining stage, the seventh level of Qi refining stage...

While Zhang Yun was dumbfounded, Xu Ming's aura actually rushed all the way to the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

In just such a blink of an eye, from the first level of the Qi Refining Stage to the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage?

Zhang Yun opened his mouth in astonishment.

Is this breakthrough speed a rocket? Can it still be upgraded like this?

But combined with the spiritual stones that Xu Ming just absorbed, it seems that it is not that difficult to understand.

‘Your disciple Xu Ming’s cultivation level has been upgraded from the first level of the Qi Refining Stage to the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and you will receive a hundredfold return on your cultivation level! ’

Zhang Yun was thinking when a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The next second, I felt a surge of majestic energy surge through my body.


He didn't have time to think too much, so he quickly sat down cross-legged and started refining the technique.


The fourth level of the foundation building period...the fifth level of the foundation building period...the sixth level of the foundation building period...

The peak of the foundation building period!

Zhang Yun's breath increased steadily, and he stopped only when he felt that the power in his body reached a limit.


Feeling the surge of aura and power in his body, Zhang Yun was stunned.

what's going on?

How did he reach the peak of the foundation building stage?


Also looking confused was Xu Ming, who had opened his eyes at this moment.

He had just opened his eyes and was delighted with his crazy breakthrough. At the same time, he was also looking forward to Zhang Yun's expression of surprise and admiration.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was Zhang Yun sitting cross-legged on the ground, his breath rising like a rocket.

In an instant, he soared from the third level of the foundation building stage to the peak of the foundation building stage!

What happened?

Isn't he making a breakthrough? Why did the master also break through? And it seems to be even more exaggerated than him!

"Ahem, don't take it too seriously. This is just a technique I practiced for my master to restore my realm!"

Zhang Yun also reacted at this time, coughing lightly and making up a reason.

"Kung Fu? Did you restore your realm?"

Xu Ming was stunned when he heard this.

What do you mean? Could it be that his master's regression in cultivation was entirely intentional due to his own cultivation?

Can you recover immediately if you say you can recover?

Thinking of this, Xu Ming's eyes couldn't help but change when he looked at Zhang Yun.


His master is definitely an expert!

With such ability, it is estimated that even those Nascent Soul Stage masters may not be able to do it.

For a time, Zhang Yun's height in Xu Ming's heart had risen to the same level as the master of Lingxian Sect.

Zhang Yun didn't know what Xu Ming was thinking, so he changed the subject and asked, "Disciple, how do you feel?"

When Xu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but smile: "Master, your Nine Transformations of the Golden Dragon are so powerful. I just practiced the content of the first transformation, and I felt like the blood in my body was boiling. After that, my level couldn't stop rising. The fifth-level bottleneck in the Qi refining stage that I had before my spiritual roots were taken away has been broken through!"

Zhang Yun smiled faintly: "You have accumulated a lot of experience. The seizure of your spiritual roots will gradually reduce your cultivation level, but the energy generated in this process is actually accumulated in your body. In conjunction with your current cultivation, it explodes out in one fell swoop!"

"Consolidate your current state and strive to break through to the peak of Qi refining stage as soon as possible!"

"Disciple understands!"

Xu Ming nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Disciple, please resign!"

Watching Xu Ming leave the cave, Zhang Yun immediately couldn't wait to check himself.

"Here I go, are you really at the peak of the foundation building stage?"

Feeling the surge of spiritual energy in his body, Zhang Yun took in a breath of cold air.

This immortal master's return of the body is so awesome!

At this rate, returning to the golden elixir stage is not just around the corner!

"My current strength seems to have reached the golden elixir stage, right?"

Zhang Yun waved his fist tentatively and raised his eyebrows as he looked at the cyclone rising in the void.

After transforming the Immortal Master before, when his body was still at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he felt that his strength could reach the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Now that his realm has reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he only feels that his current strength is no weaker than what he remembered when his predecessor was in the Golden Core Stage.

"Is it the bonus of the immortal master returning his body?"

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

A special physique like this often enhances strength to varying degrees.


After letting out a breath, Zhang Yun showed a smile, "It feels so good to have power!"

As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the storage ring on his finger. Looking at the missing piece of spiritual stone inside, he felt a slight pain in his body.

The improvement has been improved, but it is consumed too quickly!

Xu Ming's previous wave of absorption directly consumed nearly one-fifth of the 10,000 spirit stones he had won from Meng Zhong.

If the absorption speed is the same in the future, this little spiritual stone may not last long!

"Looks like I have to go and add more to the sect leader!"

Zhang Yun touched his chin and looked in the direction of the sect's main peak.

Inside the Sect Master Peak.

A certain sect leader felt an inexplicable chill down his back.

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