Looking down at Xu Ming, who was covered in blood and dying, being carried like a chicken by a middle-aged man with long dark red hair.

Zhang Yun's body was trembling, an unknown fire rose in his heart, and his eyes were so cold that it seemed to freeze the world around him.

Something called murderous intent has spread.

"No matter who you are waiting for, leave now, otherwise..."

The somewhat embarrassed Qianxianren in the big pit below had climbed up at this moment, bursting out with the aura of the second level of the Immortal Realm, shouting fiercely and about to fly into the air.

Peng——! !

But before he could fly, a burst of golden fairy energy that cracked the void swept down from the air. Before he could even react, Qian Xianren's entire head and fairy soul exploded on the spot.

The body that had just risen turned into a headless corpse and fell back to the ground.


It wasn't until the sound of the headless immortal corpse falling to the ground was heard that the middle-aged man with long dark red hair and others woke up from a dream.

Looking at the headless immortal corpse on the ground, they couldn't help but wipe their eyes.

After confirming that the scene in front of him was true, all the faces were filled with fear.


An immortal fell like this? ?

"What did you do?"

Zhang Yun's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

The dark red-haired middle-aged man in the field was suddenly excited. He felt a chill from head to toe. Feeling Zhang Yun's gaze staring at him, he turned pale and said quickly: "I...I am the Hongxian Cave Mansion..."


Before he finished speaking, his entire head and soul were blasted through by a burst of golden supreme immortal energy.


The strong smell of blood made the two cave masters and others in Yuxian Cave nearby tremble and look at Zhang Yun in the sky with fear on their faces.

Who is this person?

Have their Qianxian Cave ever offended such a terrifying enemy?

Why did you kill the Qianxian and Redxian messengers as soon as they met?

Before they could think about it, they saw Zhang Yun swooping over to the body of a middle-aged man with dark red hair and taking the unconscious Xu Ming from his hands.

Looking at his action of picking up Xu Ming, I thought of how Xu Ming seemed to have called out his master just before he fell into coma...

Could this terrifying immortal be Xu Ming's master?

That’s not right!

Isn't the latter from the Death Immortal Cave Mansion?

They were puzzled.

Zhang Yun ignored them and felt heartbroken when he saw the wounds in his arms, which were covered in wounds of all sizes, and the dying Xu Ming with a feather stuck straight into his spine on his back.

Quickly mobilize the holy elixir energy to treat him.


At this time, there was a sound of running away from the front.

Upon seeing this, the second cave master of Yuxian Cave realized that something was wrong. At this moment, he flapped his wings frantically, turned around and ran away.

Zhang Yun raised his eyes and swept away coldly.

His body shook, and the majestic immortal power suddenly swept across the world.

The second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion didn't even have time to react and staggered down from the air.

It felt like dozens of mountains were pressing on my back, and it was difficult to get up from the ground for a while.

Zhang Yun raised his hand and directly grabbed the second cave master of Yuxian Cave from a distance. He looked at the white feathers on Xu Ming's back and asked coldly: "What did you do?"

The second cave master of Yuxian Cave Mansion was trembling all over, and his lips were trembling with fear: "I...I..."


Zhang Yun directly slapped the opponent's head and exploded it on the spot.


But when his head exploded, the white wings on his body suddenly glowed, turning into thousands of white feathers and shooting out in all directions.

Zhang Yun waved his hand, and the majestic wizard power formed a wave, blocking all the feathers.

Waves of golden supreme immortal energy then surged out and directly wrapped around these feathers.

In one of the feathers, the remnant souls of the two cave masters of Yuxian Cave emerged, begging loudly for mercy: "Spare my life! Immortal, please forgive me——!!"

With a burst of shrill screams, the remaining soul was eroded away.

Seeing this scene, the strong men from all the caves all trembled in fear as they lay prone under the pressure.

The Zhang Yun in front of them was not on the same level as them at all!


At this time, a sound of breaking wind suddenly came from the entrance of the square not far away.

Buzz! !

On Zhang Yun's body, a section of white bones rippled violently.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

At the entrance of the square, the Death Immortal Servant, who was slightly sluggish with death energy, flew out.

"Damn Golden Dragon Boy!!"

He looked gloomy.

Although Xu Ming was not a threat to his life, it still cost him a lot.

The most important thing is Xu Ming...


Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a scene in front of him and his expression was startled.


Why are all the strong men from the caves under the spaceship lying down at this moment?


Suddenly noticing Zhang Yun holding Xu Ming, the Death Immortal Servant's pupils suddenly dilated, filled with shock: "You...why are you here?"

He was still very impressed by Zhang Yun, Xu Ming's master.

But the other party should be in the lower realm of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy. Right now...

And the white bones...

Noticing the white bones on Zhang Yun's body, the Death Immortal Servant suddenly reacted.

He had felt like he was being followed by something before, and it turned out to be this.

But how could his bones appear in Zhang Yun's hands?

My mind is filled with questions.

But at this moment, the oncoming pressure made his mind freeze, and his whole body felt like an ice cellar.

"you you……"

Looking at the source of this pressure, Zhang Yun, who was looking at him with indifferent eyes, the Death Immortal Servant was so shocked that his bones stood up all over his body.

Having once set foot in the fairyland, he was all too familiar with this kind of coercion.


This is the pressure of an immortal! !

Zhang Yun in front of me...

Immortal? ?


He couldn't believe it.

How could it be possible for a boy who was in the lower realm of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy last time and who had not even reached the Mahayana stage yet...


Before he could think about it anymore, the terrifying pressure of millions of mountains stacked together directly pulled him back to reality at this moment.

Before he could even react, the entire body of the Death Immortal Servant was forced into the ground by the pressure, causing the entire ground to shatter and even the huge square next to it to be shaken.

Zhang Yun stood up with Xu Ming in his arms, looking at the dead immortal servant underground with cold eyes.

"Kakkaka" a crisp sound of bone cracking sounded, and countless bones in the body of the dead immortal servant who was pressed into the ground were all cracked at this moment.

"Stop! Stop ahhhhh-!!"

The terrifying pressure that cracked the bones frightened the Death Immortal Servant, and he couldn't help roaring loudly.

But no one paid any attention to him.

Soon the bones of the Death Immortal Servant were completely crushed to pieces, leaving only the remnant soul of the dead floating in the air.

He wanted to escape, but Zhang Yun had already stepped forward, raised his hand and grabbed it, wrapping it with immortal power and restraining it.

He still had some questions to ask the Death Immortal Servant.

Seeing the dead immortal servant being captured instantly, the strong men in each cave turned pale.

Although he didn't know who Zhang Yun was, he smashed the body of the Death Immortal servant into pieces as soon as they met, making it clear that he had a lot of grudges with the Death Immortal Cave Mansion.

Entering here now...

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly glanced towards them.

They all trembled and lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look at him.

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