Zhang Yun and Su Die immediately looked at the middle-aged man.

"These two breaths are a bit ethereal..."

The middle-aged man said and took out a purple compass.

【Tianji Compass】

Level: Purple Fate Level (will be improved according to bloodline)

Introduction: The star stone is fused with the magical power of heaven, made with the Caiyuan bloodline, and combined with special techniques to mobilize the power of the planet and track the qi...

Zhang Yun glanced at it and already knew about this in advance.

The disciples of Tiansuan Immortal Pavilion have a unique set of Caiyuan bloodline inheritance, and the color of the blood represents the ability of the disciples of Tiansuan Immortal Pavilion.

From low to high, they are divided into white edge level, purple edge level, gold edge level, black edge level and crystal edge level.

The black-haired middle-aged man in front of him is the second level of Zi Yuan.

Zhang Yun also wanted to find higher-level disciples of the Tianshu Immortal Pavilion, but those above the Jinyuan level basically gathered in those large galaxies.

"Please wait a moment, both of you!"

The black-haired middle-aged man said, his hands filled with purple divine power, and mysterious purple ripples emanating from his body that merged into the compass.

The compass 'hummed' glowed and started to rotate rapidly.

At this moment, Zhang Yun could feel that the entire Qianyuan Star was slightly undulating.

This is the planetary power of Qianyuanxing being mobilized.

However, unlike the power of the planet mobilized by the master of the Xingchi Sect in Chixing before, the black-haired middle-aged man now only uses the compass to mobilize the power of the planet for guidance.

The original leader of the Xingchi Sect merged his own Immortal Realm with Chixing, and used the power of the entire Chixing Planet as the power of his Immortal Realm.

This greatly increased the strength of the Xingchi Sect Master. As long as he was in Chixing, he could even fight against the Immortal Lord.

But there is a big flaw, that is, once the Immortal Realm is broken, there will be a violent backlash.

Zhang Yun's Immortal Eye World happens to be the nemesis in this regard.

Therefore, we had easily solved the Xingchi Sect Master before.

However, the other party's method still has many merits.

Seeing the black-haired middle-aged man mobilizing the power of the planet now gave him the idea that he could try to borrow the power of the planet later.


At this time, the black-haired middle-aged man suddenly spoke.

Zhang Yun and Su Die looked at him immediately.

But he didn't have time to speak.


The black-haired middle-aged man's body suddenly trembled, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

With a "peng" sound, the purple compass that mobilized the power of the planet exploded on the spot.


Another mouthful of blood gushed out from the black-haired middle-aged man, and he fell directly under the counter, unable to get up for a while.

Zhang Yun quickly stepped forward and pointed a finger at the middle-aged black-haired man's eyebrows, forcibly stabilizing the man's soul that was about to collapse.

The expression of the black-haired middle-aged man gradually stabilized.


But the whole face was covered with a fine layer of sweat, and he was panting heavily.

Zhang Yun asked in a deep voice: "What did you sense?"

"Terror exists!"

The black-haired middle-aged man said with fear in his eyes: "The person you are looking for has an extremely terrifying aura about him... I can't accept it! I can't accept your commission!!"

With that said, he handed back the storage ring just now.

Zhang Yun frowned.

Instead of accepting the storage ring, he asked: "Can you roughly determine what state the terrifying existence you mentioned is?"

"Immortal Lord...no!"

As soon as the black-haired middle-aged man spoke, he immediately shook his head and denied the answer, and said again: "Top Immortal Master! At least a top Immortal Master!!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The fourth, fifth and sixth levels of the fairyland are all called fairy masters. But only those who have reached the sixth level of the fairyland will be called the top fairy master!

He couldn't help but glance at Su Die.

Su Die looked confused.

In her eyes, her parents are only at the peak of their integration stage, these top immortal masters...

Zhang Yun patted Su Die on the shoulder, looked at the black-haired middle-aged man and asked: "If you let the Jinyuan-level beings in your Tiansuan Pavilion come, can you find a place?"


The black-haired middle-aged man shook his head without thinking, and said: "Even those at the Black Margin level may not be able to spy on this kind of existence. Only the Pavilion Masters at the Crystal Margin level can spy on it!"

After a pause, he glanced at the storage ring that Zhang Yun had confiscated in his hand, and then said: "If you want to confirm the location of the two people you are looking for, then go to our headquarters Tianpan Galaxy to find a few pavilion masters. They Only then can I help you!”

As he said that, he thought for a moment and took out a small purple token: "There is a coordinate on this token that can lead to an unnamed special planet, where there is the guide of our Tiansuan Pavilion.

As long as you pay a certain price, you can let them take you to the Tianpan Galaxy! "

"Thank you!"

Zhang Yun took the small purple token and handed over a storage ring containing Wansi's original energy.

The black-haired middle-aged man opened his mouth: "You have already given..."

"I will compensate you for the damage to your compass!"

Zhang Yun said this and took Su Die out of the attic.

Looking at the direction they left, the black-haired middle-aged man murmured: "Where did this immortal come from, so young..."

Thinking about it, he shook his head.

who cares!

Anyway, this kind of relationship with the top immortal master is not something he can come into contact with.

All in all, I earned 20,000 pieces of original energy!

In the sky of Puyuan City.

"Beauty Su, it's not like you to look so worried!"

Zhang Yun looked at Su Die, who was looking thoughtful, and hugged her waist directly: "It's just a top-level immortal master, don't worry. If we really encounter you, I will crush your husband in minutes!"

"Just blow it!"

Su Die rolled her eyes at him angrily, her frown relaxed, she leaned into Zhang Yun's arms and said, "Yun, that's it.

Since my parents have abandoned me and haven't come to see me for so long, they probably don't want to see me anymore. In this case, there is no need to go to them! "

Zhang Yun touched her hair: "Beauty Su, you can't think like this. My father-in-law and mother-in-law may have something unspeakable..."

"you idiot!"

Su Die glared at him.

Zhang Yun was confused.

Su Die said angrily: "I finally came up with an idea and stopped looking for it. If you say this again, aren't you going to shake my heart?"

Zhang Yun laughed, hugged Su Die and said softly: "Beauty Su, don't think so much. I will definitely help you find your father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Su Die looked at his gentle eyes and remained silent for a moment, but still didn't say anything more.

She rested her head gently on his arms, enjoying the solid chest.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly, attracted a white cloud from the sky next to him, stood among the clouds with Su Die in his arms, blew the breeze, and enjoyed this rare beauty.

Ding ding! !

But before enjoying it for two minutes, a sound broke the beauty.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly and threw the token aside.

But Su Die waved a wave of green flames to intercept the token and brought it back to him, "Don't make trouble, just take it!"

Zhang Yun shrugged.

Opened the token.

"Master, I suddenly received important news!"

As soon as it was opened, the voice of Qi Xianjun came out.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Qi Xianjun is responsible for managing important information in Qianyun Galaxy, and he is specifically notified now...

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is about to be held!"

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