"The voice of law! This is the voice of law that only appears when powerful monks create advanced skills!!"

"Oh my God! Recording jade slip! This is the jade slip used by ancient strong men to record advanced skills!!"

"The ultimate treasure! The ultimate treasure!!"

The entire Nanbao Street suddenly exploded.

The entry-level technique is at least the spiritual level. This kind of technique can be used as a sect-suppressing technique in any sect in Nanyun Prefecture, and it is of great value. The record jade slip in front of me is only used by ancient monks, which means that the entry-level skills recorded in it are most likely ancient monks' skills.

In terms of value, this is at least several times higher than ordinary spiritual level skills.

One is rarity. Second, and most importantly, this kind of ancient monks' exercises are often different from today's monks' exercises, and many of them have been lost nowadays.

It goes without saying how valuable this is!

For this kind of ancient monk technique, Nan Zangbao Pavilion has been openly seeking to purchase it. As long as you are at the entry level, you need to start acquiring at least 100,000 spiritual stones!

One hundred thousand spirit stones!

Everyone goes crazy thinking about it.

Zhang Yun looked a little surprised.

Although I guessed that it might be a jade slip recording high-level skills, I really didn't expect that the sound of the method would be emitted directly like this.

Looking at the many sights of green light around him, Zhang Yun quickly took the jade slip from the hands of the young female monk.

This can make the sound of magic. The value of the skills in this jade slip is not much different from the Nascent Soul Stage Spirit Beast Crystal Core on his body!

It wasn't until the jade slip was wrapped in Zhang Yun's palm that everyone present calmed down a little.

But looking at Zhang Yun, everyone was extremely envious.

What kind of luck is this?

Two pebbles, first cut out a Nascent Soul stage dragon tooth, and now more exaggeratedly, a jade slip recording the sound of Dharma was directly cut out.

Many monks who have been hanging around Nanbao Street all year round are confused.

When will the Pebbles in the Taobao competition be able to produce such good things?

In their impression, more than 90% of the pebbles Nanhai Sect brought out in the competition were waste stones, and nothing good had ever been produced in previous competitions. The Blood Spirit Crystal that appeared earlier is already one of the best items ever produced in the Taobao Competition.

Dragon teeth, jade slips recording the advanced skills of ancient monks...

This is incredible!

On the back of the big white-haired eagle in mid-air, the fifth elder of Nanhai Sect was completely confused at this moment.

What the hell?

A jade slip that records the advanced skills of ancient monks?

Can such a thing be produced from the batch of waste rocks prepared for this competition? ?

He couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it at the same time!

After all, this thing originally belonged to their Nanhai Sect. Now that it was cut out and taken away by the elder of the Lingxian Sect, it was equivalent to a direct loss of more than 100,000 spiritual stones!

Looking at Zhang Yun below, the fifth elder of Nanhai Sect's eyes were focused.

has a problem!

There is definitely something wrong with this elder of Lingxian Sect! !

Many people in the field had similar thoughts.

Picking out a good item from a pile of rubble can be said to be good luck. Both items are good items, and picking out such a treasure...

There is definitely a problem!

Among them was a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe, staring at Zhang Yun thoughtfully at the moment.

At a stall earlier, he saw Zhang Yun dig out a piece of water jade soaked in the essence and blood of the Nascent Soul stage spirit beast from a pebble that looked like waste stone. In his opinion, the value of that piece of essence and blood jade could exceed at least 50,000 spirit stones, so he specifically wanted to buy it at that time, but Zhang Yun refused.

Now I see the other party firing dragon teeth and recording jade slips one after another...

He's sure!

The man in front of me has a way of telling which pebbles have treasures!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man in Hua Pao breathed a little faster and stared at Zhang Yun as if he were looking at a peerless treasure.

The two sect elders present looked at Zhang Yun, feeling a little confused at the moment.

What's going on with this guy?

To say that it is simply good luck, it is not so good!

Could this guy really know how to identify treasures?

The faces of the elders of Nanshan Sect were ugly.

Before the exchange meeting between the two sects began, Zhang Yun was specifically mentioned in their Nanshan sect meeting. At that time, in their eyes, Zhang Yun was a weird waste whose cultivation had declined. It is the best tool they can use to trample the Lingxian Sect.

As a result, he was severely beaten by the other party at the two exchange meetings.

The ability to kill the Golden Core Stage Spirit Brown Bear King, as well as the tragic death of their fifth elder, sixth elder, and seventh elder, all left a deep impression on them.

Now this guy can actually identify treasures?

This is not a weird piece of trash, it's just a perverted monster!

The reaction of everyone in Lingxian Sect was not that big, but at this moment, everyone looked at Zhang Yun as if they were looking at a new world. They had never noticed in the past that this ninth elder was so versatile!

In terms of the biggest reaction, of course it is Mengzhong at this moment.

Looking at Zhang Yun, Meng Zhong was so jealous that his back molars almost broke.

Especially when he saw that he and his disciples had cut all ten pebbles into pieces and only got ten fragments...


He's really going crazy!


Why can Zhang Yun, a bastard, have such good luck, but everything goes wrong for him? ?

Ever since he entered the sect many years ago, he was clearly supposed to be the number one genius of his generation, but he was pushed down everywhere because of Zhang Yun. It took him two years to master the sect's advanced combat skills, but it only took Zhang Yun one and a half years; it took him a month to accept the task assigned by the sect to hunt down a first-level blue and red tiger in the foundation building stage. However, it only took Zhang Yun half a month to return to the sect early to collect the reward...

Each one of them made him hate and envy him.

In order to trample Zhang Yun under his feet, he even agreed to become that adult's dog.

After finally waiting until Zhang Yun's golden elixir shattered and his cultivation level fell, he could trample the opponent under his feet, but he hadn't even stepped on it yet.

Zhang Yun counterattacked!

The apprenticeship ceremony slapped him in the face, the exchange meeting between the two sects broke out, the disciples competed in the top ten, and then there was a shocking movement to re-condensate the golden elixir...

He really didn't understand why Zhang Yun could come back even though he was already dead.


You will definitely die! !

Thinking that the adult would take action soon, Meng Zhong stared at Zhang Yun and gritted his teeth.

At this moment, he didn't want to see Zhang Yun any more for the whole day!

No accidents occurred.

As soon as the record jade slip came out, the first place winner in this Taobao competition was already determined.

"Congratulations to this fellow Taoist from the Lingxian Sect for successfully winning the first place in this competition. This is a bonus!"

The fifth elder of Nanhai Sect came to Zhang Yun and handed over a storage ring with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Yun took it with a smile.

Seeing his smile, the fifth elder of the Nanhai Sect felt his heart bleed.

Over 100,000 spirit stone treasures, plus this 10,000 spirit stone bonus...

Although the Nanhai Sect made the overall profit in this competition, he felt a little unhappy.

Because the treasure the other party cut out should also belong to their Nanhai Sect!

In the field.

Seeing Zhang Yun accepting the bonus, the great elder of Lingxian Sect and others were filled with envy.

Think of them, ten pebbles per person are all fragments after being cut open. Over and over again, each person in this wave gave Nanhai Sect nearly 20,000 spiritual stones, which was nearly ten years of their salary!

Now they finally understood the previous instructions from the leader of the Lingxian Sect.


This Nanhai Sect is a shameless sect! !

"Ninth Elder Lingxian, our Great Elder wants to meet you. I wonder if you are free now?"

Zhang Yun was about to leave after receiving the award when a message from the fifth elder of the Nanhai Sect suddenly reached his ears.

Glancing at the other person's scarred face full of smiles, when the Nanhai Sect elder saw him, he could figure out what was going on without having to guess.

"Sorry, I'm busy right now and can't keep up with the appointment!"

After speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for the other party to respond.

The smile on the face of the fifth elder of Nanhai Sect suddenly froze, and he looked at Zhang Yun's back with eyes full of disbelief.

How dare this guy refuse?

His expression suddenly darkened.

Facing an invitation from their Nanhai Sect, it was the first time that such a thing happened in their territory!

"very good!"

Looking at Zhang Yun's retreating back, a cold look appeared on his face.

Zhang Yun doesn't care what the other party thinks.

Facing a shameless sect like Nanhai Sect, there is no need to give face!

The most important thing is that he has a backer!

Knowing the strength of the leader of the Lingxian Sect, he was not afraid of Nanhai Sect Zhang Yun at all. He can't beat him, and the sect master is behind him!

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem like a bad thing if the sect leader is stronger!

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, Zhang Yun was about to go back to his residence.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

Suddenly a voice came from my ears.

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