During the seven days in the palace, less than a quarter of an hour passed outside the palace.

Apart from training, the benefit of Time Speed ​​Palace is 'rest'. In it, there’s no need to worry about overdoing it with ‘rest’.

After relaxing, Zhang Yun returned to the first island of Immortal Dao with great energy.

"I've seen the Lord!"

As soon as he walked out of the Sect Master's Hall, more than a dozen Immortal Lords, including Red Immortal Lord and Xingyuan Immortal Lord, came to greet him.

Obviously already waiting outside.


Zhang Yun nodded and asked.

Red Immortal Lord, Xingyuan Immortal Lord and others nodded.

"Then let's go!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand.

Hong Xianjun and others immediately took out an array disk, and with a burst of light, a teleportation array pattern emerged from it.

Zhang Yun took the lead and stepped into it.

After the light flowed in front of his eyes, the whole person was already in a teleportation channel.

Behind them, Red Immortal Lord, Xingyuan Immortal Lord and others also followed in, and they immediately used their immortal power to activate the teleportation formation pattern.

"Come here!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand to stop them.

He had just broken through to the second level of the fairyland. Although he had a fierce battle with Su Die, the full fairy power in his body had not been consumed much.

Right now, it's time to test the strength of his immortal power.


As a large amount of Supreme Immortal Qi gushes out, the teleportation array pattern under his body suddenly shines brightly, forming a golden halo of light that surrounds him, Red Immortal Lord, Xingyuan Immortal Lord and others.

With a 'swish', it was like lightning shooting out, quickly galloping forward to the other side of the passage.

In less than half an hour, the group arrived at the end of the passage, Qianyuanxing, the square where the Thousand Caves Conference was held previously.

It wasn't until they landed that the Red Immortal Lord, Xingyuan Immortal Lord and others calmed down, and they all looked at Zhang Yun in shock.

This is too fast!

Although the teleportation channel they took was the fastest one from Black Saturn to Qianyuan Star, even if many of their Immortal Lords worked together to release their immortal power to activate the teleportation pattern, it would still take nearly two hours to arrive at the fastest.

Now, it takes half an hour to arrive...

As expected of a master, this immortal power is already far ahead of them in all aspects!

The speed of their Qianyun Galaxy's transmission channel is determined by the intensity and density of the incoming immortal power.

Intensity is the level of immortal power. For example, if you incorporate top-level immortal power, your speed will naturally skyrocket. As for the density, it depends on the strength of the immortal.

The denser the immortal power that can be released, the stronger the immortal's immortal power and the higher the level of cultivation.

The density of the immortal power released can be regarded as a major basis for judging the strength of the immortal.

Give a simple example.

If an immortal energy ball is condensed by an Earth Immortal of the first level of the Immortal Realm, the immortal energy can only cover a circle on the surface of the ball at most.

But if a fairy comes, he can fill both the inside and outside of the energy ball with fairy power.

Comparing the two, naturally the energy ball filled with fairy power can produce even more amazing power!

The difference between ordinary immortals and immortal kings is the depth of their immortal power and their use of it.

Of course, exceptions like Zhang Yun also exist.

Because every major realm is achieved by cultivating to the peak realm, once he enters the fairy realm, the fairy power he possesses is naturally much richer than that of other immortals.

Coupled with his Supreme Immortal Qi, it is the condensed form of his Supreme Extreme Body Breakthrough, the fusion of Returned Qi and other energies.

It's stress-free to use.

This is also the reason why once he enters the fairyland, his combat power far exceeds that of the immortals in the same realm.

The more he breaks through to a higher realm, the more Zhang Yun discovers the benefits of the peak realm. Although the energy required for him to break through has increased significantly, what he gets in return is superb combat power!

This also made him understand why Ku Xian was so surprised when he learned that he was at the peak of his cultivation, and even suspected that he was a descendant of the Immortal Emperor.

Because the ability to practice at the pinnacle level is extremely rare even in the galaxy and universe.

"Master, this is the entrance to the Thousand Cave Secret Realm!"

At this time, Hong Xianjun and others opened a secret entrance deep in the square.

Zhang Yun looked up and stepped into it.

Now I came to Qianyuanxing just to check the seal that Hong Xianjun and others mentioned before.

Enter the secret realm.

Immortal consciousness swept away, and thousands of caves inside were reflected under the immortal consciousness.

Some of the caves inside are empty, but most of the caves contain ferocious beasts, and there is a special stone platform deep inside.

【Life-Eating Platform】

Introduction: The life-eating core fragments condensed by the ancient secret method "Immortal God's Life-Eating Technique" are differentiated.

This platform is connected to the Life-Eating Core, and will absorb the life force lost by nearby killed creatures before death and merge it into the Life-Eating Core.

"Ancient secret method?"

Scanning these stone platforms with the Immortal Eye Technique, Zhang Yun frowned.

Seeing him observing the stone platforms in these caves, Lord Hongxian introduced: "Master, the stone platforms in these caves are connected to the sealed storage space, and chance treasures will be sent out from time to time through these stone platforms!"


Hearing this, Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly narrowed: "Take this sect to see the sealed storage space!"

Hong Xianjun and others nodded and immediately took him deep into the secret realm.

The depths of the secret realm are covered by a huge barrier.

Hong Xianjun and others immediately cast a spell to open the barrier and explained: "Master, this is what we set up to prevent those juniors from entering by mistake!"

Zhang Yun nodded and looked inside the opened barrier.

There is a huge forest inside, and deep in the forest, there is a powerful sealing power.

Fly into it.

Soon he saw the source of the sealing power, which was a huge dark light shield covering an area in the center of the forest.

Zhang Yun tried to use the Immortal Eye Technique to check, but all he saw was blank.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, not surprised.

His Immortal Eye Technique has not been upgraded for a long time, and now he can only see through the existence below the Immortal Lord.

It cannot be seen through, which means that this seal is at least placed by a being at the level of the Immortal Lord.

Combined with the life-eating platform I just saw...

If you guessed correctly, the inside of this seal is not the storage space that Hong Xianjun and others mentioned, but the so-called life-eating core.

Such a powerful seal was specially made to hide this core, allowing it to silently absorb the life force in thousands of caves through the fragmented life-eating platform...

This Thousand Cave Secret Realm is by no means a training ground for ancient forces. It should be a place specially set up by a certain Immortal Lord or above to raise life-devouring cores.

"Let's test it out..."

Staring at the dark round mask in front of him, Zhang Yun raised his hand to gather a surge of supreme immortal energy and swung it forward.

"Sect Master, it's useless...well."

Seeing this, Hong Xianjun and others couldn't help but speak, but in the middle of the words, they all stopped talking.

I saw that this supreme immortal energy touched the dark round cover. It did not explode and disperse as expected, but penetrated directly.


Hong Xianjun and others opened their mouths in shock.

They spent countless efforts to break this seal, but to no avail. Now Zhang Yun saw the energy directly seeping into him?

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